Chapter 23: Macy moves in. (Quickie Chapter)

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A/N: Macy returns, plus a little explanation why she'll be here to stay, and no her mommy didn't die. Lets get started.

Dipper and Mabel are setting up a small toddler bed in Mabel's room because their cousin Macy is staying with them for a while.

"I can't believe Aunt Janice got sent to Korea," said Mabel.

"Well she is in the US Army," said Dipper.

"True," said Mabel.

Macy then runs in wearing her usual ensemble of a random shirt and diaper.

"I'm da queen of pwushie town," said Macy.

"Hey we just made that bed," said Mabel.

Macy starts jumping and laughing.

"Hey get off there you monkey," said Dipper.

Macy is still laughing as Mabel grabs the baby.

"Seriously stop it took us three days to make that bed for you," said Mabel, "Which is weird because potato salad takes the same amount of time."

"No it doesn't," said Dipper.

Macy stops jumping.

"Sowwy Mabew," said Macy.

"Hey it's okay, us girls are known to jump n a bed every once in a while," said Mabel.

"Is that why are bunk bed broke when we were 7?" Dipper asked.

"Hey I didn't know it was a bad idea to jump on the top bunk," said Mabel

"Kids dinner!" said Rachel from downstairs.

They all ran down to see Rachel make Macy's favorite, Macaroni and Cheese.

After dinner Rachel help put Macy into her pjs.

"Goodnight princess of plushieton palace," said Rachel.

Macy giggles as she cuddles up with her endless amount of plush toys.

A/N: So yeah Macy moved into the story, but she won't be in every chapter like throwing a new character in midway through the series as an unneeded comic relief. Okay see you next time.✌✌✌✌✌✌

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