C H A P T E R; 24

334 7 2

Nicole's POV

After the police caught the intruder, the school dismissed us. I grab my backpack from my locker and start walking to the buses.

I get on the bus and sit in the back. I widen my realizing Morgan wasnt on the bus yet. I sit back realizing she's most likely okay. I put my backpack beside me so no one would sit there and go on my phone.

I hear someone grab my backpack and look up to see Damon with my backpack in his hand. I raise an eyebrow and he sits down next to me laying my backpack on his lap. "I never said you can sit next to me" I say looking at him. "And I don't care" he replies. I roll my eyes and scoot over more. He rolls his eyes, "I don't bite" he says. I see Morgan walk onto the bus and smile at her, "are you okay?!" I ask her as she sits across from me. Damon looks at her then to me. "Yeah," she replies and raises an eyebrow at me and Damon.

Inside Im dying. I'm acting like I'm perfectly fine about what happened in the classroom. Mikey cheated on me with his ex.

I was too clueless to even realize it. All the times he had to leave was because he was going to see Maggie. He didn't actually have feelings for me.

"Hey, I gotta go, I got basketball practice.." Mikey says.

"I'll see you later, I gotta go to my friend's house, he needs my help"

"Bryce needs me"

"I'm not feeling well, I should go, I don't wanna get you sick, if I'm sick"

All the things he would tell me to leave. They were never the same, all of them were made up though. He never cared. He never wanted to protect me.

I didn't realize I zoned out until someone started shaking me. I blinked a couple times and looked at Damon who shook me. "What?" I say confused and he chuckles "you zoned out?" He replies. Morgan laughs, "Are you good?" She asks. I nod and bring myself to smile. I'm fully empty now. Me and Mikey only have been together for 2 weeks, but I became so attached to him. Always wanted to be around him when he was trying to get away from me. I let him in, and got bored of me and left.

Mikey and Bryce then come on the bus. I wonder if Bryce knew about the little hook up with Maggie and Mikey. I couldn't really careless, or at least that's what I needed to act like, I didn't care.

I look away from them and Mikey sits Infront of my seat. I go on my phone and put my headphones on. I play eyelids by PVRIS.

Morgan's POV

I put my feet in my seat so no one can sit there, not even Bryce. He was acting odd but it's whatever I guess. I also have a huge headache! I see a girl with purple and black hair walk to the back. There wasn't no more seats back here..

She smiles lightly at me, "um, can I sit here?" She asks and I smile. I'm a nice person. I'll be a nice person. "Sure" i say and move my feet out of the seat. She sits down "thanks" she mumbles and i nod. The boy sitting with Nicole looks over at her and pokes her. She rolls her eyes and flicks him off. "Ooo couple?" I ask and they both look at me in disgust. Okay no. "Hell no" she says and the boy laughs. "Siblings" he says and i nod, "my bad, I'm Morgan by the way." I say and smile. "Leanne" the girl that was sitting next to me says. "Damon" the boy says. Mikey then starts laughing. Okay then?

"I should beat the fuck out of you" Mikey says. Who the fuck was he talking to? "I'd like to see you try" Damon says. What? I'm so confused, but a fight!! How exciting! Ugh but it's so close I better not get hit with a shoe.

Mikey stands up and Damon does the same staring at Mikey waiting for him to make a move. Why were they even fighting for? "Sit the fuck down" Leanne says to Damon but he ignores her, "Cmon sis, he needs to get the fuck beat out of him for cheating" Damon says. I furrow my eyebrows then widen my eyes "you cheated on Nicole?!" I raise my voice. Mikey looks at me and rolls his eyes, "No"

"So making out with a different girl that isn't Nicole isn't considered cheating? Didn't know that" Damon says. "Who do you think you are? Walking up in school and acting like your all that" Mikey says and Damon smirks, "I never thought I was all that in this lame ass school, but if that's how you wanna see it, then that's your problem" Damon says and Mikey rolls his eyes. Nicole takes off her headphones and looks at Mikey then to Damon confused, "what's going on here?" She asks and i frown. "Nothing just an argument with a douche." Mikey says. Nicole then laughs, "so an argument with yourself?" Nicole asks and Mikey furrows his eyebrows. "What?" He asks. "She's saying your the douche here, not Damon" I say and Damon smirks. "I back down if I were you." Damon says and Mikey glares at Nicole then sits back in his seat. I sigh and look at Nicole. She glances at me then puts her headphones back on. Why is she the center of attention?

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