C H A P T E R; 17

616 10 2

Nicole's POV

I hear a knock on the door and stand up and groan. I go to the door and open it not caring if it was a killer. I look up and see Jake, which made me start getting mad. He presses pass me and walks into the kitchen. I roll my eyes and shut the front door and follow him. "What do you want?" I ask kinda harshly. "You don't sound happy to see me?  Princess." He replies. "Why would you threaten Mikey?" I ask him rudely. He turns around and smirks at me, "I told you not to speak to him." Jake says staring down at me. "I haven't even been talking to him!" I reply raising my voice. "Then how'd you find out I threatened him?" Jake asks raising an eyebrow. "I just talked to him today! You threatened him before I even talked to him!" I say loudly. His eyes turn dark. "Princess...Don't raise your voice at me, you know what happens when you raise your voice at me.." he says and starts walking towards me. I step back and my back hits the wall. Jake smirks at me and grab my wrists, harshly. "I love it when your scared of me" he says and puts his face in my neck. He starts sucking on my neck and I resist the urge to moan. I push him off me without even realizing it. I gulp as he looks at me. "Why did you do that?" He asks. "Let's just go lay down in your bed" he adds and grabs my left wrist hardly and pulls me upstairs. He pushes me on the bed and gets on top of me. He grabs my wrists and puts them over my head tightly. "Jake.." I say slowly. He looks at me and smirks. "Yes princess?" He asks. "Get off of me" I say trying to push him off of me. "But I love you" he says. "I loved you" I say and Jake gets off of me. I stand up and look at Jake. he walks closer to me and I back up. "Jake..Please leave" I say and Jake rolls his eyes. He pushes me up against the door and gets closer to my face "You don't tell me what to do princess" he replies. "So you must get punished." He adds and then slaps me. I started to feel the stinging, when he punched me, hitting my eye. Most likely going to be a Black eye later..

He smirks at me, "your pathetic, I don't see why Michael want to be your friend. Your useless, pathetic, waste of space," he says and then looks me up and down, "-fat, stupid, and let's not forget ugly" he says and walks out of my room. I hear a door slam shut and realize he finally left. I sigh and lay back on the floor.

Mikeys POV

"I'll see you later dude" I hear brcye say as he stands up. I nod, "Alright, later!" I say and he walks out. I get up and walk to the kitchen to get me a monster energy drink. I hear my phone ding and I walk back into the living room. "Hey, can we talk?" The message read by Nicole. "Uh yeah sure, I'll come over there" I reply. I grab my monster and walk outside. The wind hit my face and I walked over to Nicole's house. I knock on the door and she opens it with her head down. "Come in" Nicole says. And I walk in. She shuts the door and sits on one side of the couch. I sit on the other side and await for her to say something. "Look, Mikey. I'm sorry" Nicole starts off not making eye contact with me. Does she think I actually believe her? "Say that again but look at me." I respond and she looks up. There was a blueish purplish color on her left eye "I'm really so-" "-Is that a bruise on your left eye?" I cut her off. She looked taken back. "Um..Yeah, I fell down the steps" she says softly. "how do you get a black eye from falling down the stairs?" I ask not believing her. "Well uh.." she starts and I wait for her to continue but she starts crying instead. "I can't fucking do this.." she whispers and I look at her confused. What did she mean by that? Did someone give her the bruise. "Nicole, who gave you the bruise?" I ask her. She shakes her head, "no one"

I grab her cheek and softly make her look at me, "was it Derek?" I ask starting to get angry. "No" she replies. I sigh, "was it Jake?" I ask and she stays quiet. "Jake did this to you?" I ask again raising my voice. "It doesn't matter" she mumbles. "It does fucking matter." I almost yell. She flinches and I sigh. I start tracing the bruise forming around her eye. "Why did he do it?" I ask.

She looks down and sighs. "Because I went off on him.." she mumbled. "Why did you go off on him?" I ask another question. "Because he threatened you when I told him not to" she says and looks down. "I don't need you to protect me." I say and she looks up to me, "and I don't need you to protect me." She says and I smirk. "Well played." I say. "But Nicole, do you have feelings for me?" I ask. She starts blushing but she tries to hide it.


"You know what I give up, yeah I do like you but I can't fucking be with you, I have to be with Jake on his commands. I can't be with anyone else like you Mikey, I really like you but I need to protect you away from even if I get hurt from it. I won't let you get hurt because of me. No. I don't care if you want to protect me. You cant!" She says in one breath and I sat there speechless. "So you give up? Your just gonna push me away no matter if your heart says something else?" I ask. She was speechless now. I look at her and she looks at me. "I-i" she starts but I cut her off, "stop pushing me away." I say pleadingly.

Nicole's POV

I look up at Mikey to see him already looking at me. Should I risk it? I need to break it to Jake first.

"Fuck Jake" I mumble and smash my lips to Mikeys. He kisses back passionately and I bite his lip. He smirks and we start making out. I hear the front door open but ignore it. That was until I heard "What the fuck is going on here?" I turn and see Derek. "Why are you here?" Mikeys asks stepping Infront of me protectively. Derek looks at him then to me. "You told him. You fucking slut!" Derek says and tries to grab me but Mikey punches him and Derek falls to the ground. "Do you really think Jake is gonna like this?" Derek asks me. "Do you really think Jake is gonna like it when I tell him what you did?" I ask and he smirks, "oh but Nicole, Jake didn't tell you did he?" Derek starts and I look at him confused "Jake paid me to rape you, plus he said I could do it again if I wanted to" Derek adds and his smirk gets wider. I felt light headed, like I was going to faint. I step back and Derek laugh. "Jake never loved you." Derek says again. "Hell, I don't see why anyone could ever love you" he adds and I look down. I hear a groan and look up to see Mikey on top of Derek punching him over and over again.

"Mikey stop!" I yell trying to pull him off of Derek but he doesn't budge. Soon he gets off of Derek and looks at me. "I'm going to protect you rather you like it or not." Mikey says staring at me. I look at Derek and he slowly got to his feet. He starts laughing. "Your nothing compared to Jake." He says and Mikey balls his fists but I put my hand on his shoulder trying to calm him. "See you soon princess" Derek says and winks then walks out.

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