Chapter 10: Wendy returns to work.

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A/N: I'll take a cheeseburger with large fries... wait this isn't the drivethru, oh well, enjoy the chapter while I go get something to eat.

Dipper and Mabel are currently working at the Mystery Shack. Dipper is on the work phone while Mabel is at the cash register.

"Okay so the new portapottys will be delivered tomorrow? Okay see you then," said Dipper.

"What kind of an idiot blows up an outhouse?" Mabel asked.

"Robbie," said Dipper.

"Oh right," said Mabel.

Just then someone walked through the door.

"Sup dorks."

"Wendy," said the twins.

They both ran up to the red head.

"Man I can't you guys are living here now, this place literally sucked without you guys here," said Wendy, "Not as bad as any Adam Sandler movie but still."

"So hows the bones doing?" Mabel asked.

"Well my arm is all healed, but my leg is still busted," said Wendy, "But I got one of those walking cast on my leg so I can go back to work."

"Oh by the way, I giving this back to you," said Dipper handing Wendy her old hat.

"Good it feels weird wearing your hat," said Wendy, "Also don't write your name in it, plus I didn't know it's Mason." (Officially confirmed in Journal 3 in stores now)

"I don't like to talk about, I still prefer Tyrone," said Dipper.

"You keep saying that brobro," said Mabel. 

After a while they were having a bite to eat.

"Wendy what are you eating?" Mabel asked.

"It's a veggie burger," said Wendy, "Nate dared me to go vegan for a week. The food is a little odd in my opinion."

"How are the others doing?" Dipper asked.

"Tambry and Robbie broke up, Tambry then went out with Nate, who is now a vegan after being turned into a hot dog last summer, oh and Lee and I are dating."

"What about Robbie and Thompson?" Mabel asked.

"Robbie is in Jail, he messed with state property last week," said Wendy, "And Thompson moved out of town because his parents got a new job in Utah."

"Why am I not surprised that he's in jail?" Dipper asked.

"I wasn't either, he did that crazy idea because of Tambry breaking up with him because he's a sociopath," said Wendy.

Wendy takes a bite of her food.

"Oh by the way how are you and Pacifica doing?" Wendy asked.

"Great actually, I sang a song for her on Skype and gave her the best first date of her life," said Dipper.

"Yeah, yeah, enough Dipcifica news," said Mabel.

"Dipcifica?" Wendy asked.

"It's Mabel's ship name for her and me," said Dipper.

"Anyway I officially got a new boyfriend," said Mabel, "His name is Xander Sanchez, no relation to Rick Sanchez before you ask." (My last name isn't Sanchez I just don't feel comfortable using my real last name on here.)

"Nice," said Wendy.

"He actually writes Gravity Rises fan fiction on wattpad," said Mabel, "He wrote a 20 part story where Doppster and Atlantica have a baby at 16."

"That's one way to keep teen pregnancy down," said Dipper, "I hope."

After lunch the twins headed off.

"See yah doofs later," said Wendy.

"Later Wendy," said the twins.

When they got home Dipper went on his Surface tablet and scrolled through the town's website.

"Huh couples talents show Friday night," said Dipper, "I think I know what our next date will be."

A/N: Okay hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'll see you guys next time, peace✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌

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