Chapter 18: Talent Show Audition

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A/N: This is another songfic. Let's get started.

Dipper is sitting outside the auditorium strumming his guitar.

"This is a little different without Pacifica," said Dipper, "Why must she be sick this week? Oh right, she got food poisoning from Chipotle......... I'm surprised they didn't go out of business yet."

Dipper goes back to plucking the strings on the guitar.

"Mason Pines to stage," said announcer, "I repeat Mason Pines to stage."

"It's Dipper actually," said Dipper.

"Whatever," said the announcer.

Dipper walks in and onto the stage facing 3 judges.

"My name is Dipper Pines and I'm performing "Let It Go" by James Bay," said Dipper, "It's the one that's not from Frozen."

"Well that's a change from half the people today," said Judge A.

"Proceed," said Judge B.

(Video below)

"The results will be posted outside the office in 2 weeks," said Judge C.

One Week Later.

Dipper, Mabel, and Pacifica were walking towards the school.

"And I was like, there's no W in Mabel," said Mabel.

"Yeah well no one at Starbucks knows how to speel," said Pacifica.

"Don't you mean spell?" Dipper asked.

"I know what I said, that place is the reason I switched to Dunkin Donuts," said Pacifica. (By the way I hate Starbucks with a burning passion, I can't stand that place, it's full of annoying people and the occasional hipster, if you like Starbucks........ I'm not sorry)

They walk into the school to see a crowd of kids over by the main bulletin board near the office.

"Oh right talent show call back list is up today," said Pacifica.

"Mabel can yo hold on to my Kickstart for a second?" Dipper asked.

"No problem bro-bro," said Mabel.

Dipper hands her his morning Mountain Dew and runs through the wall of students to get a glimpse of the bulletin board. Dipper makes it through.

"Where's my socks, and how did they take them without taking my shoes off?" Dipper asked.

Dipper looks at his hands to see his socks.

"This place is messed up," said Dipper.

Dipper looks at the bulletin board to see his name on the list.

"I got in, I GOT IN!" shouted Dipper.

Dipper gets a surprise hug from Pacifica.

"I knew you would make it," said Pacifica.

"Well only one thing to do," said Mabel, "RANDOM DANCE PARTY FOR SOME REASON!"

They all start dancing.

A/N: Only Mabel would end it off with a dance party. Okay see you next time. 

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