Chapter 11

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Bella's P.O.V.

"Well Bella we, as in the whole family, are vampires."

I just sit there stunned and I don't know what to think. The girl I like is a vampire. Wait... aren't vampires supposed to drink blood. What if Rose was just playing with me and going to eventually kill me. This has to be a joke.

I look around the table and see everyone looking at me expectantly. What was I supposed to say something.

"Um... I... uh need to get some fresh air" and with that I get up and walk out of the house.

This is crazy. What else could possibly go wrong this week. First it's Charlie dying, then I find out I have powers, I go to the Black residence and confront them, and now my whole family finds out I have powers and they tell me that they are vampires. I don't even know how to think like that. This is a lot of pressure on me and I just don't know. Like I said they could kill me, I was freaking on Emmetts back tonight. That could have been the end of me.

I break out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn and see Esme there smiling at me. "I know that it's a lot to take in right now but please don't hate us and please feel free to ask me any questions you have at anytime." Said Esme.

"Um...okay Well are you going to kill me because I know that you have to have blood to survive and all but I would like to live my life alittle longer before I died" I tell her.

"We are vegetarian vampires, so that means that we drink from animal blood not humans. We wouldn't kill you to eat from I rest to sure you" she tells me.

"Are you sure your okay with me being different. If you aren't I understanf and I can leave if you want me too" I tell her.

"Your no different from us so no I don't mind you being different. Everyone's different in their own ways and nobody should be judged by that."

"Okay one last thing, are you sure that you don't mind me liking your daughter. I didn't mean for it to happen but it just did and I like her" I tell her.

"No I'm fine with you dating my daughter. I love that it's you and not someone else. Also the offer still stands" and with that she walks back into the house.

I think I want to be apart of this family. They have been nice to me since they met me while everyone else hates me or acts like I'm invisible. They are great and I already consider them family. A big happy family.

Rose's P.O.V.

As soon as Bella walked out of the house I start to panick. What if she hates us, what if she leaves me, what if...well there's many more what it's running through my head when suddenly I get hit with calmness.

I look over at Jasper and give him a grateful smile and let the calmness take over. While I'm relaxing Esme walks outside with Bella to talk. I look around and Alice has the biggest smile on her face. I'm going to take that as a good sign. I hope she doesn't run away I would die if she rejected me.

Esme comes in ten minutes later smiling and looking at me.

"She's a keeper Rose. She wants to make sure I agree with letting her date you and all that good stuff. I like her" and with that walks into the kitchen.

All I can do with this information is smile and hope for the best. If she asked Esme that, then that means that she was wanting to date me. It also means that she doesn't want to leave us.

Ten minutes after Esme came in Bella walks in and sits next to me grabbing my hand and squeezing it. She looks at me and smiles. I take this as a very good thing. She looks at all of my family members that are still in the room and smiles at them also. I think she just called us her family in her own unique way.

"Your not scared of us" I ask.

"I was at first, but then Esme answered my questions and I'm not scared any more" she tells me.

"I'm glad that your not scared of us" I tell her as I squeeze her hand. I'm falling hard for her and fast.

Alice's P.O.V.

I saw all of this happen in my vision but I'm glad it didn't change. Everything turned out good for this evening and I couldn't have been happier to who Rose's mate is. Bella will be a great best friend for me and a great sister for my brothers. She will be a great daughter to Esme and Carlisle and also a great mate for Rose. I just hope everything turns out right. Poor Rose won't make it if it doesn't.

Unknown P.O.V.

I have been watching Bella Swan for a very long time and now it's time to make my move. Th e girl is absolutely beautiful and I can't believe I treated her like crap. I will make her see me as a great guy and she will love me I just know it.

Now all I have to do is wait for the perfect time.

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