Chapter 26

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Rose's P.O.V.

The Volturi never get to a place early. It just never happens and it's throwing me for a complete loop. I can feel Bella wrapping her arms around me and talking to me but I'm not comprehending what she's saying. All I can do is look at the smiling Aro and think of all the ways I could kill him.

I look around at my family and they all seem shocked, especially Alice. She never gets visions like this and now she's completely thrown off for what's happened. I can tell that she is already putting the blame on herself for not seeing this happen. I look at her and smile. I do not blame her for this unexpected visit.

I finally relax once I see all of my family doing the same and see Carlisle gather himself and act like he always does.

"Aro, my dear old friend, how have you been. You haven't changed a bit and always seem to surprise us."

"Oh Carlisle you know I like to surprise you. It's very hard though with your extremely talented daughter you have." Says Aro.

"Yes she's quite handy in situations like that. Anyway what is the reason for your visit." Says Carlisle ever so politely.

"Well you see Carlisle there is a rumor going around that you have added another family member to your coven," with that he looks right at my Bella, "and it seems as though she is a human. There is also a rumor going around that she is not human at all and something that the legends have told us about. So you see Carlisle we have alot of catching up to do my dear friend."

All of the guard are looking at Bella and it's making me mad. She is MINE and NOBODY ELSE'S. They need to back off and that little bitch Jane is pissing me off by staring at her like she's a piece of meat.

Suddenly a wave of calm hits me full on and I instantly relax into Bella's embrace. I snuggle up to her and start rubbing my back against her. I'm trying to show the guard that she's mine and not theirs. I look at all of them and see multiple guys looking lustfully at her. I give them a warning growl and that gets all of their attention. With all of their attention on me I turn to Bella and wrap her in my arms and start kissing her. I kiss her like my life depends on it and she is kissing me the same way back. After a good minute she breaks free from me but we keep our for heads together and stare into each others eyes. We hear a throat clearing and turn to look at Carlisle.

"Sorry Carlisle I hot distracted what were you saying." I said.

"I was just telling Carlisle that Bella is your mate and that everything has just now relaxed and become normal for you two. Especially after the James incident."

With that I growled and so did the rest of my family. I could feel Bella rumbling and knew that I had to calm her down before she could get worked up, so I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed.

After everyone calmed down Aro looked right at her. "So Isabella, I see that you don't know me and I don't know you. Come here dear girl and let me read you."

"Block your thoughts from him and be nice. He is going to grab your hand and is going to read your every thought and all the thoughts you have ever had just block them out and like I said before be nice." Rose said to Bella to where no one else in the room could hear them.

Bella got up and walked right up to Aro and she didn't even seem scared. She looked sexy like that and it was hard not growling myself when he took her hand.

"Hello Aro, I have heard nothing but good things about you." With that she held out her hand to him.

A few seconds later we heard him laughing. We all looked confused until he said what I knew he was going to say."I can't read you at all my dear child. That is truly amazing, no wonder why Edward had trouble reading you, I can't even do it. You are truly amazing and special my dear girl."

Bella took her hand back and stepped back. She was turning around when I saw Jane staring her down. I instantly started to growl because I knew what Jane was trying to do. Jane was going cause her intense pain and it would kill Bella.

Once I growled at her she turned that stare onto me and I instantly fell to the floor in pain. I saw Bella run to me and she looked frightened. She didn't know anything about the Volturi or what they could do. She looked at everyone and then finally Jane.

"You better stop hurting my mate. You don't want to make me mad." Said Bella and she was trembling.

Jane just started to laugh. Carlisle looked like he was about to jump her when he finally got Aro's attention.

"Now Aro is that necessary. You are a guest at my house and you are being rude hurting my family."

"I'm sorry my dear friend, we were only trying to see if she could block out some of the other gifts. That is enough Jane let Rosalie go." Said Aro with a look to Jane.

Jane smiled and said, "Yes Master Aro."

After I was released from the pain I grabbed Bella and wrapped her in my arms to calm her down. It wasn't working and I started looking around to see what was making her mad. I was looking at the guard when all of a sudden I saw the fog from none other than the other evil twin Alec.

I looked at him and at Aro and saw him smiling like it was all fun and games trying to hurt my mate. "Aro will you please stop, your getting my mate upset. She's really protective of the family."

"Of course it's all for fun." He looks to Carlisle," well I don't see anything wrong here my good friend and I didn't suspect there would be. Anyway we must get going there's alot of things that must get done in Volturi."

With that they all stood up and headed out the door. Once they were all gone I dragged Bella upstairs and to our room. Once we got in there I slammed her against the closed door.

I immediately crashed my lips to hers and picked her up so that her legs were wrapped around my waist. She moaned into the kiss when I grabbed her butt and gave it a squeeze. I carried her over to the bed and let go of her lips so that she could breathe.

"I loved how you walked up to him like you'd known him forever. It was so hot." I said as I kissed her again. Just then we hear our family screaming.

We rush downstairs and see them all on the floor in pain from the one and only Jane. She was the only one here and she was laughing.

Bella's P.O.V.

When I saw that bitch in the living room and heard all of the screams from my family members I started losing it. I really lost it when I heard Rose fall to the floor screaming in pain also.


"What are you going to do bitch, kill me."

I just looked at her and laughed. I didn't smell any of the other vampires around so I decided to show her who's the boss.

I ran at her and shifted in midair and I started my full on attack. It took me a total of one minute to fully decapitate her and have her in a fire burning to complete and absolute nothingness.

I looked back to my family and they all came tto me and wrapped me in a hug. Esme was sobbing and I couldn't help but feel for her. She got up and I could smell the food starting up in the kitchen.

After everyone let me go and left to do their own things I finally crashed to the floor. I saw Rose looking scared but I just pulled her close to me and fell into a peaceful slumber.

I will protect my family from everything and anyone.

There is your second update for today so I hope you enjoyed. Have a good night/day.

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