Chapter 13

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Bella's P.O.V

After I had spent two days over there I decided that I needed to get back to the house and think what I'm going to do since Charlie's gone. I get up and grab my now clean clothes, thanks to Esme, and put them on. I walk down the stairs and greet the whole family with a hug.

"Hey guys I guess you know that I'm planning on leaving today thanks to Alice."

"Yes Alice told us but you really don't have to go" Esme said to me.

"Yeah I know Esme but I should really get back to the house and set up Charlie's funeral and I need to clean the place up a bit, it's really nasty. I also need to go grocery shopping later for some fruit and other stuff."

"Okay dear, but please come by anytime and feel free to call us if you need anything" and with that Esme gave me another hug and left to her workroom.

I turn and walk to the door and walk out to my bike. Once I get to my bike I put my leather jacket on and turn around to see Rose standing there looking sad.

"Hey don't look so sad I will be back and I will call. Don't worry you do know where I live and feel free to stop by later" I tell her as I pull her into another hug.

"I know but something just seems off, so please be careful and call if you notice anything strange okay."

"Yeah I will, talk to you later."

With that I jump onto my dirt bike and put my helmet on. I look one more time at Rose, smile and take off. Once I'm off their road I speed home.

Once I get to the house something doesn't seem right so I walk to the door with caution. I get in the house and see that the couch is overturned as if someone was looking for something and got mad. I started to grab my phone when everything goes black.

I see and hear nothing just blackness.

Alice's P.O.V.

As Bella left the house I immediately had a vision.

She walks into the house and the couch is overturned.
Reaches into her pocket and then nothing, absolutely nothing.

"Rose!!!, you need to get down here now!"

Rose runs from upstairs to the living room looking panicked.

"What happened is Bella okay. Oh god, please tell me she's okay."
"I don't know what happened but something's wrong we need to get to her house and fast. Grab the bike and I'll meet you there." And with that they both take off.

Jasper is with Alice and Emmett and Edward are going to be coming. They went hunting so they will be alittle bit till they get there.

Once I get there I immediately jump into Bella's room window and run down the stairs. She's not here. I can't even smell her anywhere. I don't smell blood so I know that she's not bleeding which is good.

"Jasper can you feel her emotions?"

"No I only feel yours and I can't even since Bella's."

I go over to the door and open it just in time for Rose to come storming in.

"Where is she, what happened here."

She looks at the overturned couch and then back at me.

"I don't know but she's not here. The last thing that I saw in the vision was seeing nothing just blackness. Someone must have got her from behind. She was going for her phone so she was going to call you but it happened just like that and she didn't have time."

Rose looks mad and I don't even have to have the power that Jasper has to know that she is. I walk up to her and embrace her.

We stay like that till Emmmett and Edward gets here. They look at Rose and then back to me and nod. They start to hunt for Bella.

I hope we find her soon.

Unknown P.O.V.

I finally have Bella. I snuck in through the door when she got home. I was the one taht overturned that couch it was a setup. It gave me just enough time to knock her out with that baseball bat that was behind the door. I cared her to my car and then we took off.

Now she is in my basement tied up and she's still passed out. I guess it was a pretty good hit because she's been out for two hours.

I decide to just sit there and wait for her to wake.

Until then I think of all the things that I could do.

Esme's P.O.V.

I can't believe that something happened to Bella after she left out house. I got the call from Alice and now I'm mad. No one hurts my family.

I call Carlisle and inform him on what happened then ran to Bella's house. As soon as I walk on I notice that it doesn't smell like blood in here so that's a good sign. I walk in a little further and notice that the couch is overturned. That must have been the reason why Bella got caught in the first place, she was trying to figure out why her couch was like that.

I look over at Alice and she's holding a crying Rosalie. I walk up to them and take Rose with me to the chair and sit her down on my lap and continue to hold her and say little nothings into her ear. It seems to be calming her down and when I look at her she looks completely empty. This could only mean that she shut down on herself and the only person to make her open up again is missing. I gently carry her up to Bella's room and lay her onto her bed. I then walk out of the room and shut the door.

I walk down to Alice and she looks sad because she knows what just happened to Rose won't quit unless they find Bella and they need to do it fast.

Bella's P.O.V.

I wake with a start but I also notice a terrible pain in my head/neck area. My heads killing me. I guess I made a noise because all of a sudden I see the person who did this to me.

It's Mike Newton, my high school bully.

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