Chapter 27

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Alice's P. O. V.

After Bella literally crashed to the floor and passed out the rest of the family went to the living room and sat around her and Rose. We were all looking and making sure that she was okay. We got worried when she all of a sudden went crashing down to the floor but when we saw her grab Rose we knew that she was just tired.

"I can't believe I didn't see them getting here ner, it's my fault that Bella didn't have time to prepare herself for this. It's my fault that she has crashed on the floor after saving this family yet again." After I said that I started to sob. I felt arms wrap around me that didn't belong to my husband.

"Dont blame yourself for what happened. I was ready and didn't need to prepare for them. I'm just sorry that Jane caused you pain before I could stop her. I would and will always protect this family." Said Bella.

I looked up and looked into her eyes and saw that she was telling the absolute truth. I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same. I squeezed her and started sobbing harder. How were we given the best thing in the world. If she hadn't of come into our family we would have never knew what it was like to be protected so well. Yes we are strong but we have always been dependent on some of our family members. Now we know we are protected when one of us could be hurting from a gift.

Rose's P.O.V.

As soon as i saw Bella crawl over to Alice and say all of those nice words to her I walked over to Esme and wrapped her in a hug. After I let her go I saw that Bella was looking at me with a certain spark in her eye. I walked over to Bella and picked her up off of the ground and carried her upstairs.

Once we got in the room and I shut the door I walked us to the bed and la yes her down. I stood back up to grab her some pajamas tto put on but she grabbed me before I could walk away. She pulled me down by the front of my shirt and captured my lips in a kiss.

The kiss started out slow but quickly escalated. I fell back down beside her and grabbed her and made her straddle my hips. The kiss is still going on when she grabs my shirt and rips it off of my body. She stops to breathe and just stares at me. While she's starring at me I grab her shirt and rip it off. I lean back and state also.

"Your so beautiful Bella." I say as she tries to hide herself. She's blushing like crazy and it's adorable.

I kiss her again and she flips us over so that she's on bottom and I'm on top. "So are you Rose. I love everything about you, the scars on your back just shows me how amazing you are and what you have been through. I also think that they are incredibly sexy."

I just look at her and I can't take it anymore. I stand up and grab her jeans and rip them off. Now she is just laying there in her bra and panties. I rip my pants off also that way she isn't the only one and gets embarrassed. I slowly climb back onto the bed over her to where my right leg is in between her thighs and her right leg is in between mine. She moaned when my leg brushed against her. I did the same.

I la yes my body completely against hers and kiss her. The kisses are more urgent now and sloppy. Her fingers go to my back and she unclips my bra. I help her get it off of me and she just stares. After staring for alittle bit she grabs them both with her hands and squeeze. I moan and ground my hips against hers to make her moan also.

I flip her over to were she is on top again and kiss her again. I put my hands behind her back and unclip her bra. After its off I grab her boobs instantly and squeeze. She moans like crazy and starts to move alittle. I just look up at her and smile. This girl is all mine and I love it.

I reach down to her underwear and tear them off I flung them somewhere in the room like the rest our clothes and moan. She is absolutely beautiful everywhere and I love it. She rolls us over once again and she rips my panties off and flings them.

By this time I can tell that she's nervous and doesn't know what to do. I lean down to her and kiss her softly. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to, we can wait."

"No, no I want to do this. I love you Rose and I want you but I just don't know how." She says as she starts to move away from me. I put both of my arms on either side of her and kiss her deeply. She returns the kiss as deep as me and stops fighting against me.

Once she stops fighting I let go of her mouth and smile at her. "Bella I don't care, I love you no matter what and it doesn't matter to me that you don't know how. We will do it together so please let me show you how you make me feel."

She just nods her head and relaxes. I start kissing down her body, not leaving a place unkissed. She continues to moan and it's so sexy.

We were in there all night and most of the next day. The mating bond has been completed and is as strong as ever.

Well there's another chapter down.  I know that I skippedbthe sex scene and all so sorry for those who were looking forward to it. Maybe another time. Anyway hope you enjoyed. Have a nice night/day.

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