Chapter 17

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Bella's P.O.V.

Ever since that day I used my powers I've been feeling weird. I would be relaxing one minute and then all of a sudden get tremors and start kicking my legs around with no control over them. I haven't told anybody because I don't want them to get worried over nothing, especially Rose. They usually happen when I'm by myself and for that I'm glad. I'm usually in the bathroom or in my room.

I see Carlisle walk down the stairs and he doesn't look to happy, kinda worried. "Hey Carlisle something wrong."

"Um yes but I hope not. Will you let me do an MRI on you right now so I can check up on something."

"Sure I'll do that for you."

With that I get up and walk up to his study. I wait outside until he comes up the stairs also. He opens the door and offers me to go in first.

I guess I should say one thing. Carlisle's study is just like a hospital room. So it doesn't surprise me that he has an MRI machine in there.

"Okay I'm going to do a full body MRI on you, is that all right?"

"Of course anything you would like."

"Okay well I'm going to have to give you this shot first and then we can get started. Just trace off your clothes and anything metal. You can put on this gown." He says this while turning away to give me my privacy.

I do as he says and turn around. "Okay I'm ready."

I walk over to the machine and wait for him to give me the shot. I've had a couple of these done before so I was used to it.

I lay down and Carlisle says "just try to get comfortable and then be still."

I do as he says and then wait.

Rosalie's P.O.V.

As soon as i heard Carlisle say that i started to panick. I ask Carlisle what's wrong and he says that he thinks there's a tumor on the left side of her brain. I would have fallen if it weren't for Esme holding me up. Once everyone heard that they came into the kitchen with us and all hugged me. We stayed like that until we heard the machine quite.

I ran up the stairs and knocked on the study door. Carlisle opened the door for me and motioned for me to come in. I walk past him and look at Bella. My poor Bella looks pale and tired. I walk over to her and wrap her in my arms.

"Hey sweetie how are you doing?"

"I'm doing pretty good, just tired."

"How about you go lay down and rest Bella. I'll tell you the results once I sort through them." Says Carlisle.

"Okay well I'll see you later then Carlisle, and Rose don't worry I'm fine." With that she walks out and shuts the door.

Once I know that she is in her room I turn to Carlisle. He looks worried. "What do you find."

"It doesn't look good. It seems that her power is changing her body. She has a tumor that is bigger now than the last time she had an MRI done. It's on the left side of her brain and slowly growing. I think that if she doesn't use her power the tumor will stop growing. It's also good that she's not showing any of the signs from the tumor. No tremble legs or anything like that. I think she'll be okay we just have to stop her from using her powers."

"Okay well I'll have Alice keep a watch on her. Thank you Carlisle for taking care of her for me and looking out for her."

"No problem, she is family and I take care of my family."

With that I leave his study and take a quick peek into Bella's room. She is sleeping so I close the door and head to Alice's bedroom. Before I can even knock she opens up her door and gives me a nod of her head. I know that she will help me out watching her.

I just hope nothing happens to her. I don't know what I would do if something did happen.

Alice's P.O.V.

I had the vision as soon as their meeting was over. Bella may not live if she uses her powers anymore and I saw what Rose was about to ask me. Before she even knocks on the door I open it and nod to her and that's all she needs. She continues walking and I just watch her. I feel bad for her. I have a mate but he's vampire and can take care of himself without possibly dying by using his gift. Her mate could die if anything sets off her gift. I wouldn't know what to do if something happened to Jasper and Rose has already almost lost her mate once.

I turn to Jasper and he must have sensed my emotions because he wraps me up in a hug and whispers little nothings into my ear.

Esme's P.O.V.

I knew that something wasn't right as soon as I seen Rose sulking. She never does that. Then she looks into my eyes and that's all I needed to go over there and wrap her in a hug. Poor little Bella is now a danger to herself. The tumor must have been on her brain. All I can do is hope for the best for my newest daughter.

Two weeks later...
Alice's P.O.V.

Everything has been great. Bella knows that she can't use her powers and why. I've been constantly looking into her filter and see nothing that will cause her to use her powers. Rose has been with her even more so now and everything has gone back to normal.

Jasper and I were outside when a vision all of a sudden hit me full force. Everything was clear and then it went blurry. I then smelled the dogs. I smelt them before I seen them and man they stink.

I look towards them and then see them coming from the woods. The wolves.

With the wolves close I can't see anybodies future and that makes me nervous. Bella and Rose are in the house and I know that as soon as Rose smells them she will come down here which means that Bella will come also.

Bella's P.O.V.

I notice that Rose grows tense. I ask her what's wrong but all she says is that the mutts are here. I had no clue to what she was saying but followed her outside anyway.

There standing at the edge of the woods were wolves and they were huge. I was looking at all of them when my eyes saw Jacob Black.

He was looking at me with pain in his eyes and all I was seeing was red. Before I could control it I was floating in the air and doing the one thing that I wasn't supposed to, using my gift.

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