Chapter 32

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Alice's P.O.V.

After the girls calmed down and realised that they have a family again, they relaxed and started to tell us about themselves.

Emily is the older sister and she has went through alot growing up. She was never a shifter, but she had the sickness.that they all went through. She had the high fever and still has the higher body temperature, so when she gets sick she has to bear threw it. The tribe didn't know what was happening to her and have deemed her to be a freak and basically outlasted her.

The younger sister, but still older than Jacob, was Anna. She has had quite a run around or run threw also. When she turned sixteen she started to date Paul, one of the shifters, and everything was all fine and dandy until she mad him upset one day and he attacked her. She has a prosthetic leg and a chunk of her side missing. They immediately broke up the next day when she came too and now she suffers from the same thing as her sister. The pack doctor couldn't help her when her side got infected so her sister did the best that she could with the supplies that they had and cured the infection. The two are now unseperable and don't like to leave each others sides for too long.

After Anna told us that Carlisle got a gleam in his eyes and I knew that he was going to do everything in his power to help this poor girl. To make the matters true I got a vision of him in his office with medical records from the pack doctor on the whole family. I smiled over at him and then I realized that Esme was close to them and giving them a loving hug.

After that all settled down and Esme told them that she was making their rooms they all smiled, stood up, and hugged Esme saying thank you. Once they sat back down Esme headed to the kitchen and started to fix who knows what for their dinner.

At this time I got up and walked over to them and said that we would become great friends and they hugged me which surprised me. I also told them that we will be going shopping very soon and they smiled even more and nodded their head in the positive.

I do believe that this choice was another good one for the family. I already love the new members.

Rose's P.O.V.

After Alice left the room the two sisters walked to the kitchen and started helping Esme with dinner. Once they were gone I turned to Jacob and looked him in the eyes.

"What are you going to tell the pack, the council. They aren't going to like you three anymore after they find out that you are living with their enemy." I tell him and give him a small smile.

I feel sorry for him and he already feels like a brother to me. He and Emmett are going to get along so well that it's going to be hard to separate them.

"I'm just going to tell them that I'm leaving the pack and if they have a problem with it oh well, it's not their choice. And then I'll run across the border to your land and if you don't mind would you guys wait there for me in case they try to fight me." He asks and he starts to fidget with his hands.

"Of course bro, I'll be there for you and I'll help you out if anything starts to happen. We are brothers now and nobody hurts my family." Said Emmett with a huge smile on his face.

I look over to see how Edwards reacting and I'm surprised by what I see. Edward is smiling and nodding his head at what Emmett was saying. I start to feel Bella move under me and look over to see her leaning over and taking Jacob's hand in hers and squeezing it. I see Jasper get up and walk towards him.

"You have nothing to worry about. I will protect you like I protect the rest of my family. You are apart of us now and so are your sisters. You are already family and you have nothing to worry about." Says Jasper. I knew he would say that.

"I will also go with you to make sure that if anything goes down I can talk to the council about it." Says Carlisle.

Bella just looks at him and nods her head. That's her sign that she will be there for him when he runs back over to us.

Jacob's P.O.V.

I don't know why I'm so attached to this family already but I am. It doesn't bother me either. When I saw my sisters run up to Esme and Carlisle and hug them it touched my heart. Esme accepted them with open arms and so did the rest of this family.

It really surprised me when my sisters told them their stories and what happened to them while in the pack. They never talk about it but they opened up to this family that they don't even know and told them everything. I really appreciate that the family is willing to risk their lives to stand on the outside of Quillette land to wait for me to come out to make sure that I'm safe. They really do care about their family. I couldn't have been happier.

Now the only problem is the pack and the council. I have no idea how they will react and I'm kind of scared to find out. Please let everything go smoothly tonight.

Well theres another chapter down. Thanks for those of you that have the the story.

Anyway I'm sorry that I didn't get to the council meeting in this chapter but I decided that I wanted to tell you alittle about the sisters. Also I made up their names because I honestly don't know what their names are.

Anyway the next chapter will be about The meeting with the council and how they will react.

Hope you enjoyed and have a great night/day. Also happy Holidays everybody. I will try to update tomorrow but no promises so if I don't Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a great day.

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