Chapter 29

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Aro's P.O.V.

I noticed that my favorite of all of my pet's is gone. She hasn't came back since I sent her back to the Cullen home. We are almost back to Volturi so I will see what has happened to her.

What the Cullen's don't know is that I put a camcorder in the plant by their door. I had it rolling and I told Jane to go and teach the Cullens a lesson for protecting a weak useless human. How could one of our own kind mate with a human, better yet hang out with humans on a daily basis and not tear their throats out and suck them dry.

Once we enter the throne room I'm instantly met with my two brothers. Caisius and Marcus are my two brothers and they stand by my side no matter what. They let me lead them so they are kinda like second in commands. Anyway like I was saying they were sitting there smiling at me and greeting me.

"Hello brother, did you get the camcorder set up and recording." Asked Caisius.

"I still don't see why we bother these people. I mean gosh Carlisle worked for us all of that time ago and now we have to keep watch on him and his family. It's just not right." Said Marcus.

Here's the thing about Marcus, when he speaks you listen because it's rare that he ever speaks. He always just agrees with whatever I say and we continue on, so when he spoke what he was thinking I was shocked. He was disagreeing with me and over a stupid Cullen.

"We do it because they have a human in their house and that said human could possibly be the last werecat on Earth. So please tell me dear brother what's bothering you." I said.

We looked at him and he said nothinh. With that being done we got the tv with the live video feed of what's going on in the house and see nothing out of the ordinary. The only person missing is Jane and it's weird. I told her to hurt them till they were begging for forgiveness and saying sorry over and over again.

I decided that we would listen to what they were saying because they were all huddled on the floor together.

'I'm sorry I caused all of this. She was hurting you guys and I can't allow that to happen...'

'Its okay we didn't like her anyway...'

What in the hell are they talking about. Just then they moved and I saw into the fireplace. There sat a fire burning and I could just make out a head.

They killed my favorite pet and now the war has just started for this family.

Alice's P.O.V.

Today is the day that the war is going to take place. We met up in the meadow that we play baseball in and everybody was nervous, excited, and many more things.

The new couple were holding hands and leaning against each other, Carlisle and Esme were looking at each other and smiling, Emmett and Edward were just holding hands, and finally Jasper and I were doing it all. We were holding hands, leNding against each other, and we were looking at each other and smiling.

The future so far is nothing. All I see is when they get here and that's it. It's making me nervous but I have tried multiple times to try and see into all of our future and there's nothing.

I just hope everything goes in our favor.

Bella's P.O.V.

I knew when the vampires entered the area. I knew when they had the other twin trying to hurt us. I also knew when I was looking my battle at keeping in control of my inner beast. I was loosing my facade at being a human fast. What set me off on a freaking frenzy was when I saw Aro smirking at the family. That was the last straw.

Rose's P.O.V.

We could all sense when they entered in the area but the only one really having a hard time controlling themselves was my mate. She was shaking and about to loose complete control of herself. I grabbed her in a hug when I saw Aro at the end of the field smirking at us. I felt her trying to float off into the air but with the hold I had on her and the hold, I just realized Emmett had a hold of her too, Emmett had on her she wasn't going anywhere.

"So I see that Jane is not here. Would you like to explain yourselves Cullens." Asked Caisius.

Carlisle stepped forward with Esme and said, "would you explain yourselves. You sent her to us when you left and she cause a terrible pain to us and we did warn you that Bella was really protective of us."

Aro started laughing hysterically, "what could that pathetic human have done against a man eating vampire. That human doesn't even have a scratch on her, so who took her down."

"I did you worthless piece of shit. Didn't anybody ever tell you to not underestimate anybody when you don't know them. Didn't anybody ever tell you that it is rude to send someone to clean up your dirty work. I am not a pathetic human." Roared Bella as Emmett and I let her go.

She instantly started floating and I wished I had a camera so that I could take a picture of the looks on their faces. Some of them ran away while others stood still, still in shock. My gorgeous mate was getting closer to them and that's when I noticed that Marcus was walking to our side. I mind linked to Bella to tell her not to hurt him. She just nodded and continued over to them.

"Please don't hurt me, I mean to cause no harm. Carlisle please let me live and I promise to never bother you again." Said Marcus when he reached Carlisle.

"Of course we won't hurt you old friend. We know who did this and they are going to get what they deserve here real soon." Said Carlisle.

Just then we heard a growl and saw Bella in her werecat form. She dropped from the sky and landed right on Aro. We took that as a clue, the war has started.

Bella's p.O.V.

I landed right on top of that piece of shit. I heard the signs of my family going into battle and I knew then that we were going to win this war. I had scared off over half of them when I floated into the air so the odds were better as soon as that happened.

I started yanking and clawing at pieces of his body and I knew that it was going to be a slow death for him.

The first thing that I ripped off was his legs. As soon as they were gone I tore off his arm and shoved it in his mouth. I tore the other arm and threw it in the fire. He was screaming like crazy and all I could do was laugh. I grabbed his legs and threw them into the fire also. All that was left now was the body, head, and the arm that was in his mouth.

"I'm not so pathetic now am I. I'm going to make you watch all of your people that didn't run be killed. I'm going to let you watch your brother be killed by my mate. Then I'm going to throw you in the fire and let you waste away into nothing like you should be."

Ten minutes later...

The fight was over and everything was good. We were still cleaning up the fields when the last person I wanted to ever see again showed up.

Jacob Black

Another chapter down. I'm still open for ideas and I hope I did this chapter well. Anyway hope you enjoyed. Have a nice day/night.

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