Chapter 5: The First Date

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A/N: Time for the first date, lets get started.

Dipper is seen wearing a black t shirt, a red flannel bottom down, blue jeans, and a pair of white vans.

"Damn Dipper," said Mabel.

"Stop doing that Mabel, that meme got real old real fast," said Dipper.

"I know, I just do it to bug yah," said Mabel.

Mabel pokes his face while blowing a raspberry.

"Stop it please," said Dipper.

"Sorry, I'm just happy for you bro," said Mabel, "It's just I was hoping to finally get my summer romance this year."

"Oh Mabel, a wise man, who I forgot his name, once said that love is a mystery and can happen at anytime," said Dipper.

"Thanks Dipper," said Mabel.

They both awkward sibling hug.

"Pat, Pat," said the both.

An hour later Dipper picks up Pacifica, who was wearing a yellow tshirt, a pair of jean shorts and blue converse, and went to the restaurant.

"How could you afford this place?" Pacifica asked.

"Soos paid me a lot the other day," said Dipper.

The waiter then hands them their menus.

Dipper was looking around the menu, while Pacifica was having a hard time reading it.

"You okay?" Dipper asked.

"Nah I just need to look real close," said Pacifica.

"Do you need glasses or something?" Dipper asked.

"What Pfft no," said Pacifica.

"I can tell your lying, you nod your head no when you do," said Dipper.

"I do not," said Pacifica shaking her head no.

Dipper glares annoyingly.

"Holy crap I do," said Pacifica.

Pacifica then puts on a pair of glasses.

"Sorry, I never really told you I'm practically blind without my glasses," said Pacifica, "the northwest wouldn't let me wear them because they think I look hideous with them on."

"Actually, you look more beautiful than you did before," said Dipper.

Pacifica starts blushing.

"You know I never noticed that thing on your forehead before," said Pacifica.

"What are you..." Dipper said before being interrupt by Pacifica.

Pacifica lifts his bangs up to show his birthmark of the Big Dipper.

"That's cute," said Pacifica.

"Really? Because every girl I met said it was either weird or disgusting," said Dipper.

"Well I'm not like most girls," said Pacifica, "For crying out loud I still sleep with a plush of Winnie the Pooh........ don't tell anyone I said that."

"My lips are sealed," said Dipper.

They both laugh.

They then eat their meals. They started off with salad and fried zucchini. For their entrées, Dipper got the Spaghetti and Cheese and Bacon stuffed Meatballs, while Pacifica got the Fettuccine Alfredo with grilled chicken.

"Man these meatballs are good," said Dipper.

"I heard they bake them instead of frying it in grease," said Pacifica.

"That explains it," said Dipper.

After their dinner was paid they went to a nearby frozen yogurt place and got dessert and then head home.

"I had a really great tome tonight," said Pacifica.

"So did I, but I know a way to make it unforgettable," said Dipper.

Dipper then kisses Pacifica on the lips.

"Woah did you feel a spark?" said Pacifica.

"Yeah," said Dipper, "Did you?"

"Does this answer your question?"

Pacifica plants another kiss on Dipper's lips.

"I'll see you around," said Pacifica.

"Same," said Dipper, "See you later Paz!"

"Don't........actually never mind," said Pacifica.

They then both went to their respected homes.

When Dipper got home he opened up twitter on his phone to read something amazing.

@PazWR615: Best First Date Ever!!! #Blessed

Dipper then smiles happily.

A/N: Hoped you guys enjoyed the first date chapter. I'll see you gents and gals next time.

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