Chapter 5

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The garage... it's amazing. They have so many cars and they are all different. In one corner there is a freaking Ferrari and then in the next there's a Porsche. I can't believe that this place can hold so many vehicles let alone how this family could afford all of them. There was even a bike that was amazing.

The only thing that made me look away from the cars was when Rose started to put on a mechanic suit and she handed me one.

"I didn't take you as the fixing cars type" I tell her.

"Well there's a lot you don't know about me and haven't you heard of not judging a book by its cover."

"Well yeah but still."

"Well are you justing going to stand there or are you going to put this on and help me work on these beauties" she asks me with a smirk.

I hurriedly grab the jumpsuit and put it on. I don't know how she knew what my size was but it fit perfectly, not to loose and not too tight just right. I look at her after I have it on and realize that she's staring at me. I look behind me and there's no one there so I decide to ask her. "Is there something on me or something."

She snaps out of her daze and turns and walks toward the bike. I follow after her and before I get close to her I grab a tool box and take it with me.

"So what needs to be done to this beauty you have here" I ask her.

"Well she needs a tune up and then someone needs to ride it after we tune it up to see if it runs good" she tells me while smiling.

"Wait are you suggesting that I ride it after we tune it up" I ask her.

"I sure am unless your scared" she says while smirking at me.

"I'm not scared and sure I'll ride it after we get done with it" I tell her.

At that we both turn and start adjusting some things on it and now it's time to take it for a spin. I hop on it and see if she's going to get on but she hands me a helmet and tells me to go ahead and she'll wait there for me. I decide not to question it and start it up. It rumbles to life and it sounds great so after I get out of the garage I take off.

As soon as I'm off of there gravel lane I take it out to the highway to see what she's got and let me tell you she has a lot. She can reach 120 mph just like that without a problem but I do notice that it is getting too much gas to it so it's flooding a Little so I decide to get back to the garage and tell Rose that.

Once I get back to the garage and turn it off Rose comes back into the garage with and expecting look. "Its flooding alittle, it's getting too much gas but other than that she runs great. Who's bike is this anyways" I ask her.

"Thats what I thought and it's my bike. So which car do you want to work on now" she asks.

"Um well I actually think i need to be heading home since it's turning dark out and I still have homework so I think I'll be going now" I tell her as I hand her her helmet back and I start to take the jumpsuit off when she stops me.

"You can keep the jumpsuit we'll probably use it again or you'll need it doing something" she tells me.

"Oh uh thanks and I'll see you tomorrow at school" I tell her as I leave the garage.

"Leaving so soon Bella" Esme asks me when I get into the living room. I just now realized that all of the other kids were home and playing games.

"Yeah I need to start heading that way because it's getting dark and I need to do some homework" I tell her.

"Oh well be careful dear and please come back anytime you want" she says.

"Okay and thank you Esme. Bye guys I'll probably see you at school tomorrow" and with that I walk out of the house.

Once I'm out of the house I grab the helmet that I let Rose borrow and put it on their front porch and head back to grab my own to put on. Once it's on I get on my bike and head home to find that Charlie was still gone. At least I'll have some peace and quiet to relax to and do my homework to.

After finishing my homework I head downstairs and fix me something healthy to eat and go back upstairs to shower. After I shower I notice that my bedroom window was opened and I'm positive that it was closed when I went to take a shower. Oh well I'm just going to blame it on being an old house that stuff happens right.

I sleep that night dreaming about the one and only Rose.

Rose's P.O.V.

I couldn't help but stare at her when she put that jumpsuit on. She made that jumpsuit look hot and it was definitely affecting me. Then she comes back after that test ride on my bike and she figured out what was wrong even though I knew that was the problem because I did it on purpose. I had to see if she was actually skilled or if she was just a fony. Anyway she passed my test.

I walked into the living room and everyone was smiling at me. They all looked happy and that was when I noticed that Bella just now left so that means she did something while she was outside. I walk to the front door and open it to notice the helmet that she let me borrow today was on the front porch. I picked it up with a smile on my face. Did this mean that I could ride with her again or did she not want something that I had touched. I walked back into the house with the helmet and had a neutral expression on my face.

Everyone looked at the helmet in my hands and their smiles grew even wider as they noticed that that used to belong to Bella.

"She is a nice girl and alittle different but I just can't quite put my finger on it" said Esme as she turned around and headed back into the kitchen.

That she is indeed is what I thought as I walked up the stairs to my room. I stayed there till I couldn't take it and checked up on Bella at her house. I could hear her in the shower and I left before she got out of the shower. She sure was strange.

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I'll try to get better about that. Hope everyone's enjoying it so far.

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