C H A P T E R; 16

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Mikeys POV

I walk down the school hallway alone, I was late, again. All well i guess. I then suddenly got pushed into the lockers and become faced to face with Jake. "What the fuck do you want?" I ask him sharply and shove him off me. He smirks "Nicole is mine, not yours, so lay off." He replies. "Who said I ever wanted her?" I ask and raise an eyebrow. "Your right, your pathetic. Nicole deserves someone that is better, like me" he says. I Chuckle, "If I wanted her I could get her." He adds. "Only while threatening her." I reply and he sharply turns to me. "What was that?" "You heard me asshole." I reply and before I could react he punched me. I look at him and laugh "that's all you got?" And punch him back. I then push him to the ground. I punch him again. And then he kicks me off him. He stands up and i do also. He smirks, "Your only making this worse for Nicole." He says and walks off leaving me in the empty hallway. "You won't touch her." I growl. "Oh but Michael. I already have." He replies darkly and laughs. I felt rage in me. Before I could go after Jake, he was already gone.

Nicole's POV

I walk slowly down the crowded school hallways. Everything was in slow motion once again. I felt light headed but I tried to ignore it, until...I bumped into someone and almost fell. And guess who it was Mikey.

"Hey, er- are you okay?" He asks me lifting an eyebrow concerned. Am I okay? Of course not. "Yeah, I'm fine" I reply and smile. He rolls his eyes, "Can we talk somewhere private?" Mikey asks me. "Well uh-" before i could continue what I was trying to say, Mikey gently grabbed my wrist and I flench from the sudden touch, because it was close to my cuts. He looks at me concerned but I look around trying to not reach his wanting eye contact. He grabs my hand and gently pulls me to the side where the hallway is less crowded with students fleeing from class to class in under five minutes without being late. "I'd rather skip the rest of the day." I say and he nods. "Let's go then" he replies. "okay" I say and he softly smiles at me.

We walk out of the school silently and secretly. "Um can you drive me to my house? I rode here with Morgan.." I say. He nods and smiles, "of course"

We get into his car and his radio turns on which Meant to live by Switchfoot came on. I looked over at Mikey shocked. He glanced at me and realized my features were surprised. "Uh, yeah, I listen to Rock..Sometimes" Mikey says and pulls out of the school parking lot. "Your not as bad as I thought you were Mikey" I mumble and I see at the corner of my eye, Mikey, form a smile. I smile slightly and look out the window. "So you wanted to talk about?" I ask. He glanced at me then back at the road. "Well uh-i just kinda w-wanted to start over with you, since we didn't start off that good, and I'd really want to be your friend." Mikey says. I stiffen up. He pulls into his driveway and I get out. "I can't, I'm sorry" I say remembering what Jake told me. "Why not?" He asks doubtfully. "Uh-well-i" I try to come up with something but he cuts me off before I could think of something. "-Because of Jake, right?" He asks. I don't respond. I notice the sky get darker so here comes a storm.


He looks at me and steps towards me which resulted into me stepping back. "What did he tell you Nicole, did he threaten you?" He asks. I shake my head, "no" I lie. "He's not like that" I lie again. "Why do you ask?" I ask him. "Your lying to me. He threatened me to stop talking to you, and punched me resulting me to punch him back." Mikey says in one breath. "Wait he threatened you?" I ask in disbelief. I haven't even been talking to Mikey. Why is Jake doing this. "You need to stay away from me. I don't want you to get hurt." I mumble. He comes towards me and I stay still. "Please. Let me protect you." He says unexpectedly. I look up, and see him already staring at me. "You cant protect me. Mikey." I say. He shakes his head, "let me prove it then," he says "and then will you be my friend again? You won't have to worry about Jake." Mikey adds.

"You talk to that boy Mikey again and I'll make sure he's dead." Jake says to me through gritted teeth.

"I-i cant." I whisper. "I'm sorry" I add. He looks away disappointed.


"I should go.." I say and he nods. I walk to my house and unlock the door. I look over at Mikey, "I'm protecting you." I whisper and walk inside my house and slam the door shut.


I drunk a monster energy drink while writing this so yeah, beware lol, I know I haven't wrote a chapter for like 25 days, sorry!! But here's a present. Was this emotional? Just wait til the next couple chapters (; <3

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