Chapter 23

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Alice's P.O.V.

Well I guess that it's bad to say that i dont always see some of the future and this was one of those times. James was here and when I looked over to Rose she was in a pain daze. She didn't have any arms anymore and I'm pretty sure I saw her foot out in the front of this place. I look back to James and he's smiling at us.

"Now now now you didn't think you would get rid of me that easily did you. I told you that I always get what I want and I got it. Don't she look good like that. She can't even fight back. Anyway I was expecting you to be here soon and I was ready for you. I want us to all go back to the house and we can discuss some things." Said James.

I start saying in my mind so that Edward could read me 'that's a great plan we have to get Rose home now and it will be best for the whole family to witness what will happen.'

Edward looks at me and nods his head. "Sure James lets go back to the house but Rose is going to have to come with us."

"Of course she's going to go with us. I know how you Cullens work. If I didn't take her with us you would have called somebody and told them where she was so that they could come and get her. I'm not stupid." Says James ending it with a laugh.

"We are also going to need all of her body parts." Says Edward.

I look over to see Emmett getting angrier and he's about to lose his cool. I look to my darling Jasper and nod at him. Emmett instantly calms down and starts to listen to the things that's going on.

James is by Rose and is getting her ready to be moved. Rose just looks fears and it hurts me to see her like this. Rose never looks vulnerable but that is exactly what she looks like now.

"I'm going to call Carlisle and tell him that we are coming." I say. They all nod and I run outside to where they can't here me.

"Carlisle we found her and James is the one that took her. She looks pretty bad." Just then I hear someone in the background getting sick.

"Oh good that's very good. Try to hurry and get here as soon as you can because Bella isn't going to make it too much longer if you don't hurry. She is starting to throw up blood. It has me extremely worried. The only good thing that will happen to her is when you get Rose here and Esme will carry her down the stairs. As soon as Bella sees Rose she will almost instantly turn defensive and will kill the person that did this." Said Carlisle.

"Sure thing, we will try to leave in the next minute. Will you do me a favor real fast though."

"Yeah sure what is it."

"Will you try to find something to hide her scent. James doesn't know about her and if he smells her he will run off with Rose."

"Yeah I'll find something to cover up her scent." There's some shuffling in the background. "Just hurry its getting worse."

With that said the lines go dead and I'm standing there nervous and anxious.

I run to the shed and see that everything is ready to take off so we do. I let Edward go over the conversation that I just had with Carlisle and he now looks nervous.

Please let us get to the house before its too late.

Esme's P.O.V.

I heard everything that Alice was telling my husband and couldn't help but get angry again. James is the cause for this poor girl throwing up her guts and for hurting my daughters. I can't wait till Bella gets better after seeing Rose so that she could kick his but and kill him.

Just then Bella starts crying and she has blood running down her face from her tears. Carlisle immediately hangs up the phone and is by me in an instant. He starts to look her over and he frowns.

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