Chapter 12

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Rose's P.O.V.

Bella decided to stay at our place that night, so we did normal things. We played games with Emmett, she played a game of chess with Edward and Jasper, she played dress up with Alice, looked at Esme's designs for houses, and finally we went and looked at the cars in the garages and worked on them, we also looked at cars and everything on the internet. We are thinking about getting a fixer-upper to work on together, I can't wait.

After all of this happened she started to yawn so I told her "let's go up to my room. You can sleep there and I won't bother you I promise. I can't sleep."

"That's so nice of you and yes I would love to go there I'm really tired. It's been a long day for me" she tells me with a smile.

We walk up the stairs and to my room. Once we get to my door she stops and looks at me expectantly. I catch on and open the door. She is so sweet, she didn't want to just barge into my room and invade my privacy.

"You have a nice room. Did you decorate it yourself?"

"Yeah I designed it and arranged the things to where I wanted them."

She steps in the rest of the way and looks around. "Nice undies."

I look to where she was looking and indeed there was a pair of my underwear. I wasn't even embarrassed because she's going to see worse eventually and I have already seen hers, so it's fair.

"Thanks I like that pair also, so comfy"I tell her with a smirk.

I think she gets it because she blushes and turns to continue to look around my room. "Do you mind if I take a shower?"

"No go right ahead, I'll show you the way" I lead her to my in suite bathroom, "You can use any of the shampoos or just anything, it doesn't bother me."

"Um thank you that's also nice of you" she tells me.

"No problem" and with that I shut the door.

Thirty minutes later I hear her yelling to me "Hey I need some clothes can you let me borrow some."

"Yeah sure I think we are about the same size anyway." I walk into my closet and find some of my old baggy sweaters and a pair of basketball shorts. "Here you go" I tell her as I put them on the counter just inside the door.

"Thank you so much."

I walk back into the room and sit on my bed waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. I just hope I can keep my hands from roaming over to her as she sleeps.

Bella's P.O.V.

I decided to spend the night over at there house tonight since I haven't stayed at my house without Charlie before. I had fun with everything that night but I was pretty tired. I guess using my powers really drains me. I ask Rose if I could shower and all was good until I remembered that I didn't have clean clothes. So I decide to just ask her and she says yes. So she leaves me some clothes on the counter by the door for me.

I get out of the shower and head towards the clothes after I dried off. I pick up the sweat shirt and then see the basketball shorts and all I can think is that she has great taste in clothes. I love to wear sweat shirts and basketball shorts in my free time or when I'm relaxing.

I walk back out into the room once I'm dressed and jump onto her bed besides her. I crawl the rest of the way up the bed and grab a pillow. I grab another pillow and throw it at her. She looks up and turns to me and I motion for her to lay besides me.

Once she is besides me I close my eyes and fall into a deep dream less sleep.

Rose's P.O.V.

She threw a pillow at me and then falls asleep on me. This girl is amazing. No one likes to play around like that with me and she did and then completely ditched me by falling asleep once I was beside her.

I watch her sleep for five minutes and get up before I caress her cheek. I walk pout of the room and head to the garage. I get back on the internet and look up the website where Bella liked this old 79 Chevy truck. I order it and it should be here in a week.

After that I go to another website and get another vehicle that we both like, a 69 Chevy Corvette. Yep we liked it so we are going to get it. I click order and it should be here in two weeks. I can't wait to them to get here. We are going to have so much fun together working on these.

While I was getting things set up and ordered for both vehicles Edward comes in with a smile on his face.

"I'm really happy that you found your mate. She really is special and I just wanted you to know that we all love her. We even think that her powers are really awesome and can't wait to see if she can control it and eventually use it when she wants to" he says and then leaves.

I just shake my head and laugh. I'm so glad my family likes her.

Unknown P.O.V.

"Hey do you have everything set up?"


"Well she hasn't been to her house yet and it's dark so I'm guessing she won't be home tonight. I'm going to stay here for awhile though in case she does come back."


"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow man, and yes I won't get caught. I'm really good at being sneaky, plus I know her schedule. She doesn't even know that I paid attention to her while she was at school so it'll be a complete surprise to her."


"Yeah bye."

With that I hung up the phone and continued to sit outside of her house. Oh where oh where are you Isabella Marie Swan.

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I was busy. I'll try to update more often. Have a nice day/night.

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