Chapter 31

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Esme's P.O.V.

I know what I'm going to talk to Carlisle tonight when everybody goes to their rooms and relax with their mates. I'm going to ask Carlisle if we can adopt Jacob and his sister's into the family. I know that Alice saw what I was planing and I know that Edward read her mind and saw it too but I don't care I'm still going to ask Carlisle.

When Jacob left he gave me a hug without even thinking that it was weird. Now that's weird because they are supposed to hate our guts and reject being around us. When I walked into the living room my two kids that I know saw what I was planning gave me a nod and I couldn't help but smile. They are going to let me ask and possibly gain a brother and two sisters. They are okay with me wanting them in the family with us and I couldn't be happier.

Another weird thing is that we aren't supposed to like werewolves either and are supposed to reject being around them, but with Jacob I didn't feel that at all. He didn't even smell like the rest of them did, he smelled kind of like Bella.

Everyone went to their respective rooms and I grabbed Carlisle's hand and led him up to our room. Once we get in there he hugs me and spins me around. He is always like this after a battle and I'm glad he's like this because I know that he cares when he's like this. So I let him do it until he puts me down and we walk to the bed.

"Honey I need to ask you something and I know it's going to be strange but I just have to ask you." I say.

"What is it dear. You know you can ask me anything." He says to me grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

"I was wondering, if they accept, if we could let the Black' s live with us. I know it's weird and goes against our kind but I feel so bad for them. They have nobody else but themselves and did you see him hug me. He didn't even think about it and just hugged me. I loved it and it made me feel good." I say.

He just sits there and looks at me for a while and then smiles at me. "Of course we can adopt them into the house. I agree with you and they are different compared to the rest of the werewolves. He was very well mannered also. So no I wouldn't mind if they lived with us." Says Carlisle as he hugs me.

After he lets me go I get up and leave the room to go to my work room. I start drawing out three new rooms that I'm going to add on to the house. I might as well think about a game room also.

Bella's P.O.V.

As soon as we get into our room Rose attacks me and shoves me toward the bed. I look at her and she has an evil smirk on her face. She rips my clothes off and lets just say I didn't get much sleep last night.

The next morning...

I wake up to my fiance, I love saying that, playing with my hair and rubbing my back. I lean up and kiss her on the lips before sitting up and heading towards the bathroom. As soon as i get in there I turn on the shower and walk in. The water wakes me up the rest of the way and it's so relaxing.

After I get dressed from my shower we walk downstairs and see everyone sitting in the living room. They all look toward us as we enter the living room.

"I'm sorry were you waiting for us. You could have knocked on the door and I would have skipped the shower and came down here first." I say as I sit down and pull Rose besides me.

"No no that's okay dear, we were just waiting and letting you relax. What I wanted to ask you is if you could get a hold of the Black family and ask them all to come over here." Says Esme with a kind smile.

"I'm sure I can Esme, but is it okay if I travel through the woods to there house so I can get in my morning excersise, I used to do it everyday but I've been slacking." I ask her.

"Of course dear you can, we will all wait here for you. I'll make breakfast for you all while your gone so that you can eat once you get back." She says. With that I stand up and kiss Rose and then walk over to Esme and give her a kiss on her cheek.

Once I get outside I decide to stay in human form that way I can work out my body also. I also want to run this way so that the people guarding the treaty line won't think I'm something else and try to kill me.

Once I reach the treaty line I wave at the wolves on guard and head towards the Black's residence. Once I get there I knock on the door and wait for someone to open the door.

The door opens and I see one of Jake's sisters, Emily, and wave to her. "Hi I was wondering if I could come in real fast and talk to you all." I ask.

She opens the door without a word and gives me a smile. I walk in and see Jake sitting on the couch. "Hey Bells watcha doing here?" He asks.

"Oh well Esme was wondering if you would all go to her house, she wants to talk to you guys about something." I say and see the sisters get nervous. "Oh there's no need to be nervous guys, she's really nice and I'm sure its just to see how you guys are doing." I say to reassure them. They nod their heads and we all get up and walk out into the woods.

We arrive at the house and the food smell immediately hits me and I start running to the kitchen and i see Jake and his sister's running too.

Rose's P.O.v.

I could tell that they were close and went into the kitchen. Sure enough here they come all running into the kitchen and sitting down all except Bella who comes to me and kisses me before sitting down and digging in also.

After they finish we all head back into the living room and Bella and I sit in between the two mated couples of Alice and Jasper and Emmett and Edward. We sit between them and I of course sit on Bella's lap.

"Okay I know that it's weird to be called to our house and it probably makes you nervous that you don't know what this visit is about, but I assure you it's nothing bad. I wanted you here because out family has discussed and decided that you guys are welcome to become a part of this family and live with us if you would like." Says Esme.

I look around and see Jacob and his sister's looking at Esme and then at the rest of us. Jacob is the first to come to his senses and answer Esme.

"I would love to become a part of your family and would love to live here. But I only want to do that if it doesn't bother you guys because I don't want you guys to be uncomfortable in your own home." He says as he looks to all of us.

"Nonsense we have discussed this and have all agreed that it doesn't bother us." Says Esme again and we all nod our approval.

His sisters shake their heads and break down crying. Esme instantly gets up and wraps them in a hug, her motherly instincts kicking in and she acts on it. Carlisle goes over and one of them attaches themselves to him and he just hugs them close to himself and lets her.

Well it looks like we just gained three more siblings and I look over just in time to see Alice coming oh of a vision, we will be going on a shopping trip soon and I know this because I know the look on her face.

Well there's two updates tonight. Hope you enjoyed.

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