Chapter 15

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Bella's P.O.V.

It's been two weeks since I was attacked by Mike Newton and I'm just now getting better. The cut is finally healed and I feel better in general. One thing though, I haven't seen Mike since then. Also I'm kind of afraid to be alone in my house because of what he did.

I went to school the day after it happened and I didn't see him anywhere. I also basically moved into the Cullen's house since then. They gave me my own room but I don't really use it because I don't like to be alone. I hang out with Rose alot.

Rose. Just saying her name makes me happy and it's the same for her. I sleep in her room with her and we cuddle. It kind of sucks that she can't sleep because I think she would look adorable with bedhead. Anyway my life is finally getting on the right track.

"Hey Bella do you want to go to the mall tomorrow," asked Alice smiling.

I just sigh and agree because she's already seen me saying yes and going with her.
"Sure but what for?"

"Oh you know stuff."

"Oh okay yeah I guess."

With that she hugs me and skips up the stairs to where I'm guessing her and Jasper's room. We have also gotten closer and I like it. I've never had friends and with me having some now I love it. I also don't have to wear baggy clothes around them anymore. I decided that they were going to see me one time, especially Alice, and they probably already figured it out. I'm not ashamed of my body so I don't care for them to see it. I still wear the baggy clothes to school though because I don't want them to start paying attention to me.

"Hey Bella what do you want for dinner," asked Esme.

"Make whatever you want mom I'll eat it."

Oh yeah I started calling Esme mom. She doesn't stop me from calling her it so I keep it. I think she secretly loves me calling her that.

I love where I am and I know that they love me.

Rose's P.O.V.

Well after we got Bella back to the house I went back to Mike. He was still knocked out and I smirked. My girl can throw a hell of a punch. I go over to him and pick him up by his shirt. I throw him across the room and went to him. He finally gained conscious.

"Well well well if it isn't little Mikey Poo. What's wrong are you scared." I throw him again.

"How do you think Bella felt when you took her against her will and drug her here to abuse her."

I pick him up and punch him. By now blood is flowing from his nose and several cuts on his face. I just smirk at him and grab his nose with my free hand. He winced and groans out.

"What's wrong can't take what you serve. It sucks don't it. This is how Bella felt when she was tied to that chair over there and she couldn't defend herself."

He just starts laughing.
"I'd do it again just to see her struggle," he croaks out and spits blood onto my face.

I just smile and grab his neck and squeeze. I don't want to kill him just scare him. I look into his eyes and laugh. I then smell his urine. I have absolutely scared the hell out of this kid.

"If you ever so much as look at Bella I will destroy you. You are going to leave this town and never come back. Understood."

He shakes his head yes and I throw him into the wall knocking him out. I can be so cruel but that's why I have the nickname Ice Queen.

I'm brought out of my memory by Bella wrapping her arms around me and laying her head on my shoulder. We haven't kissed since I calmed her down that day and I couldn't help myself when she looked like that. I turn in her arms and capture her lips with mine. I took charge of the kiss and was surprised when she bit my lip. I grinned and gave her what she wanted, access to my mouth. Her lips tasted so sweet and it was unique just like her. No one could possibly smell like her. I moaned which caused her to moan also. It lasted a few more seconds before air was definitely a necessity. I grin at her and she grins back.

After her breathing is back to normal I hug her.

"Thank you for accepting me and my family. I really am glad that your here," I tell her.

"No thank you for accepting my weirdness, saving my life, and taking me in after Charlie died."

I just hug her alittle harder. I can't believe I was so lucky and got a mate like her. I couldn't have asked for a better one.

Hey guys, sorry it's been awhile. Also I'm sorry it's shorter than normal. I just wanted to get an update out there. I haven't been feeling the best for a few weeks so I'm alittle slower on everything. Anyway I hope you like and thanks for voting. Have a great night/day.

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