Chapter 2

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Rosalie's P.O.V.

Well I'm starting another year of school today and I can't wait, not. I have been living for 120 years and this is now my 80th time going to high school. The only reason I'm going this year is because my sister Alice told me that I needed to go this year because I might be surprised. I don't really know what will surprise me since I'm a freaking vampire but I do trust my sister because her visions are almost always right.

I know I don't need to be getting ready at four in the morning but I have to look my best because it's always fun making girls hate me because of my looks. Well that's not the only reason they hate me, I'm called the Ice Queen Bitch at all the school's I go to and I like to live up to that reputation by giving them death glares and such things. People have this thing where their bodies tell them that my family is dangerous and I know that we are but the people won't even get close to us and if they do they get intimidated just by us looking up at them.

"Rosalie you need to calm down and stop thinking of the past because it'll be better this year," says Edward my brother.

"If you would stay out of my head you wouldn't have to worry about it," I snapped at him.

"Geez I'm sorry I'll just leave you alone sis," he said as he turned and left to go back to his and Emmetts room.

So here's the thing, I saved Emmett from dying and all thinking that he would be my soul mate but I was completely wrong. As soon as he opened his eyes for the first time he jumped Edward and they went at it, so we had to evacuate the house. I'm kind of glad that they found each other though because Edward is a completely different person and for the better. As for the other mated couples in the house there are Esme and Carlisle, Alice and Jasper, and let's not forget Me, Myself, and I.
Yes I am the only one in my family not mated and it kills me to know this and feel hate towards them for it but I can't help it, I'm lonely and with them kissing and doing other things it gets me mad and I have to leave for a few hours to calm down.

"Sis your emotions are everywhere do you need any help," asked Jasper. Poor Jasper feels my emotions and I feel sorry for him.

"No I'll be okay and sorry for putting all of those on you I'll try and reign it down," I muttered ashamed of myself. How can I do this to my brother.

"Dont worry about it and I'll help you anytime you need me just ask" he says as he walks out of my room and to, what I'm guessing, his and Alice's room.

I look at the door till it's time to go to school. I walk down into the garage and hop in my 69 Camero. This car is my baby and I love it.

"Hey I'll meet you guys at school," I tell my siblings as I take off down the driveway. Man can this car take off, I've said this before but I love this car. Oh I forgot to mention, I'm the families mechanic I work on everyone's car to make sure they are purring down the road.

Once I get into the school's parking lot I notice a dirt bike in one of the spaces. It's an old one but it seems to be in great shape considering this is small town Forks. I decide to get out of my Camero, but leave it running, to get a better look at the bike.

It doesn't have a single dent and the person who drives this leaves their leather jacket sitting on it. I wouldn't leave my stuff on my bike but oh well as long as they have it it'll be okay. I then smell the person's scent and I'm memorized by it, I need to find the person that drives this dirt bike. I think I found my mate.

I didn't realize how long I was standing there and the only thing that broke me out of the daze like state that I was in was my sisters laughter.

"Told you you would like going to school this year," she said to me.

"Do you know who he is," I ask her frantically.

"Yep but I'm going to let you find them," she said to me, and with that she walked into the school's main office to collect our schedules for school.

I can't believe she knows and won't tell me who he is, I just want to know I need to meet them.

"Rose calm down you will soon," says Jasper.

I huff and walk to my still running Camero to turn it off so I can start the day.

I walk into the school and I don't even catch the scent of the person who owns that bike. I'll just have to search for him. And with that the bell rings.

I have had zero luck in finding him and I'm mad, he wasn't in any of my classes. The only class I have left is gym and if he isn't in there I don't have classes with him and will find him another way.

As I walk into the locker room after getting the gym clothes that I will be wearing I smell the scent. Wait that can't be right why is a guy in the girls locker room. Wait... unless the guy is actually a girl. Oh no this can't be happening, I mean I have nothing against it, it's just that I had it in my head that I will always fall for a guy. While I'm lost in thought my body takes me to this mystery person and I am surprised by what I see. She. Is. Beautiful. No if,ands, or buts about it. She is breathtaking to look at and I don't know what to do. I decide to just walk up to her.

"Hi I'm Rosalie and..." the coach cuts me off. I could have killed the coach right then and there but I behaved, so instead I watched my soul mate. She was very fit and active but didn't want people to know. I wonder if there's a reason behind it.

Gym class came to an end way to soon but when I looked up to see if the girl was still there she was gone. Man she was fast I didn't even realize she left. After I changed I walked out to the parking lot to look for her and sure enough she was putting on the leather jacket and the helmet over her baseball cap and then took off pretty fast.

I just stared after her as I waited for my family to come so I can talk to them.

"We already know you found them and like them a lot," says Alice as she is basically jumping up and down.

"Yes I did and you could have at least told me the he I was looking for was actually a she," I snapped back at her but it wasn't a full on snap it was kind of wimpy.

Man what is happening to me I'm becoming soft since I smelled her scent this morning. Is this what happens when you find your mate or am I just crazy. I hope this is what it feels like though because I kinda like it.

There's another chapter down many more to go. If you want to suggest your opinions I'll take them just message me and we will talk about it. Have a nice day

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