Chapter 15: The Mabel x Xander Breakup

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A/N: Oh no! only scream you'll read why in a sec.

It's been 2 weeks since school has started, Dipper and Pacifica are doing great, Mabel and Xander on the other hand......well.

"Why won't yo just let it go?" Mabel asked.

"Because I think that idea is stupid a story where Mantel and Doppster finds a Baby version of Morty Smith," said Xander, "It messes with the continuity of everything."

"Oh please you just don't get it," said Mabel.

"No I get it, it's because you're a freaking IDIOT," said Xander.

Mabel then froze in shock.

"Get out!" said Mabel.

"What?" Xander asked.

"Get out, get out you psychopath, we are over," said Mabel, "Waddles Attack!"

Waddles then attacks Xander. He then runs out the house screaming.

"So long dickhead," said Mabel.

Mabel slams the door then screams into a nearby pillow.

Dipper then walks into the room.

"What happened?" Dipper asked.

"Xander called me an Idiot then I broke up with him," said Mabel.

"Man that sucks," said Dipper.

"I wished I hadn't met him," said Mabel.

"Unfortunately there's no way to do that, and you destroyed the mind eraser gun last summer," said Dipper.

"I regret that now," said Mabel.

"Well I know someone that can help," said Dipper.

Dipper dials a number on his iPhone.

"Wendy we got an emergency," said Dipper.

10 minutes later Wendy shows up at the twin's house.

"Man I've dated jerks before, but he apparently broke that list to people I know," said Wendy.

"I hate him so much," said Mabel under a blanket.

"Why are you under a blanket?" Dipper asked.

"Blanket universe is better than sweater town," said Mabel.

"She ain't wrong," said Wendy.

"What do I do to forget him?" Mabel asked.

"I recommend not to listen to Taylor Swift, she's a bad example since she dumped Calvin Harris for Loki," said Wendy

"Who cares she can't hold onto a relationship," said Mabel.

"I have a feeling in the future she's gonna start writing songs about one of her cats running away," said Dipper.

"No I would recommend one of these songs," said Wendy.

Wendy hands Mabel a list of songs.

"This one works," said Mabel.

An hour later Mabel is in her room.

"Ready waddles?" Mabel asked.

Waddles oinks with a sledgehammer in his mouth.

"Time to De-Xander this room," said Mabel.

Mabel hits the play button on her Pill speaker to play Kelly Clarkson's Since U Been Gone. (Song above)

Mabel starts throwing out a ton of her and Xander's stuff that they did together and even the Notebook 3 book she got from him.

"I got a second one of those anyway," said Mabel.

Mabel then takes them and place it into the backyard fire pit. Doses it in lighter fluid, lights a match and burns it all.

Wendy then extinguished the fire with the garden hose.

"Not like that, that's extreme," said Wendy.

"Whatever, I'm done with him, now time to rebound," said Mabel.

A/N: Boom another chapter done, alright sees yous guys next times. ⬅➰➿➰➿➰➿➰That's a Futurama reference.

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