C H A P T E R; 3

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"Dude what the fuck is wrong with your girlfriend?" Derek, one of my friends asks me standing next to me. I shrug and mumble, "i don't fucking know.."

"Well you need to talk to her, she's such a hazard to people" Derek says and walks back to the rest of the team. Me, Derek, Bryce, and Andrew are on the Basketball team along with a couple other kids I know. Im the captain though. Bryce walks over to me kinda pissed. "Dude." He says looking at Maggie who was frowning. "Dude stop. It's not my fucking fault that she did that. It's volleyball that type of shit happens, it probably wasn't even her fault! Leave me alone!" I say and walk away. I ask the couch if I could go to the restroom and walk out.

I walk to the restroom and see Nicole and Morgan in the girls restroom. I wait for them to come out and then I walk out. I hear Morgan cough and I turn around to see Nicole glaring at Morgan. I frown and Nicole turns and looks at me upset. I tried to say something but nothing came out.

Morgan's POV

Mikey turned around again and we looked at him. "Look im sorry for what Maggie did, she can get alittle hazardous towards people..plus it's volleyball? Shit like that happens." He said. Nicole had a blank expression but then smiled, "it's totally okay, yeah stuff like that happens in volleyball, mostly if thots are serving the ball" Nicole responds. I laugh alittle. I see Mikey roll his eyes and walk into the gym. We go in too and walk into the girls locker room where the rest of the girls were.

"Hows the nose?" Maggie says laughing and fake pouting. Nicole rolls her eyes and walks to the back of the Locker room where our lockers were. "Aw can't speak now? Im pretty sure she hit your nose not your mouth" another girl says and laughs. Nicole isn't really good with this kind of stuff. She got bullied alot at our old school and she just didn't have the courage to do anything about it. "Look you bitch, leave her alone or I'll pop you in the nose right now." I say to the girl. She looks at me and laughs. "Please, I'll fuck you up" the girl says. I roll my eyes and flick her off. Then walk to the back of the girls locker room to see Nicole already out of her gym clothes and into her normal clothes. "I fucking swear" Nicole mumbles. I change and we walk out of the girls locker room to see Bryce. Nicole smiles at me and says, "gotta go to Math, see ya later" then winks and walks out of the gym. Bryce laughs and this girl comes up next to Bryce. "Bryceee" the girl says and then looks at me weirdly. "Whose this?" She adds pointing at me. Before he could speak I say, "Morgan. And you are?" And Bryce looks over at me unsteady. "Cat" she says. "She's new, and my friend." Bryce says to Cat and she smiles. "Well we gotta go to Social Studies..so bye" cat says and grabs onto Bryce's arm and walks the other direction away me. I roll my eyes and walk out of the gym and to Science.



I walk down the hall and see Derek. He looks at me and smiles. I walk towards him and he says, "So still in for sitting with me at lunch?" I nod and smile. We walk into the cafeteria and people stare. I start getting self conscious and look down. I follow Derek to a table and a couple people were already there. They look up and smile. "Whose this?" They asked Derek refereeing to me. "Nicole, shes new" Derek replies sitting down. I sit down next to him but not too close. "Didn't you get hit with the volleyball?" One boy asks. "Uh...yeah" I say and look down. He nods and starts talking to someone. Someone sits next to me and it's Mikey and then Bryce and Morgan sit down next to Mikey. "Are you going to eat?" Derek asks standing up. I shake my head no and say, "I'm not that hungry actually" he nods but Morgan looks at me "just get a bag of chips or something?" Morgan says looking at me sternly. "Fine.." I say and walk with them to the line. I get me a bag of chips and go back to the table. Morgan then sits next to me and smiles. I eat slowly while everyone talks. I'm really shy so I don't speak unless someone says something to me. I look behind me out of boredom and see some girl walk up to the table with milk. I bump Morgan and she looks at me confused but before she could say say something the girl tries to dump the milk on her head but I grab her arm and push the milk into her and it gets all over her. She yells "you bitch!" And throws the milk down. I smile and she slaps me. My cheek starts to sting and I slap her back. She stumbles back and Morgan stands up. "Bitch I wish you would've spilled the milk on me because your ass would be grass" Morgan says. The girl glares at her and says, "what're you gonna do bitch?" The girl says and pushes Morgan alittle. Morgan stumbles back but regains her balance and pushes the girl back and she trips over her heels and falls. Everyone just watches and then a teacher walks in the cafeteria. Well fuck.

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