Chapter 1

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Bella's P.O.V.

"Freak!!!!!" Someone yells at me as I walk down the hallway. I get this all the time and I'm kind of used to it now. It only happens on the first day of school because everyone is excited to be back and they start scoping out people that will be fun to pick on. I always get messed with on the first day because I'm the shy girl that nobody knows and all so it only lasts a day because they forget about me like I like it. I don't like to draw attention to myself because people will figure out that I'm Charlie's daughter and I don't want to be called 'The Chief's Daughter' I don't want to be called that because dad and I don't get along that well. He wants me to hang out with people and do stuff with them and I just don't want to. Plus people would think that they had to be nice to me since my dad is so awesome and all.

I keep walking down the hallway and I can here the whispers that people are saying about me. All the hateful names that I get called when they think I can't here but honestly they need to learn how to whisper because they suck at it. I can here them from ten lockers down and I don't want to tell you what they were saying. I reach my locker and notice that I will be having a locker buddy or someone that has the locker by mine. I always pick the locker that nobody goes by so I'm kind of surprised that someone is by me this year. All I can hope for is that they respect my space.

The bell just rung signalling first hour is about to start so I rush to it. My locker is on the opposite side of the building to first hour so I have to jog to get there on time. I make it into the classroom with a second to spare. The teacher gives me a look and tells me to go sit down so naturally I go to the last desk in the classroom that's in the corner. Oh yeah forgot to tell you this but I in English III. I'm a senior and so I just chose this class to take.

The class was boring like always on the first day and now I'm on my second hour class which is Chemistry. I'm pretty good at science in general so I'm planning on straight A's in this class. As I reach the room something is different, it feels like there are people staring at me but when I look around nobody is even looking in the general direction of me. Huh, that was weird it was different from everyone else's stare that I have grown used to. I guess I should tell you guys now that I'm actually really fit and work out with my free time so I have a six pack of abs and everyone doesn't really know if I'm a boy or girl because I wear baggy clothes and I keep a baseball cap on at all times so my hair is never seen.

Once I sit down in my usual spot I notice that there are a few new people this year. One of the males are absolutely huge and looks like he takes steroids, the other male is kind of scrawny compared to the other one but has nice hair, and finally a girl with a pixie style haircut and she seems really energetic and happy like all the time. As I'm studying them I notice how they all have pale skin and honey gold eyes, oh and they are flawless.

The bell rings bringing me out of my thoughts of the new people and I hurry off to my next class World History. This class I just get bored in and never pay attention in class but make straight A's anyway. I guess I absorb the knowledge while zoning out. When I walk in this class I get that same weird feeling again of being watched but ignore it until I get to my seat to look around. Once I'm seated I notice another new student but not from the ones I saw last hour, this boy was smaller build but had great posture and shaggy dirty blonde hair, also he has the same thing as the others except he has a pained expression on his face. I study him for the remainder of the hour and then the bell rings.

When I was walking out of the class someone trips me and I fall face first into the ground with all my stuff falling to the ground. I look up and see the guy I was studying from the hour before come out and look at me sadly.

"Here let me help you out," he says as he grabs my stuff off the ground," oh and I'm Jasper by the way."

I stand up and he hands me my stuff and I just walk away, I know it's rude to do that but I don't want him to think I want to be friends with him now.

After having Algebra III, lunch, FACS, and Personal Finance is was finally time for gym which was also the last hour of school. I knew that as soon as I walked into the locker room I had the same feeling of being watched so I looked around and still nothing. My eyes did land on another new student and I couldn't help but stare at her. She had blonde hair and a body that girls would kill for but also had what the other kids had, pale skin and honey gold eyes. I decidedthat I needed to get dressed before anyone else got into the locker room so I wouldn't be stared at. I hurriedly got changed into the outfit that everyone wears here, gray shorts and a tee shirt, and ran out to the gym floor. The gym teacher lets me wear my hat in here because she doesn'treally care.

Once I get to the gym floor I get that same weird feeling again and I turn to see the blonde girl standing behind me getting ready to tap my shoulder.

"Hi I'm Rosalie an..." Coach cut her off and I was so thankful. I didn't want any friends and now two of the new kids have come to me and told me their names. I don't know what to do so I try to ignore them.

Gym was what you would expect because nothing changes here so after we did our exercises we got to do whatever we wanted as long as it was active. I chose to jog around the gym while everyone either did volleyball or basketball. After the bell rang to dismiss us to go home I ran to the locker rooms and changed before anyone could see me and made my way out to my dirt bike that I drive to school.

On my dirt bike was my leather jacket and my helmet so I put them on and slide my backpack onto my back and started it up. It roared to life and I love the sound of it. I get out of the school parking lot and make my way home so I can rest and get ready for school tomorrow. One of the things I'll be thinking about tonight will be the weird feeling I get about the new kids that I learned are all related and are Cullens.

New story here and I'd love to have people give me ideas so please comment and if you want you can vote but it doesn't bother me. Hope you enjoyed and until next time.

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