Chapter 21: Girlfriend meets Baby Cousin

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A/N: Short chapter warning let's get started.

Dipper is currently playing with Macy, his baby cousin.

Macy places a blanket on her.

"Boo I'm a ghost," said Macy.

Macy starts tackling Dipper making him laugh, just as the door bell rings.

"Sorry Macy I got to get that," said Dipper.

"Okie Dokie," said Macy.

Dipper walks up to the door to see Pacifica.

"My mom got her foot fixed," said Pacifica.

"Good I need a smooch session," said Dipper.

"Dippy who's dat?" Macy asked.

"Macy this Pacifica, my girlfriend," said Dipper, "Pacifica this is Macy, my cousin."

Macy walks up to Dipper.

"She's pwetty," Macy whispered.

"I know," Dipper whispered.

Pacifica giggled.

"She's adorable," said Pacifica.

"Who wants ice cream?" Dipper asked.

"Me, Me, Me," said Macy.

Everyone went into the kitchen and Dipper starts scoping oreo ice cream into some cones.

"One for Macy," said Dipper.

"Tank you," said Macy.

"One for Pacifica," said Dipper.

"Thank you," said Pacifica.

"And one for me," said Dipper.

They ate their ice cream and start playing hide and seeking, with Macy seeking.

Macy found Dipper in the couch cushions.

"To be fare I always lost at this game," said Dipper.

They then searched around until they went into the bathroom.

Dipper looked the cupboard while Macy checked the toilet.

"I don't think she's in there Macy," said Dipper, "Though that would be impressive."

"I nevew using dat," said Macy, "I wike my diapees."


They turn around and open the shower curtain to see her in the bathtub.

"Beginners mistake," said Pacifica.

They all laugh.

A/N from special guest Mabel: Hey it's Mabel, Xander's tired right now so he let me write the ending Authors Note for this chapter. anyway yes Macy is cute, heck she's cuter than me, I'm not afraid to admit that. Okay I'll be in the next chapter, hopefully with a new boyfriend.

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