Chapter 28

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Bella's P.O.V.

After we finally calmed down enough so that I could eat we both walked down the stairs. The whole family had knowing smiles and of course a smirk coming from Emmett. Esme went to the kitchen to warm up my food and the rest of the family started discussing things that have happened in the last twenty four hours.

"Okay so as we all know Aro will be coming back, but we don't know when. He's going to be mad and more than likely bring the whole guard with him. Jane was by far his favorite and well we know what happened to her." Said Carlisle.

"Guys I'm sorry I got us into this mess. If I would have just stopped and disabled her and asked what you guys wanted to happen we wouldn't be in this mess. If I just didn't come here to begin with you wouldn't have to deal with any of this. It's my fault that I have caused all of this on your family. I shouldn't e..." just then Bella was cut off by Esme jumping on her and knocking her down.

"You will stop talking all of that nonsense right now young lady. You are by far the best thing that has ever happened to this family and we all agree on that. We would have had the same thing happen to us no matter what. Aro has been trying to get our family for ages so it was going to eventually happen." Esme gets up and Alice takes her place.

"You are the best thing that has happened to us. I love you as my sister and I'm grateful that you are Rose's mate. I'm happy for you two and I would have never accepted anybody else for Rose. You take care of this family when we are at our worst. You have killed vampires like they were nothing because you were protecting us. So don't say that it's your fault. Nobody blames you for what's happening. We love you." Alice gets up and Emmett grabs me and wraps me in a bear hug.

"You baby sis are so wrong with how your judging yourself. I love you and I knew that you belonged in this family long before you even were. You make me look not so strong when you killed that bitch Jane. I wouldn't have been able to help the family because in was on the floor with them in pain. You saved us from that and stopped it from happening. I owe you so much for everything that you have done. You killed James and I was right there to back you up if you needed me, but you didn't because you are strong and will do anything in your power to protect us. I will forever be in your dept so please don't blame yourself for this." Said Emmett putting me down. I saw Jasper walking toward us so I turned around. He surprised me by wrapping me in a hug.

"Bella you are the best thing that's happened to us. That very first day you came here I was a nervous mess. I didn't want something to happen and you hate me forever for what I could possibly have done. You came in here without even knowing us and acted as if you were already part of the family. Everybody is scared of me for how I look but you came right up to me and even used a little Texan drawl to make me feel better. From that point on you were my sister and nothing was going to change that. I will always think of you as a sister." He let me go and Rose came over to me wrapping me in a hug and giving me a short kiss.

"I don't even know where to start at. I loved you from the second I laid my eyes on you. I know what happened to your dad was terrible but you came through it and asked us for help. You saved me when I was hurt, you killed my capture when he took me, you killed Jane for the whole family, and you have made my ice cold heart start beating again. You have changed this family for the good and I love you for it." She gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring. "Will you Isabella Marie Swan marry me?"

I just stand there and look at her. I look around at the rest of the family and they are all smiling and giving me a small nod of their head stating their approval. I look back at Rose and smile and nod my head. "Yes I will marry you."

With that I jump her and tackle her with kisses. The whole family jumps on us and starts saying their congratulations. We sit there for what felt like hours and soak up each others love.

But knowing me and my bad luck we get the dreaded vision that we all knew was going to happen. The Volturi will be here in two days and the whole guard is going to be with them.

Alice's P.O.V.

I hate how my visions always have to ruin the moment, but I can't stop them or control when they happen. There we all are sitting in the floor together when Bam. The vision happens telling me all that I need to know.

The only good thing is that they still think that Bella is just an ordinary human. They don't know that she's the werecat from the legends. They don't know that the mating has already occurred and they are stronger than ever.

And lastly they didn't know that our family was this strong.

Well there's the update that I promised. The offer is still there. You can still give me ideas and suggestions. I will try to make it in the updates and try to make you proud of it.

So I know it may seem like a rush to the proposal because of how I set it up but I thought that since they were all saying nice things to her that I would have Rose pop the question so I hope I didn't upset you. Also I didn't have Carlisle or Edward say anything because they were meant to say the same thing as their mates.

Anyway have a nice night/day. Hoped you enjoyed.

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