Chapter 20

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Bella's P.O.V.

As soon as we got back to the house I shifted back to my human form and ran into the house. I ran straight to the food and saw Esme by the stove putting it on a plate. I walk over to her and wrap her in a bear hug and pick her up. She instantly wiggled around till she was facing me and squeezed back. We stayed like that for a few minutes without saying a word.

I gently set her down and say, "Thank you so much for everything you have done for me and I really appreciate what you have done. And if it's alright with you I would love to start calling you mom."

She just stood there and stared at me. I was getting uncomfortable and nervous because she hadn't said anything. I was just about to turn around and find something to do when I feel her arms wrap around me and her kissing my cheek saying that she'd be honoured if I called her that.

After that she vampire speed grabbed me a plate and pushed me into a seat telling me to eat up. I didn't know how hungry I was until I took a bite of her food because I ate at least five plates before I was finally full.

I walked into the living room and was immediately pulled into a bear crushing hug that I knew only Emmett is capable of. I return the hug just as hard until he lets me go after kissing me on the forehead.

"Now baby sis, let's play some games."

And play we did. We played for a good two hours straight and I enjoyed every moment of it. The only reason we stopped was because Rose came in the room so that she can talk to me in the garage.

We walk into the garage and I'm surprised by what I see. It's the Corvette that I saw on the web and the old Chevy truck that I also saw. She got them for us.

I reach over and grab her by the waist. I crash my lips down on hers and start kissing her all the love that a could manage. After we stopped she tossed me a jumpsuit and that was my cue that meant that we would be in here a good part of the night. I immediately put on the suit and looked at her, she already had hers on and was looking at me expectantly with a wrench in her hand holding it out to me.

I couldn't deny what she was saying and grabbed it and headed toward the truck. It's going to be the first one we tear apart.

Rose's P.O.V.

As soon as Bella saw what was in the garage she lit up with excitement. After she put her jumpsuit on and I handed her the wrench she headed straight to the truck. I knew that that was the one she was going to choose so I had already ordered all of the replacement parts. But first things first, we had to tear it down.

We worked really well together and got half of the truck done before she started to yawn every minute. I took the wrench from her hands and unzipped the jumpsuit that she was wearing. She looked so adorable with grease smudges on her forhead.

"How about you go take a shower and get ready for bed and I'll be there in the bed when you get out." I ask her.

She nods her head yes but before she goes I tug her closer to me and kiss her with all the love I can put into it. She steps back alittle dazed but leaves the garage and I hear her on the stairs. I turn around to start putting things away when I feel the air behind me shift.

I turn around expecting Alice to be playing some type of joke on me but it wasn't her.

But before I could turn all of the way around I had something shoved in my mouth and my arm ripped off.

Bella's P.O.V.

We got along pretty far on the truck I think. We got half of it torn down and that's alot for that truck. Anyway Rose told me to go take a shower because I was pretty tired so I walked up the stairs and to her bathroom.

As i get in there I notice that my body is different. When I look into the mirror I find out why. I have muscles on my legs that stand out more now and I'm a good three inches taller. My hair was a heck of alot shinier and thicker. I even have back muscles which stand out now.

After looking at myself for a good fifteen minutes in the mirror I remember that Rose is waiting for me so I hurry and get in the shower. After my quick shower I head out into her room she's not there. I look around and she's just gone. So I walk out in the hall and still don't see her.

After I searched the rest of the house all I had to do was look in the garage for her. So help me if she was working on that truck, it's supposed to be a together thing. When I walk into the garage she's not here either. And then I see it. It's a note and it's taped to the wrench.

If you ever want to see your precious Rose again I would take me very seriously. Don't think I'm playing around. I know what you guys are and I know how to stop you. You have done me wrong and I'm going to take it out on all six of you. To prove my point her arm is somewhere outside and there is still plenty of body parts that can come off. I will leave you notes and they will be detailed and you will follow what I want done. Until we meet, take care Cullens.

I couldn't think right and all I could do is run outside and find Rose's arm. I picked it up and started screaming.

Whoever did this doesn't know about me, so I will surprise them and will get my Rose back safe and sound.

Hello my fellow readers. Thank you for voting and telling me that I'm doing good. So who will be the lucky person that meets a very pissed off werecat. You'll have to read and find out. Anyway have a good night/day.

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