Chapter 19

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Bella's P.O.V.

When I came too after the incruciating pain, I noticed that I had a freaking tail.

Yes I said tail. I look to Rose and see that she is as shocked as I am and i look to the rest of the family. They seem just as shocked as I am. The good thing is that they don't look disgusted and ready to kick me out. I go to touch Rose and touched her with a paw. My hand is gone and is now a paw.

I didn't intend to scratch her but I did and I freaked out. I let out a whine and tried to talk to her so that I could tell her that I was sorry but nothing came out. Now I'm beyond freaked out and upset with myself. I scratched Rose and she's not even doing anything. She finally moves and when she does I see that the scratch was bigger than I thought and it was pretty deep. I whined and got up and ran.

I hurt Rose and now she's going to hate me.

Rose's P.O.V.

Bella turned into a freaking werecat. I have heard about them once when Carlisle was telling an old legend about a werecat that will have a soul mate as a vampire. I just thought it was a legend because all of the werecat were killed about a thousand years ago by, of course, werewolf shifters. Apparently they killed them because the werecat is a stronger shifter than them and can beat them in every fight.

I look to Bella after zoning out and see her freak out. Before I can ask her what's wrong she whines and runs away. I look to my family and raise my arms to see what was going on when I noticed the wlreason why she ran. My arm had a long scratch and it was pretty deep, deep enough that if I were a human I would have to get it amputated. I watch as the scratch heals up and turn back to my family.

"When did that happen and why did she run."

"It happened while you were zoned out and her emotions went crazy after she did that to you. Before she ran away she was feeling lonely and almost rejected like. If I were you I would go after her before something else happens to your werecat." Said Jasper.

I look to my family and they are all smiling at me. I give them a slight nod and take off to find my mate.

20 Minutes Later

I finally found Bella on the outskirts of the Canadian border and she looked devastated. I walk up to her slowly and notice that her clothes are still on. That's kind of weird the werewolf shifters always shred their clothes when they shift, must have something to do with her species. She looks to be crying alittle also.

"Bella, are you okay," I ask her as I sit beside her on the log.

She looks to me and starts to cry harder. I grab her by the waist and put her in my lap so that I can hug her and try to comfort her.

After her crying lets up and she can talk properly she asks, "Why aren't you mad at me. I almost tore your arm off. I promise I didn't mean to though. I was just trying to get you to look at me and say something."

"Whoa Bella calm down," I say while hugging her tighter tto me," I'm not mad at you. I can never be mad at you. I was just in shock and you didn't even hurt me see. You can't even see it." With that I show her my arm.

She takes my arm in her hand gently and inspects it. I think she was really worried that she hurt me. I love how she's so protective of me and my family. She has a really big heart if you would just get to know her.

"Is your family mad or grossed out about me because if they are I can leave your house and I don't know..."

She never got to finish that sentence because I crushed my lips to hers. She put up a little of a fight before just going with it. She even tried to take the lead of the kiss but I was not letting that happened. This was about her. I thought I had lost her.

"My family still loves you and no they are not sucked out by what you are. Emmett loves you even more now."

To prove my point I grab my phone and dial Alice. She answers on the first ring and immediately tells me to hand it to Bella. I give the phone over to her and they talk for a good ten minutes and I can tell that whatever Alice was saying was calming Bella down. After she ends the call she looks exhausted.

"Are you ready to go home."

"Yeah I'm ready, plus I'm really hungry."

"Do you want to ride home on my back or do you want to try and shift and run back." I ask her.

To answer my question she shifts into a beautiful brown and tan speckled werecat. She looks at me for a second and then she takes off. Man she's fast.

Alice's P.O.V.

After I get done talking to Bella I ask Esme is should would mind to start cooking food for Bella. Of course Esme just said she would and got to it. I walked to the living room and see Emmett sitting on the floor playing game looking worried. I walk up to him and give him a hug. He instantly gives me a hug back.

"She's fine Em, they are on their way back right now and I'm sure she will play games with you after she eats."

That's all it took to cheer him up and him to start acting like his old self again.

I walk up to Carlisle's study and see him with the books open and reading furiously at the text. When I get closer to him I see that he is looking things up about the long gone werecat, well I guess they aren't all gone.

"What's up Carlisle."

"Just reading up on my werecat knowledge because I'm sure that she would like to know. Also I found out that the legend says that the vampire and werecat will be the strongest thing the supernatural world has ever seen. As soon as they finish the mating bond they will be indestructible."

Well there's another chapter down. I hope you guys like it. Thank you all for reading my story and for voting on it. It means a lot to me. Also just a heads up, or I guess its alittle late, but there is probably alot of spelling wlerrors so sorry about that. I will retry and go back and fix it. Anyway I hope you all have a good day/night. Until next time.

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