Chapter 9

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Alice's P.O.V.

I saw what was going to happen tonight and I couldn't wait. I knew that Bella was going to be okay and I'm so happy that she agreed to have dinner at our house. She might not know it but we are going to be best friends one day, that day is very soon by the way. I wonder if she likes to shop...that'll have to wait for another time.

I run and tell Emmett and Edward about what's going to happen, which is that Bella is coming over. Lastly I tell my dear Jasper. Jasper has trouble with his control but I know that everything will be okay.

"Hey Jasper do you like Bella"I ask him.

"Well of course, I already see her as a sister and she doesn't even smell like food anymore" he tells me.

"Well that's good honey because she's coming over tonight for dinner. Will you do me a favor and keep a check on her emotions"I ask him.

"Of course anything for you sweetie" he tells me with a smile on his face.

I get up and saunter over to him and give him a kiss. "There will be more of that tonight" I say as I get up and saunter out of the room.

As soon as I leave I can tell that there will definitely be more of that tonight.

Bella's P.O.V.

I don't know what to think. I'm really nervous and I'm still positive that they are going to think that I am a freak and that I'm too weird for their family. I think Rose knows that I'm nervous because she grabs my hand and entwines our fingers  together. It instantly calms me and I lean into her touch. I think I see her smirk at me but I'm too comfortable to care.

As soon as we enter the house Alice comes and jumps on me and tackles me to the ground.

"Hey Bella do you like to shop and play dress up" she asks and she just keeps me on the ground. She is straddling my lap and I can't help but laugh at her because she looks so cute when her hair is all over the place.

"Well hello to you to Alice and no I don't like to shop, sorry" I tell her as I try to get up.

Esme walks in and helps get Alice off of me and laughs, "Alice be nice and help the poor girl up. Hello Bella it's nice to see you again, I hope you feel better" she tells me with a sincere smile.

"Thanks Esme and I am feeling much better thanks for aski..." I was suddenly interrupted when I was picked up from behind.

"Hey Bella I missed you" says Emmett. He's laughing at me because I squeaked alittle when he picked me up.

"Emmett put me down" I tell him and once he puts me down I jump onto his back and put him in a choke hold. "Hey you big knucklehead" I tell him.

"Now Bella what did my big man do to have you on his back" asked Edward with a genuine smile on his face.

"Sorry Edward I'll get off, but to let you know he picked me up from behind and surprised me" I tell him as I get off of a laughing Emmetts back.

"Well hello Bella how are you" asked a southern voice. I knew who it was instantly and I turned and ran to Jasper and gave him a big hug.

"Howdy Jasper it's nice to see you again" I tell him when I let him go.

I look around and realize that I have another family right here all I need to do is open up and let them in. I just hope they will accept me and all the weirdness that comes with me.

Rose's P.O.V.

I have never seen Bella this careless and I love it. She jumped onto Emmetts back just like a sister would and she even went kinda southern on Jasper and she sounded adorable doing that. And now she is just sitting there with a smile on her face looking around at each and every one of us and thinking about something. Man I wish that I could read what's going on in her pretty little head right now. Speaking of which I asked Edward if he could read her mind and he said that he couldn't.

She really is a special girl and I hope that she lets us in and that she won't freak out when we tell her our secret.

Esme's P.O.V.

I'm just standing here watching as Bella stands up to Emmett and jumps on his back and when she ran over and hugged Jasper. I'm so proud that she fits in with my family. She is already like a daughter to me. I love her and would do anything that I could to help protect her life with my own. I decide that it's time to have dinner and to have a talk with her.

"Well it's time for dinner guys so let's go and eat" I say as I head back to the kitchen.

I hear all of my children's footsteps including Bella's. I set up a system for us so that we don't have to actually eat the food and I'm pretty proud of it. By everyone's seat, except for Bella's, there is a trash can made into the floor and a button underneath the table that every time you hit it the trashcan opens up and you can put the food in it really quickly then hit the button again and it will close. I am not going to make my family eat something that will make them sick.

Once they all get in here I lead Bella to her seat and naturally Rosalie sits right beside her and takes her hand in hers. I smile at them and notice that Bella's looking at me kind of scared. I walk over to her and whisper in her ear, even though the rest of them can hear me, I don't mind you liking my daughter just be good to her. She looks at me and gives me a slight nod of her head and calms down alittle. That was sweet of her worrying over if I would let her date my daughter.

This was going to be a long night for us, I can already tell.

Well there is the third update of the day and thank you for voting on my story and for also reading it. Have a nice day/night everybody

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