Chapter 40: Lost at Sea (Finale part 2, the final chapter)

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This is it, lets get started. After I get some tacos, me hungry.

3 months ago:

Mabel and Xander are seen exiting Honolulu International Airport.

'They could of let us out with a 12 pack of Cinnabon," said Mabel.

"Stupid TSA, it's called a Bezazzler it's not a gun," said Xander.

"I really wonder what they do with the nyarf guns they took from that 9 year old," said Mabel.

"Hopefully better than what they would do with the same guy who had a vape in the shape of pacman ghost," said Xander.

"What are we going to do now?" Mabel asked.

"I know a way," said Xander.

20 minutes later they are exiting a train station.

"Please note I said I'm kind of a genius," said Xander.

"No offence Xander, but Macy is smart enough to know that you can't take a train out of Hawaii," said Mabel.

"Try telling Sheldon Cooper that," said Xander.

"He's not real and his actual name is Jim Parsons," said Mabel.

"I know that," said Xander, "I know a lot of big bang theory trivia."

They walk to the beach.

"Welp looks likes we'll have t swim our way back to Gravity Falls," said Mabel.

Xander looked at her with a confused expression.

"What did your ex do to your mind?" Xander asked.

"Okay first of all, Mermando was a crush, mainly because I've been told mermaids need to eat 30 meals a day," said Mabel, "And secondly all that happened was a kiss, nothing else. Also you're a way better kisser."

"Well I do use a lot of mountain dew chapstick," said Xander.

"Oh that explains why I always taste citrus when we kiss," said Mabel.

"Anyway, since that train idea failed, I got something while you went to the bathroom at CVS," said Xander.

Xander pulls a small ripcord package out of his pocket. Pulls the ripcord and throws the packages into the water to turn into a raft with paddles.

"Wow that works, might take us a few weeks to get back but still," said Mabel.

"Lets get in," said Xander.

"Hold on one sec I got to ask a native something," said Mabel.

"I already know what you're gong to ask, and no they don't eat Hawaiian Pizza," said Xander, "And they didn't eve make it, Canada did." (that is true, also it explains the Canadian bacon on it, btw no offence Canada I think you're an awesome country, except that you invented Justin Bieber, even you guys got to admit that's the thing you guys aren't proud of)

"I knew it," said Mabel.

They get into the raft and start pedaling.

"Gravity Falls here we come," said Mabel.

"Oh I also got something for yah called smile dip," said Xander.

Mabel froze.

"Get rid of it immediately," said Mabel.

"Why?" Xander asked.

"You don't want to know," said Mabel.

One month later.

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