C H A P T E R; 18

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Nicole's POV

What did Derek mean by "see you soon princess"? He is really confusing and creepy..

I turn to Mikey and he was already looking at me. "I'm sorry" Mikey says looking at me. I furrow my eyebrows "For what? I kissed you." I ask and he shakes his head coming closer to me. "I know you don't want me to protect you but I am." He says and wraps his arms softly around my waist. "No one is going to touch you" he mumbles. I wrap my arms around him hugging him and softly smile.

His phone goes off and he pulls away from me. He grabs his phone and bites his lip. I furrow my eyebrows, "you okay?" I ask, and he looks up at me. "Yeah, um I just gotta go. I'll text you okay?" Mikey says walking to the door. "Yeah okay" I say and smile. He nods and walks out of my house.

Bryce's POV

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and see Mikey sitting on the couch with Maggie. I furrow my eyebrows and look from Mikey to Maggie. I decide not to say anything and walk into the kitchen. I grab a watermelon Arizona and go back to my room. I get a text message and grab my phone. I look at who sent it and realize it was from Morgan. "wanna hangout?" It read. "Yeah, when?" I reply. "Now? I just got home (;" she replies. "Yeah I'll be over in a couple" I reply and walk back downstairs. I was about to walk out the front door until Mikey said "where you going?" I turn around and raise an eyebrow. "Going over Morgans. Please dont fuck on the couch." I reply and walk outside and shut the door. I walk over to Morgan's house and knock on the door.

Morgan answers the door and I walk in. "Hey" I say and she smiles and sits on the couch. "Hey" she replies and turns on the tv which was on the news.

"Boring" she says and hanged the channel. "Wait," I say and she turns to me and furrows her eyebrows. She turns it back and I look at the tv.

"17 year old, Jessica Vosco, was murdered earlier today. Jessica was stabbed to death with a butcher knife and her head was cut off. We cannot identify the murderer right now. If you have any evidence or know someone that could've done this, please contact the Sheriff's department." The news reporter says.

"Jessica...Why does she sound and look familiar?" Morgans asks. I shrug, "I dont- wait.. isn't she that girl that tried to spill milk on you and got you and Nicole in trouble?" I reply and she widens her eyes and stands up, "yes! Her. Damn..She was murdered." Morgan says and sits back down. I look at her and she changes the channel to SpongeBob SquarePants. "Too depressing.." she says and lays down on the couch putting her feet on my lap. "So how's life?" She asks glancing at me. "Good I guess" I say and shrug. "I can make it better.." Morgan says and takes her feet off my lap and moves closer to me. "How could you possibly make it better?" I ask smirking. She leans closer to me and presses her lips in a thin line. "Let me show you" she says and smirks. I stay quiet waiting for her to continue but instead she kisses me.

I kiss back pulling her closer to me. She lays back on the couch pulling me ontop of her which us just kissing, turns into a makeout session.

Mikeys POV

"Hey babe, can we watch a movie or something?" Maggie asks me. I nod, "sure." She smiles and turns Netflix on.

She picks out a scary movie called, "Scream" and moves closer to me. I smile and kiss her cheek. She giggles and looks at me. "I'm sorry for breaking up with you, but I feel like we shouldn't be dating, we could be.. friends with benefits?" She asks and I think for a moment. "Sure" I reply and nod. She smiles big and kisses me. I slowly start to kiss back. She slowly falls back onto the couch and I hover over her deepining the kiss.

That was until my phone decides to go off. I pull away from Maggie and she breathes heavily. "Aren't you gonna answer it?" Maggie asks smirking. "Yeah, I'll be back." I say and get off of her. I grab my phone to see the caller ID unknown.

I answer it and put the phone up to my ear. "Hello?" I say. "Hello, Michael." the caller says and laughs. I couldn't identify the voice, because it didn't sound like someone's actual voice, most likely a voice changing app, someone trying to prank me. I roll my eyes, "I don't have time for people clowning around, calling me. So stop calling he-" I start but get cut off by the caller laughing, "-you don't have time because your too busy making out with your ex?" The caller says. I furrow my eyebrows, "oh and if you make it seem like your on the phone with someone, and Maggie realized something's going on, I'll make sure Nicole sees that little heated session. Go outside." The caller states. I bring the phone away from my ear and look at Maggie, "I'll be right back, Nicole is on the phone" I say and Maggie rolls her eyes and nods. I walk outside shutting the door quietly. "Okay, now who is this?" I say putting the phone back up to my ear. "Michael," the caller starts laughing slightly, "You'll never know"

"What do you want from me? Just don't tell Nicole about this, however you found out.. wait how did you find out? Are you in my house?" I say. "So many questions Michael, but if I must answer one of them, you did leave your bedroom window open." The caller states coldly. "I'm going to call the cops and report you for breaking in." I state looking around for any sign of someone on the phone but see no one. "Good luck, and while your doing that I'll show Nicole what you've been doing" the caller says. "I'll find out who you are." I say starting go get angry. "Or I'll find you and we'll continue this little game in person" the caller says but before I could reply the caller hangs up. I sigh and look around outside for any sign for someone but didn't find any. I walk back inside to see Maggie asleep. I sit beside her and look at my phone. What did the caller mean by 'little game?'


OMG I finally updated a chapter and it's 1am so I'm hella tired, plus I already wrote a chapter but I hated it so I deleted it and made it better, anyways, there's alittle plot twist in this story, there's now a killer on the loose? (; <3 hope you liked this chapter. It gets better (;

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