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Nobody's P.O.V.

As soon as we all saw Bella falling that's when Alice no longer had a vision of Bella. As Bella fell so did Rosalie because she could tell that whatever happened this time just might be the last time she woke back up. Emmett picked up Rosalie and Bella and ran back to the house.

As soon as they arrived, Bella was put in the emergency room that Carlisle had at the house. The Cullen house which was usually nice, calm, and peaceful was nothing like that. The vampires in the room ran around caotically with Rosalie already looking dead. Esme was sobbing the only way a vampire could. Carlisle was trying to figure out what was wrong. Emmett looked distraut. Jasper looked incredibly in pain and twitching. Alice looked like she lost her friend. Edward looked like nothing could ever go right for Bella. Jacob and his sisters looked like the one thing that could bring them happiness suddenly vanished and disappeared. Bella was, well Bella was trapped in her mind and fighting to try and get back to her family desperatly.

As they all sat there frozen and panicky with fear, the outside world was changing as they knew it. Vampires were starting to realize that the Volturi Guard were no longer a threat. The three kings have gone missing and that could only mean one thing. Complete and absolute freedom.

What the Cullens didn't know was that the next three months the world would have almost completely flipped from what it used to be. The humans knew about vampires and the vampires loved it.

The next three months Bella is trapped in her own mind fighting for her life constantly. She never catches a break. Then a good thing will happen, Jacob finds his imprint and they quickly marry. Then another drastic change, Rosalie is changing back to her cold mean self without her mate there to cheer her up.

Will the Cullens be able to survive or will they finally meet there match.

Read the next book The Awakening to find your answers.

Well guys the book has to come to an end but not completely. We still have a whole other book that's just getting started. I hope you like this book and hope you will enjoy the next one. Until next time have a great day/night.

Also here's the cover for the next book...

Also here's the cover for the next book

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