Chapter 9: Mabel can be your girlfriend.

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A/N: Mabel finally finds love. Lets get started.

Mabel is on her bed playing around on her iPhone.

"Siri how old do you have to be to join tinder?" Mabel asked.

"You have to be at least 18 years of age to use Tinder, Sorry Mabel," said Siri.

"Ugh, it's like every app is against me," said Mabel.

Dipper and Pacifica walk by seeing Mabel screaming into a pillow.

"Uh-oh Mabel's upset," said Dipper.

"How can yo tell?" Pacifica asked.

"She usually screams into her mint green pillow when she's upset," said Dipper.

"This doesn't smell like mint," said Mabel.

Waddles runs out of the room in fear.

"Probably a mix of that plus a period," said Pacifica.

"My month was up two days ago," said Mabel.

"Gross," said Dipper, "TMI."

Mabel walks towards them.

"I need help getting a guy," said Mabel.

"What about that date you went on a few weeks ago?" Pacifica asked.

"He made me pay for everything, and made me change his diaper," said Mabel.

Dipper and Pacifica looked confused.

"Don't ask," said Mabel.

"We weren't going to," said Pacifica.

"We'll help on one condition," said Dipper.

"Fine I'll give you your 3DS back," said Mabel as she hands I'm a Pikachu 3DS. (I have the same thing)

"Thank you," said Dipper.

An hour later they were at the mall.

"There are a strange amount of weird vending machines," said Dipper, "Seriously who wants a hot dog from a box?"

"That has never really come up from anyone," said Pacifica.

Mabel spots a boy with blue emo hair is seen walking into Edgy On Purpose.

"Try it out with that guy over there," said Pacifica.

"I'll try," said Mabel.

Mabel walks up to the guy.

"I already have a girlfriend just to let you know," said the guy.

Mabel walks away from the guy.

"Why are all the cute guys taken or gay?" Mabel asked.

"Not all of them," said Pacifica.

"I'm taken," said Dipper.

"I know my caramel cheesecake," said Pacifica, "wow that pet name was horrible."

"No doubt," said Dipper.

"Maybe I need a montage to help me out," said Mabel.

"That works," said Pacifica, "Hopefully you can find your red velvet ice cream cupcake. Right after we get a bite to eat, I skipped breakfast today."

(Listen to the song above while reading the montage, it fits well.)

Mabel is talking to a guy when a giant eagle steals the guy.

"I'm not interested," yelled the guy.


Mabel then is flirting with a boy with black hair in a purple hoodie. The boy walks away awkwardly. Mabel then facepalms.


Mabel is talking to a guy wearing all white.

"You do realize I'm a ghost right?" said the guy.

"I'm not falling for that again," said Mabel.

"But I am," said the guy.

The guy disappears.


Mabel is talking to a Asian guy on a bench.

The boy uses sign language, "You do realize that I'm deaf."

Mabel uses the same thing, "OMG I'm so sorry."

Mabel walks away.


Mabel dances around a guy with white hair and an orange shirt on

"I think I just hit puberty," said the guy with a cracking voice, "Mommy!"

The boy runs away screaming.

Mabel starts pouting.

(End of montage)

"Ugh this is hopeless," said Mabel.

"Relax Mabel you're just having a rough day," said Dipper.

"We could always try tomorrow," said Pacifica.

"Just forget it guys, I'm going to panda express," said Mabel, " I'm going to bury my sorrows in fortune cookies."

Mabel then walks to Panda Express.

"Welcome to panda express how may I take you order?" the worker asked.

"I'll take an order of the Honey Sesame Chicken, Chow Mein, the cream cheese rangoons, and a fortune cookie please," said Mabel.

"Rough day?" the worker asked.

"Yeah," said Mabel.

"Okay that will be $13.76," said the worker.

Mabel hand the worker the money, gets her food and sits down at a table.

A boy with a Spiderman ski cap wearing a Deadpool tshirt walks up to her.

"Tough day?" the boy asked.

"Yeah I was looking for a new boyfriend but I failed miserably," said Mabel.

"I know how you feel, my girlfriend just dumped me over the phone a minute ago," said the boy, "I'm Xander by the way."

"Mabel," said Mabel.

"Honey sesame chicken, that's my usual here," said Xander.

"Same here," said Mabel.

They chat for a while.

"I gotta head off," said Xander, "But we should hang out some time."

Xander writes his phone number on Mabel's wrist.

"I'll see you around," said Xander.

"Bye," said Mabel.

Xander then leaves.

"I think today was my day after all," said Mabel.

Mabel opens up twitter and types in a message.

@MabelTheKitten831: Looks like I got my grove back #RandomDancePartyForNoReason

A/N: Aw Mabel found the one, which has the same name as me, I didn't make it my name as an ego boost I'm just out of names. Okay see you guys later.

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