Chapter 14

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Bella's P.O.V.

Mike Newton is my high school bully. Ever since he asked me out in the third grade and I politely told him no. Okay it wasn't politely, it was more get out of my face weirdo. Anyway ever since then he has hated my guts and has it out for me every chance that he gets. One day in PE he threw a ball at my face and pushed me down, it was terrible.

"What do you think your doing Mike?"

He just smiled at me and got up. He started walking towards me but had a hand behind his back and I couldn't tell what he had. I was starting to get nervous when he touched my face.

"Oh Bella, it's been so long. What have you been up to. I've also been watching you for a while now and I love how you've been playing hard to get for me. It makes me smile to know that you like me enough to do that."

"What do you think... you've lost it. I have never played hard to get and I said no because I.Don't.Like.You.At.All. I was being nice and rejected you so you don't get your hopes up. have been watching me. That's just fucking creepy and you need to stop and let me go."

He just laughed at me. Why is he laughing. There's nothing to laugh about. I just told him to let me go.

"Oh your so clueless Bella. Your not leaving her until I get what I've wanted for so long." With that he walks even closer to me and by closer I mean in between my legs. He lets go of my face and starts to reach down to my shirt.

I look at him like he's crazy and start to move around in the chair that I'm in. I keep struggling against the binds on my legs and arms. I look up at him and he is smirking at me.

"Your not getting out of here that easy. Those are bungi chords, so in other words unbreakable. Your not getting away from me." With that I get a glimpse at what he has behind his back.

It's a knife.

Emmett and Edward's P.O.V.

As soon as we get to Bella's house we know that she's not there but she was. We look into the house and see the couch overturned and we look to Alice. She gives a slight nod. She knows what we were going to do. We run out of the house and start searching for our little sister.

By now we have searched almost all of Forks and we still can't smell her. She has disappeared from us without a trace. We only have one place left to check.

The Newton's Spoting Good Store.

Esme's P.O.V.

I decide to let Alice and Jasper to go help look for Bella while I stayed here and watched Rose. Once I told them this they took off so fast that it was even fast for vampires. I go over to the couch and sit it up right and start to look at the scene.

I walk around the house trying to pick up any smell that doesn't belong here and there's known. This person came into Bella's house and left without a single detail to who it was. This person was good at what they do.

I walk back up to where Rose is and sit next to her. She has moved alittle and it was just to curl up on herself. She's in a little ball and her eyes are lifeless.

Please find Bella and fast a vampire can only stay like this for two hours.

Alice and Jasper's P.O.V.

As soon as we leave the house I get hit with a vision.

Bella's bleeding and bad.

A person is looking over her with the bloody knife in their hands laughing.

They reach down and grab her shirt.


"Jasper we have to hurry something's going to happen and it's going to be bad."

"Where are they Alice."

"They are in the sporting goods store."

With that we call Edward and find that they are almost there. We run as fast as we could but when we get there smell blood. I only smell Bella's and I'm worried.

We rush in to see Mike Newton on the ground with the knife in his leg passed out. We look over to see Bella screaming for her life. We also see Emmett holding her with Edward rubbing her back. We rush to her side and comfort her.

After five minutes of her not calming down I call Esme. I tell her to grab Rose and hurry down to the sporting goods store.

I hope Rose will wake up from her state once she smells Bella and I hope she can calm Bella down.

Bella's P.O.V.

As soon as I saw that knife I freaked out. I guess I was being too, I don't know jumpy because he stabbed me in the arm. After that didn't stop me he stuck the knife in my thigh. Don't get me wrong it hurt like a bitch but I guess my adrenaline kept me going because the next thing I know the knife is in his leg and I'm out of the chair.

I get up and punch him in the face twice and he gets knocked out. After that everything became blurry. I think Emmett and Edward was in here with me but I can't tell, I'm panicking. I even think Jasper and Alice was here with me but I couldnt calm down. I just sat there screaming for my life.

I don't know how long I sat there but I didn't care, I was scared.

Rose's P.O.V.

I finally started to come to my senses when I heard my mate screaming. I was going to go to her but someone was carrying me. I looked up to see Esme was the person carrying me. I tell her to let me down and she does.

I smell MY Bella's blood and I'm furious. I walk into the room where she was and she's still screaming. I run to her and grab her out of Emmetts lap. I put her in mine and rock her back and forth and saying sweet things into her ear.

She instantly stops crying and hugs me tight. If I wasn't a vampire I would have some broken ribs. Speaking of injuries I look at her's. She has two deep cuts that are going to need stiches but other than that she's safe. My Bella' s safe and with me.

I look over to her captor and see Mike Newton laying unconscious on the ground. I see two fist marks that are turning blue on his face. I look at Bella's fists and see that that was her that hurt him. She knocked his ass out while hurt. She is one tough girl.

I look back to Mike and I have plans for him. I look at my brothers and sister to see them all giving death glares to him too.

Oh he just messed with the wrong family.

Well there's another update down and I'm sorry that it took awhile. I've been busy. Thank you for voting and reading my story, I appreciate it. Anyways have a nice day/night.

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