Chapter 30

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Bella's P.O.V.

Jacob Black is standing in front of me and I don't know what to do. I shift back to human form and he turns away from me. I guess he thought that I was going to be naked like when they shift back they are naked. That's one thing that I like about a werecat, I'm not like a werewolf.

"Hey I'm standing here fully clothed so what are you doing here. You know that your not supposed to cross the treaty line." I say to him.

He turns around and looks, well I don't really know. I look over to Jasper and he just shrugs.

"I came here alone, I don't want to fight. I came here to tell you somethings that you need to know. It's about what happened that day." Said Jacob.

I look at him and look at my family. "Esme and Carlisle do you mind if we go into the house so we could get more comfortable. I would also like for you all to be there," I say the last part to the whole family.

"Of course dear, let's go in and get comfortable." Says Esme.

With that the family heads toward the house. All of the mated couples get together, which is all of them, and Jacob walks behind us all. I look back towards him and I slow down Rose's and i's pace. Once we are walking side by side he looks at me and gives a small smile. I return one and give Rose's hand a squeeze. She looks at me and gives me a small kiss on my cheek and squeezes my hand.

We arrive at the house and we all take a seat except Jacob. I pick Rose up and scoot over so that Jacob can sit besides me. He sits down and you could feel the tension in the room. It was eating me alive and I can't take it.

"Okay Bella, well the only good place to start would be how you became a werecat and where the gene came from. The gene came from Charlie but the thing is, he wasn't one. He could never shift to his true form but all of us werewolves could smell it in him when he came over to the reservation one of the many times. He never knew that he had the gene so he was clueless. Now the next part is about the day that him and my dad crashed and died. My dad wasn't going to the hospital to see my mom. My mom's been dead along time. He was going to try and find Charlie but the road was slick from the rain, so when he hit the brakes when the light turned red all of a sudden the truck was sliding like crazy and it hit Charlie's cruiser in the driver's side door. My family are so sorry for what happened to you, we feel terrible. The reason why he was going to Charlie was to tell him something. He never told us what it was." Jacob said.

I didn't notice that I was crying until Rose turned around and hugged me.

"Bella we are so sorry. If I would have went with him things could have been different. I know that you probably hate our family now but we truly are sorry. I just wanted to tell you the truth about that day so that you would at least know what happened." With that Jacob stood up.

I set Rose down besides me and grabbed Jacob just before he left and hugged him. I turned him around and saw that he was crying also.

"I'm sorry I was so mean to you that day , I'm so sorry that I was mean to your family. I should have known that you guys were hurting too and that I should just come back another day when I wasn't so overwhelmed. I'm sorry that I stopped being friends with you so long ago. We were best friends but I ruined it and I'm sorry." I was saying and crying my eyes out. "Will you please forgive me."

He just looked at me and then broke out into a full blown smile. "I've missed you so much. We were so close and then we just stopped hanging out. I'm sorry that my dad did that to your dad. And yes I forgive you. I know that I would have done the same thing." He wrapped me up in a bear hug and twirled me around.

We stayed like that for awhile and then we both looked up when we smelt food. We turned around towards the kitchen and raced to it. I won of course and Esme sat there smiling at the both of us. I just now realised that she had a look in her eye that said we might be adding onto the family. I looked at her and smiled. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body when it comes to helping people.

I looked over to Jake and he was chowing down. I could get used to this.

Alice's P.O.V.

We all sat there and listened to what Jacob had to say and watched them reunite to each other. It was a beautiful friendship and I knew that they would become friends again. We all got a laugh when they smelt the food and went racing into the kitchen. I hate to admit it but it looks like Jacob fits right in with the family.

As soon as i think that I get a vision and I know that he will be with us soon. Esme is going to bring out the look and get Jacob into the family. I look over to Edward when I hear him laughing and he just nods his head. I ask in my head if he would mind if we gained Jacob, who was a werewolf, into the family. He just shook his head no and I knew then that it was a definate.

Jacob Black is going to be a family member to us.

Boom guys and girls we have made it to chapter 30 and that wouldn't have been possible without you guys. So I want to thank you all for voting, committing, and reading this story. I love when you guys have an opinion on what should happen and I hope that I do your ideas justice, and if I didn't I'm sorry I'll have to try harder.

So like I was saying we made it to chapter 30 and it's because all of you guys. I was thinking about quoting after chapter 10  because I wasn't getting anything like at all but then you guys started to vote and I was like, they actually kind of like it, so then I started to update more often and here we are. So I owe you guys a big thank you for that and lets hope for more good updates.

So let's all have a good night/day. Hope you enjoyed.

P.s., I'm still taking ideas and all of that good stuff.

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