Chapter 24

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Rose's P.O.V.

After Bella collapsed on the floor and I held her, wed stayed like that for the rest of the night. Esme made food for Bella and brought it to her. I didn't even try to get up so that I could go hunt, Esme brought me one of our many bag blood packets. No one came near us and we didn't even try to move.

The next morning I finally got the strength to pick Bella up and carry her upstairs to my room. As soon as we were in there and I shut the door Bella attacked me.

She started kissing me with such hunger that my knees grew weak and we slid down to the floor. She didn't even stop when we slid down, the only time she stopped was when she needed air and that still didn't stop her. Even though I was enjoying it, I had to stop her so we could talk.

"Bella I know that I worried you and I'm sorry, but please stop so we can talk about it."

She just grumbled but stopped. She held onto me for dear life and was shaking. "I thought that I was going to lose you forever. I thought that I wasnt going to ever get to see your beautiful face again. I thought that I was going to... I don't know." And she started to cry again.

I just held her equally tight trying to show her that I wasn't going to go anywhere, that she would always have me. I said sweet little nothings into her ear and kissed her neck and cheek.

After she stopped crying I picked us back up and carried us to my bathroom. I walked us over to the bathtub and started running warm water. She pulled her head away and looked at the tub to me and back to the tub.

"I'm not letting you go. I won't do it." She said to me squeezing me tighter.

"I know you won't and I'm not letting go of you either. I just think that you need to relax in a warm bath and I need the same thing. So I was going to just take off our shirts and pants so that we can enjoy it better." I tell her giving her a kiss Ion the nose.

She just nods her head and starts unbuttoning my blouse and pants. I started to tug on her shirt and she let go of me with her arms but kept her legs around me still. I tug her shirt off and couldn't help but stare.

She was absolutely breath taking. She had a six pack and she was toned. I didn't even realize that I moaned at the sight of her until I heard her moan back. I looked her in the eyes and leaned in and kissed her.

Her arms were around me instantly and the feeling of out skin touching each others was intense. I felt her unbuttoning her jeans and her feet hitting the ground. I then felt her legs wrapped around me again and noticed the lack of clothing.

I let go of her lips and pulled her away a little. "I love you Bella so much that it hurts me to be away from you. I thought that I was going to die with James but you saved me. They put me back together just in time to see you kill him very painfully. I loved every second of it and you were sexy doing it. You were my angel when I had fallen. You took care of me and I love that about you."

She just looked at me and wrapped me in an even tighter hug saying 'I love you too so much'.

Alice's P.O.V.

When Bella and Rose left the room the rest of the family came in and sat by their mates. Once everyone was seated we all looked at each other and laughed.

"I would not want to mess with Bella when she's mad. She ripped him apart like he was nothing. She phased in mid air and I have never seen that from someone so new to their shifter." Said Edward. The rest of the family nodded their agreements.

"I know that I wanted to help her out but I knew that she needed to do it. She was a total Badass and it was awesome." Said Emmett.

"Your right Emmett she was and I don't like to cuss alot but you are absolutely right." Said Esme which surprised us all.

"I just hope that something good happens for those two. It seems that ever since we met Bella trouble has come our way. It seems that Bella is a Trouble Magnet. She attracts it that's for sure." Said Carlisle.

"She sure is good fighting though. I haven't seen something that incredible in a long time when it comes to fighting. She was so graceful for being so clumsy. It was truly magnificent." Said  my dear husband.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Bella is what this family needed. She has changed outlr lives and made us the happiest vampires alive. Now all we do is have to protect her for whatever's coming next, and with Bella it will find us.

This is not the end of the book. I repeat NOT THE END OF THE BOOK. Just to make it clear. So I know that it sounds like I ended it there but it's not like that at all. I'm just kind of ending part one or something like that. I just think that they've had enough bad stuff happening for them right now that I'm putting a break like thing in there. So I will update soon and ig will be in here but I want the affect of something good happening to them for awhile.

Anyway I think I'll bring in some guests in the next chapter and how will they react to Bella, the only werecat in the history of well werecats. The last of the last.

So have a good night/day and see you soon.

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