Chapter 38: Sparks Fly

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Time for the fireworks to go off.

Dipper and Pacifica are seen waking up in their hotel room, at the Saratoga Springs Resort. (My family has a timeshare there its a beautiful hotel at Disney World)

"Oh I had an amazing dream I was at Disney World with an extremely beautiful girl," said Dipper, "Oh wait its real dreams do come true."

"Really because my dream involved us being attacked by Kanye West until one of the happy hippos from Fantasia fell and landed on him," said Pacifica, "The Taylor Swift came in and said, 'Who has one of the best videos of all time now?'"

*Awkward silence*

"Its sad people haven't got over that after 7 years," said Dipper.

"I'm gonna get some yogurt," said Pacifica, "Want one?"

"Blue Raspberry Greek please," said Dipper.

"Kk," said Pacifica.

After breakfast they went to back to Magic Kingdom.

"I wish we could've gone to Hollywood Studios," said Pacifica, "But I rather wait until they finish up the Star Wars and Toy Story lands."

"True," said Dipper.

Once they walked into the park, Dipper immediately gets a soft pretzel. While Pacifica rolls her eyes.

"What's with my boyfriend and pretzels?" Pacifica asked.

They then went towards fantasyland and went on the Winnie the pooh ride. (Video Below)

"Aw that ride was so cute," said Pacifica.

"Alright, what do you want to do next?" Dipper asked.

"I don't know, the sun is going down so, maybe get a spot for the fireworks," said Pacifica.

"Great idea," said Dipper, "Probably after dinner."

They then towards, Tony's Town Square Restaurant.

"You know this restaurant is inspired by the same restaurant from Lady and the Tramp," said Dipper.

"You know a lot of Disney," said Pacifica.

"You can thank Mabel for that," said Dipper.

Pacifica takes out her phone and sends Mabel a quick text.

Meanwhile in Hawaii:

Mabel is on the beach laying on a beach chair wearing her red star swimsuit, sunglasses, and a sunhat. She feels her phone vibrate. She checks it to see a text from Pacifica.

"Thanks for teaching Dipper a ton of Disney trivia," Pacifica texted.

"Oh ho they're enjoying their couples vaca I see," said Mabel.

"Can I stop this now?" Xander asked waving a giant leaf to cool Mabel off.

"No," said Mabel.

Xander groans in agony.

"If you weren't cute I would swim back to Oregon," said Xander, "I hate chores."

Back to Disney.

Dipper and Pacifica are at the restaurant enjoying their meals. They both got the same thing, Spaghetti and Meatballs.

"Wanna try the kissing scene?" Pacifica asked.

Dipper raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"The famous scene from the movie this restaurant was based off of," said Pacifica.

"Oh right," said Dipper, "It's been forever since Mabel forced me to watch it."


"It was before her boy crazy phase," said Dipper.

"Ah, make sense," said Pacifica.

They then proceed to pull off the famous kissing scene right at their table. Everyone at the restaurant aww'd.

"Get back to you own meals people," said Pacifica.

After dinner, Dipper got a sundae for him and Pacifica to share for the fireworks.

The fireworks start going off and they start snuggling to the music and the pyrotechnic amazingness.

They then kiss as the big finale happens.

"Now that's how you end a vacation with a bang," said Dipper

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"Now that's how you end a vacation with a bang," said Dipper.

That's the end of the Disney chapters, next two chapter will have suspense for the big finale, before I get started on the sequel. Okay see you next time.

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