Chapter 11: A Couples Duet.

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A/N: Slight continuation of the end of the last chapter.

Dipper was strumming his guitar while Pacifica was warming up her vocals while walking towards the town center.

"Me mah me moo, me moo me mah," sang Pacifica.

"I seriously hope we win," said Dipper, "Even though the prize is just a year supply of Pringles."

"I don't care I like Pringles," said Pacifica.

When they got to town center, they see nothing is set up for the show.

"Where is everybody?" Dipper asked.

Just then Mayor Tyler Cutebiker came by whistling.

"Mayor what happened to the talent show?" Pacifica asked.

"It got cancelled," said Tyler, "apparently the judge was extremely homophobic that he wouldn't allow same sex couples to be in the show. The police did not take that lightly and sent him to jail."

"So what now?" Dipper asked.

"I don't know, whatever you like I guess, sorry," said Tyler, " Now I gotta get back to Pokemon Go. I gotta Catch'em, Catch'em!"

Tyler walks away.

"Still a better mayor than Stan would be," said Dipper.

Dipper and Pacifica walk to the near by froyo shop where Mabel and Xander were.

"Man all that work for nothing," said Pacifica.

"That sucks dude," said Xander.

"Why must homophobia plague this country?" Pacifica asked.

"Because it's run by old men who believe we're still in the 1940's," said Mabel, "We don't have the right to make yo sandwiches, make it yourself."

"This makes me glad I'm able to make my own food," said Xander, "Mainly because I love to cook and loyal to a fault....... and I also hate Nickelback."

"What song were you two going to sing anyway?" Mabel asked.

"We were going to do everything has changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran," said Dipper, "Why are you asking?"

"Why don't you guys do it here?" Mabel asked.

"I don't know if it's a good idea," said Pacifica.

"Let's give it a try," said Dipper.

Dipper starts strumming his guitar. (Song below)

While singing everyone walked into the froyo shop and watched the couple's performance.

After they were done singing everyone cheered for them.

"If the talent show didn't get cancelled, you guys would've won," said Mabel.

"Would Have won," said Xander, "Sorry I'm a bit of a grammar police."

A/N: If yo haven't guessed it, the Xander character is my way of Roasting myself, comedy roasting not the food kind. Okay see you next time.

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