Chapter 16

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Bella's P.O.V.

I have decided that I'm going to sell Charlie's house. I know that it's weird and all but I just can't stay there with the memories and I still can't stand to be alone in there. I get nervous and start panicking every time I go there. So I'm selling the house.

I walk down the stairs for the final time and when I reach the end I stop and look back. I remember when I fell down the stairs when I was five, when I thought it was cool to butt scoot down them when I was seven, and now is the last time I will walk down them.

I already had all of my stuff that I wanted out of the house and moved to my room. I didn't plan on moving in with them but I just kinda did. All my stuff was over there, my bike has a place in their garage, and they accepted me with open arms even with my weirdness.

I'm broke out of my thoughts when two arms wrapped around my waist and a head being laid on my shoulder. I turn my head sideways and smile at her.

Rose and I have been taking things slow and I like it like that. We have only had two kisses but they were both magical. She was just so patient with me, kinda like she knew I needed the relationship to go slow. I already think that I love her.

"Hey are you ready to go?" She asks.

"Yeah I think I am."

And with that I take one last look at the house and then turn around and walk outside with Rose by my side.

Rose's P.O.V.

Bella decided to sell her house and I couldn't have been happier. Every time she goes over there I can here her heartbeat speed up and it made me nervous. She didn't like to be alone in the house and it was the same in our house. I've had to tell Emmett multiple times to not jump up and scare her because she freaks out. Alice helps me out with that most of the time because duh, she has visions.

Once we get back to the house Esme and Alice take her away from me. I'm glad but also sad. Remember when I said that I ordered those vehicles awhile ago, well they are coming in tonight and I need to get the garage ready for them. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees what I got for us to work on.

After being in the garage for an hour and moving all the family vehicles around I have got enough space to put the Corvette and the old truck. I was just about to walk out when I see Bella on the front porch. She looks so good when she doesn't wear baggy clothes.

I asked her about the clothes thing the other night and she told me why. She doesn't want people to know that she is fit because she doesn't want the attention of others on her. She wears the baseball cap because she just likes to wear one and she likes her hair short because if it's long it gets in the way when she rides her bike. I will give her this, if someone had a body Luke hers and wore normal sized clothes she would definitely get noticed and the whole hair this is true it gets in the way. I also love the baseball cap, it makes her look hot.

I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her. "Hey, how's it going out here."

"Its going better now that your out here with me," she says and leans into my arms resting her head on my chest.

"Well I'm glad that I make your day better."

"I'm glad you make my day better also."

And with that she surprises me with turning around and kissing me. I mean I'm all for kissing and all but she has never actually instigated a kiss, or take the first step, and I kind of liked it. I smirked in the kiss when I felt her trying to keep control of the kiss but I took it from her. I bit down on her bottom lip gently asking for permission and she granted it. I let my tongue explore her mouth and I moaned by how good her mouth felt on mine. She moaned with me then when my tongue touched hers. We continued for a few more seconds before air was needed.

We ended the kiss but still kept our for heads touching each others. I stared into her eyes and she did the same. She has the most beautiful eyes and you can tell whatever she is feeling because her eyes show you.

After her breathing returned to normal we walked into the house hand in hand. We walked over to Emmett and she sat down on the couch and grabbed an remote control. I sat besides her and watched as Emmett and her battled it out in Mario Cart 8.

They were so funny because Bella could beat him every once in a while and then he would beat her and then they would start trash talking each other in a friendly matter. After five more minutes of sitting there I decided to get up and help Esme with Bella's dinner.

Before I left I have Bella a kiss on the cheek and left. As soon as I walked into the kitchen I saw Esme smiling.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Oh you know just you and Bella and how cute you two are."

I just look at her and if I could blush I would have in that instant. So I decided to play Iit cool.

"I came in here to see if you wanted any help with dinner."

"Of course I would, anything to get mother daughter bonding time."

And with that we set out to make Bella dinner.

Carlisle's P.O.V.

I have been going over Bella's medical records and from the last time I checked her it's not looking too good. It seems that with her powers there is a number that it's doing to her body. I have also discovered that she may possibly have a tumor on the left side of her brain and I'm going to have to do an MRI on her.

I just hope that my records are wrong.

Hello people reading my story. Thank you for reading my story for one thing and also voting. Sorry that I haven't updated in a while and I will try to get better at it. Anyway hope you enjoy. Have a good day/ night

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