Chapter 20: Babysitting our Cousin

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A/N: A Baby sitting chapter. Lets get started.

Dipper was at home watching TV when his mom comes in.

"Hey mom," said Dipper.

"Hey sweetheart," said Rachel, "Look who's here."

Dipper looks at his mother to see her holding his 21 month old cousin Macy wearing a pink tshirt and a diaper.

"Oh hey Macy," said Dipper.

"Hiya Dippy," said Macy.

"Your Aunt wanted your cousin here for the weekend while she's in Seattle for a business trip," said Rachel.

"Shea's not sleeping in my room like last time is she?" Dipper asked.

"Oh shoot no," said Rachel, "She's with Mabel this time."

"Good," said Dipper.

"But can you watch her today?" Rachel asked, "I've got errands to run."

"Okay, I've got nothing to do since Pacifica had to go to the hospital because her mom got her foot stuck in the food processer," said Dipper, "Don't ask!"

"Wasn't going to," said Rachel.

Rachel places Macy on Dipper's bed.

"Be good to your cousin while Auntie is gone," said Rachel.

Rachel then leaves.

"Bye-bye," said Macy.

Macy then grabs Dipper's TV remote and start flipping through the channels.

"Woah sorry Macy," said Dipper as he grabbed the remote from the baby, "How about I do it for you."

Dipper turns it to Playhouse Disney as Winnie the Pooh started.

"Pooh beaw!" said Macy.

Macy start bouncing on Dipper's bed to the theme song.

"Woah stop that, you'll break my bed," said Dipper.

"Sowwy Dippy," said Macy.

"It's okay," said Dipper.

Dipper then starts tickling the little girl making her laugh.

"Uh-oh," said Macy, "I made wee-wee."

"Hold on a sec while I get you a fresh diaper," said Dipper.

Dipper leaves the room while Macy watches Winnie the Pooh.

"I'm Tigger, T-I-Double Guh-Er," said Tigger on TV.

Macy then laughs again.

Dipper comes back holding a fresh diaper then changes Macy.

"There you go," said Dipper.

"Catch me if you can," said Macy.

Macy then ran out of the room, with Dipper chasing after her.

"Come back here you little diaper butt," said Dipper.

"Diapee butt," said Macy.

Macy giggles while running. She ran into Mabel's room to see Mabel on her phone.

"Candy for the last time, stop setting me up, I'm taking a break from dating," said Mabel, "Plus doesn't Tim want to be a girl?"

Macy, obviously ignoring the conversation, grabs and hugs her large Pooh Bear plushie.

"Pooh beaw," said Macy.

Dipper walks in looking at Macy hugging the toy.

Macy then starts tearing up.

"What's wrong Macy?" Dipper asked.

"Why can't Pooh beaw and I do all da fun stuff wike on TV?" Macy asked.

Mabel comes up and hugs the baby.

"Macy, it's a cartoon, it's meant to be imaginary," said Mabel.

"But I want a weal Pooh Beaw," said Macy.

"Actually there is a way," said Dipper, "Mabel can yo watch her for a second while I go out for a second."

Dipper runs out to the backyard with a butterfly net and starts flinging it around until he catch something with it. That something is revealed to be a fairy.

"Dammit how did yo know my weakness?" the fairy asked.

"I used to watch fairly odd parents," said Dipper, "Before nickelodeon became the joke that it is today."

10 minutes later.

Macy is still hugging pooh bear when Dipper came in holding a glass jar with a sparkly substance.

"Wha dat?" Macy asked.

"Fresh fairy dust," said Dipper.

"Wait are you doing what I think your doing?" Mabel asked.

"Yep," said Dipper.

Dipper sprinkles the dust on the stuffed toy. After a few seconds, the toy came to life.

"Oh bother," said Pooh.

"POOH BEAW!" said Macy.

Macy ran up and gave the silly old bear a hug.

Pooh gave her a hug back.

"Where was this stuff when we were her age?" Mabel asked.

"I know right," said Dipper.

An hour later while Pooh and Macy were playing patty cake, pooh returned to his old nonmoving huggable self.

Macy starts crying.

"Sorry Macy, but the effects of the fairy dust is temporary," said Dipper.

"Aw noodles," said Macy.

Dipper then hands her the jar of fairy dust.

"But you can use it whenever you feel like you need a hug from the silly old bear," said Dipper.

Macy gave Dipper a hug.

"Tank you Dippy," said Macy.

Dipper then smells a foal odor.

"Uh-oh," said Macy, "I made stinky."

"Mabel it's your turn," said Dipper.

A/N: Cute chapter I know. See you next time.

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