Chapter 22

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Bella's P.O.V.

After my not so pleasant sleep, Esme and I walk down the stairs and I see the whole family, except for Rose. I walk over to Emmett and wrap him in a hug, then I walk to Edward and do the same. I walk over to Alice and Jasper and hug them with all my might. Finally I walk over to Carlisle and hug him. I lean up close to his ear and say, "sorry I took Esme from you last night, I just really needed her."

He looks at me and gives me a good but gentle hug back. "Its okay Bella, I know and I'm glad she could help you."

With that I let him go and walk over to Esme. I don't really have anything that I could do to show her how much what she did last night meant for me. So the best thing that I could think of was to hug her and kiss her cheek. I know it doesn't sound like much but it's the best that I could do. She smiles and picks me up and walks me to the kitchen. She pulls out a seat for me and fixes me a heaping pile of food and I dig in.

Alice's P.O.V.

Bella looked really tired this morning. After she gave us all a hug and told Carlisle that we all just looked at her as she hugged and kissed Esme on the cheek. She had dark circles under her eyes and she looked so frail. It looks like if you dropped her she would turn into dust.

I looked at Carlisle after they left to the kitchen and he had nothing but concerned written all over his face. He rushed upstairs and was back in a second with an old book in his hands and flipped to a page.

After looking at it for a minute, he looked up and the concern expression was even worse. "If we don't find Rose soon, Bella's going to die. I knew that as soon as she walked by me and hugged me something was up. It says in the book about the legend of her and Rose, that if one of them is missing tragically the one left behind will die in three days."

He looks at all of us and it's clear that it's not going to take three days for Bella. She used her powers alot yesterday and now it has sped up the process of three days, it will take more like two days at most or sooner.

We all look at each other and split off into groups. We are now officially hunting our best to find our sister.

Esme's P.O.V.

Bella woke up this morning after barely getting any sleep last night and I hate to say it but she looks like the walking dead. She looks like that at any second she could lean over and die on me. So I decided that a good breakfast should help her out.

I could a butt load of food and pushed in front of her face and she dug in. After five minutes of eating she started coughing and not like the kind where you have a tickle in your throat, the kind that sounds like theres fluid in your lungs.

Once I hear this I call Carlisle immediately and tell him to get to the house now. I start rubbing circles on her back trying to soothe her but it's not working. I decide that I'd get her some water to drink and it wasn't the best of ideas. She starts to throw up her food that she just ate.

I pick her up and run with her to the bathroom and sit her next to the toilet. I grab her hair and rub her back so that she doesn't get any in it.

Carlisle finally shows up with his doctor badly in hand and he doesn't look to good. I vampire whisper to him. "What's wrong, please help her the poor thing can't keep anything down and it sounds like fluid is in her lungs."

"The legend says that if something tragic happens to one of the girls that the other one has only three days to live. Since Bella used her power alot yesterday it has shortened her time limit to two days at tops. Her body is shutting down on her so we have to find Rose, that's the only way we can help her."

Esme looks horrified but continues to help her daughter.

Unknown P.O.V.

The family is getting closer I can here them. I can't wait till they see what the blonde goddess looks like.

Edward's P. O. V.

Carlisle contacted me and told me about Bella's condition. He told us to disable the person that took her and rush Rose back to the house and fast. I relay this information to Emmett and he looks heartbroken. He needs Bella just as much as Bella needs Rose right now.

I catch a scent that is like Rose's and follow it. I call Alice and them and tell them to meet up with us. Once they got to where we were we took off again and followed the scent.

Once we reach to where th scent gets stronger we see that it is in a barn or shed thing in the middle of the woods. Emmett takes off full force and bursts through the wooden door and into the room. The last person we expected was there.

James was there. He used to be apart of our Coven.

Can anybody say plot twist, well I guess that wasn't the word I was looking for. Anyway I'm glad you guys like it, well I hope you like it. Thanks for voting and commenting and all of that good stuff. Anyway I'm sorry about the mistakes that are most likely in this chapter I'll try to go back and fix them later. Also sorry that this chapter is shorter than the others. Anyway have a good night/day. Hoped you enjoy.

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