Chapter 4

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Bella's P.O.V.

I don't really know why I agreed to go to her house with her and let alone let her ride with me on my dirt bike. I have never let anybody ride on my dirt bike with me because we'll first I don't have any friends and two it makes me uncomfortable because they have to have their arms around my waist and all. The one thing that's even weirder is that I have this weird feeling when I'm near her or with her, she makes me feel complete...

Whoa where did that come from. I don't know but it's the truth.

I'm glad that she's letting me run home real fast so that I can drop off all of my stuff, which consists of my school stuff. This will be the first time that anybody from school will be going to my house also. I'm nervous about that because I don't remember if Charlie has a late shift tonight and also the fact that I don't know if I cleaned the house before I left for school.

When I told her to hold on to my waist I got nervous because it sent a chill down my spine. I'm pretty sure she noticed that I tensed up because she loosened her hold on my waist but I finally calmed down and relaxed. No one has ever touched me and I liked it that way but she made me feel good. I know that she could feel my muscles when she did that. No one knows that I'm actually well fit, they think I'm fat well that's what they say when they think I can't hear them talk about me. I was just going to pretend that she didn't notice and I took off.

We arrived at my house ten minutes later and it was the longest ten minutes of my life. Her arms around my waist felt so good and it was driving me insane the whole time there but when we finally got there she let go but it seemed a little hesitant and stood beside me waiting. I got off of the bike and she followed me to my house just a step behind me and I had the weirdest feeling that she was watching my every move, but I was used to it so it didn't bother me.

"Um you can come in and sit in the living room or do whatever while I run this up to my room." I tell her as I start heading up to my room with my bag in my hands.

"Oh okay yeah I'll sit here and wait for you." She tells me.

I hurry up to my room and put my bag on my bed and grab an extra helmet from the chair besides the door and rush down the stairs.

"Here you can borrow this for now that way your safe in case anything would happen." I tell her while handing over the helmet.

She takes the helmet with a genuine smile and it's so beautiful. I don't think people get to see that smile very often lets just say that.

"Thank you that's so sweet of you." She says.

"Yeah um, no problem. Let's get going shall we," I ask her nervous again.

She just nodded and headed to the door and towards my bike out in the parking space in front of the house.

I get on the bike first and then she gets on. I have my helmet in my hands and gesture for her to put hers on also. I slide my he let on and so does she and she tells me her address and we take off.

It was a fifteen minute drive to get to her house or should I call it a mansion because it was huge and nicely decorated. I couldnt help but stare at the place as we arrived and she got off the bike.

"Nice place huh." She says as she takes off her helmet and handing it to me. I take the helmet but I see her smirking at me.

I know that I must look completely stupid but I couldn't help it. I have never seen a house like this before and it amazes me. The house is basically a huge glass wall because there are at least two of them from what I can see and I'm just seeing the front of my house. It looked like there was two stories and possibly and attic also.

I follow her up to the house after taking my helmet off and putting it on the ground by my bike. As I walk behind her I notice that they have a garage that's almost as big as the house in its width. They must have a lot of cars if they have that much room.

We reach the front door and I'm greeted by a lady that looked like she was in her mid thirties and she was as gorgeous as the rest of them so I believe that this is the mom of the household.

"Hi I'm Esme Cullen, I'm the mom of the house." She says to me with a smile and she holds out her hand for me to shake it. I shake her hand and notice that her hand was as cold as the rest of them.

"Its nice to meet you Miss Cullen, I'm Bella and you have a lovely home." I tell her.

"Oh thank you and please just call me Esme." She says.

"Okay Esme." I tell her with a smile.

Rosalie grabbed my hand and we entered the house and to say I was awestruck was an understatement. I was completely shocked by this house. It was so beautiful in every way and it was crazy that a house could look like this without being fake. Rosalie kept leading me through the house like she didn't notice that I was basically drooling all the way to the wherever she was taking me.

She took me through a doorway and I stopped in shock. We were in the huge garage.

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