Chapter 10

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Bella's P.O.V.

I basically got the blessing from Esme to date her daughter and I'm happy for that. I have decided also that I like Rose more than just a friend and I can't continue to be just a friend to her. I just hope that I was getting the right signs from her when I made up my mind because if I didn't, well that's just embarrassing.

While we were eating dinner I realized that Rose and her family didn't actually eat any of their food, they were throwing it away in a trashcan that was built into the floor. I thought it was weird but I didn't have room to judge them since I broke through their window and they didn't complain about it. That is weird though, I mean someone breaks through your window to get out of your house but you don't complain.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Esme said ," Hey Bella we need to talk."

I gulped and looked around at everyone and started to memorize their faces. "Um sure Esme what do you want to talk about" I ask her.

"Bella we love you like a sister already and Carlisle and I discussed this and we were wondering if you would like to become part of this family" she said with a serious face but also a small smile on her face.

I just looked at her like she was crazy and I did that for five minutes. Once I was done starring at her I start to think. Charlie just died but he was the only family that I had left and now I'm all alone. I don't want to be alone, I want to have a family. Someone to care about me when I get hurt or sick. I always wanted siblings and I already think that these people are family. What if they are only doing this because they feel sad for me. What if it's only for guilt that I'm young and lost my father. I can't think like this I'm starting to panick.

I look around and see things floating again. I can't do this, I can't destroy these people's house when they are nothing but kind to me. I try to get up so I can do this outside but I notice that there are someone's arms around my waist holding me down. I look to the person whose arms are around me and see that it's Rose. She's giving me a look that I can't decifer.

It's too late I'm floating in the air with Rose still wrapped around me. I look around the room and see everyone's face full of awe and I think I see some smiles also. I don't know how I'm going to get down from here so that makes me panick even more.

I don't know what to do.

Rose's P.O.V.

I'm floating with Bella right now in my dining room. My family are talking to me in vampire speed so Bella can't here them. All I'm hearing is ,'calm her down' ,'she's amazing,' best sister ever' and ' she is going to be a great mate.

The one I'm more concerned about is the panicking one. If she continues to panick we won't be coming down till she passes out and I did not want this to happen. There's only one thing that I could think of that would hopefully calm her down. Kiss her. I did just that.

I reached up with my one arm and brought her face down with it. I looked into her eyes and slowly leaned up. Once my lips met hers she moaned and we instantly started to float back down. Her moan was so sexy that I couldn't help but deepen the kiss. I pressed against her harder and licked the bottom of her lip asking for entrance. She granted me entrance and I stuck my tongue in her mouth and continued to have the lead. She moaned again and we were now on your ground again with my family looking at us in shock. We continued to kiss for another second and ended it.

Once we pulled away she looked alittle dazed and her lips were swollen. She looked amazing like this, if I could see her like this everyday I would. Once I look away from her I can tell she's blushing. I look at my siblings and mother to see smiles on their faces. Every single one of them are happy for me and couldn't have been happier with who was my mate.

Alice's P.O.V.

I just smiled through this whole thing because everything is going according to my vision. I have to admit though, even though I saw Bella floating in my vision it was still cool and amazing seeing her float for real in front of my eyes. I can't wait for her to be part of our family. Rosalie will finally be happy with someone and we will all get to enjoy time with our mates.

I look around the table and see Edward smiling towards me and nodding his head to my thoughts. He's happy for her too. I look at Emmett and it looks like he is going to be planning on things that Bella and he could do together other play video games. Jasper looks the same but there's a hint of a smile on his face. Esme looks ecstatic that there will be another person for her to take care of and have as a daughter. She's also happy for Rose. Carlisle sadly had to work so he missed all of this but I'm sure he will hear about it.

Esme's P.O.V.

I decided that after that time that we should come clean in what we are. I trust her to not tell our secret to anybody.

"Hey Bella I think there is something we need to tell you"I say looking over at the young girl.

"Of course Esme, what is it."

"Well Bella we, as in the whole family, are vampires."

Well there's another update for you guys. Sorry if there are a lot of mistakes I'll go back tomorrow and fix them and try to update again tomorrow also. Have a nice day/night.

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