C H A P T E R; 30

223 7 1

Leannes POV

"Hell no." I hear someone say from behind me, and Mikey glares at them. I turn around to see Damon.

"What?" I ask stepping towards Damon. He looks down at me, "I said no, you aren't going with him." He says. Who the fuck does he think he is?

"Well, big brother, I can go with who I want to, so.. sorry about your luck" I say and smile. He rolls his eyes, "Since when did you start liking a fuckboy like him? He'll just leave you" Damon says and clenched his jaw. I don't know what took over me, "Like dad left you?" I ask and he looked taken back. I frown realizing I just said that. He steps back, a crowd of 'ooo's' went around and Mikey smirks. "Daddy's little boy?" He asks and Damon clenches his jaw. "I guess mom did slap the sence out of you." Damon replies bluntly and laughs tilting his head back.

I glare at him, "Leave her alone" I hear Mikey say and step up. Damon tilts his head back up and walks closer to Mikey. "I don't think your gonna make me, playboy." Damon says and smirks.

Nicole then walks in the cafeteria with some girl, Damon doesn't take his eyes off Mikey though. Nicole walks over to us and furrows her eyebrows.

"What is going on here?" She asks and I sigh and walk over to her. "Mikey asked me to Prom, and now Damons mad." I explain and she slowly nods. "Well, good luck with that." She says and looks at Damon. "Aren't you gonna stop them?" I ask. She shakes her head, "why do I need to? We both know who would win anyways." She says. "Yeah but I don't want Mikey getting hurt.." I mumble. She shrugs, "Not my problem." She replies and walks towards Damon. "Chill dude," she says to him but he doesn't reply or even look at her. He just continues to stare at Mikey.

Damon then smirks, "Well, since you announced your taking my sister. I'm gonna announce that," Damon starts then swiftly grabs my hand then spins me, then makes me move closer to him while he wraps an arm around my waist. He kisses my cheek, "I'm taking Nicole to prom." Damon states and smirks at me. Mikey clenches his jaw and steps forward. "Bullshit." He mumbles loudly though not meaning to. "What was that? Are you, um, what's the word, jealous?" Damon asks letting go of me and stepping forward. "No, I have no reason to be, she's a slut anyways" Mikey replies and starts laughing.

"Your the one who cheated on me though? Confused." Nicole replies furrowing her eyebrows. "Don't try to put this on me, you dick." Nicole adds. "But it is your fault, that's probably why Jake cheated on you." Mikey replies. Damo clenches his jaw tightly making his jawline more visible if that's possible.

Now Damon and Mikey are face to face but since Damon's alittle taller than him, Mikey looks short.

Mikey pushes him back but Damon starts laughing, "wow, your so strong" Damon replies pushing him back and Mikey moved back a bit.

Mikey tries to punch Damon but Damon grabs his hand before it could come in contact with his face. "Aw, too slow, I see." Damon says and frowns. "You fight like a little bitch." Damon adds and pushes his arm back and Mikey falls back.

"Dude, fucking chill" Derek says walking over to where we were. "And who the fuck are you?" Damon asks looking at Derek. "Someone that you don't want to get on their bad side." Derek says and Damon laughs. Before Damon could reply, a teacher walked into the cafeteria and people scatter away.

Nicole's POV

"Cmon, Damon." I say pulling him to a table. "What the hell was that about?" I whisper-yell looking at him. "I was gonna fight Mikey?" He replies in a 'duh' tone.

"Nah really? I meant why did you say we were going to prom together? I wasn't even planning on going to prom." I say and a roll my eyes but I was happy inside. I will have someone to go to prom with now.

"C'mon kitten, you know you wanted me to ask you." He says and smirks.

"Is Nicole Viel in here?" I hear someone say in a mono tone voice. I look over to where I heard the voice and see a police officer. I furrow my eyebrows and stand up. I look at Damon, "I'll text you." I mumble and walk towards the police officer. "That would be me?" I say a hint of confusion in my voice. "Follow me please." The officer says and walks out of the cafeteria. I slowly follow. What the fuck?!?


Morgan's POV

After school

I finally get off the bus with everyone. Nicole has been acting odd but it's whatever. I feel someone put there arm around me and look over to see Bryce smiling at me. "Babe" he mumbles into my ear. "Yeah?" I ask and look up at him. He smiles, "I love you." He says. I smile and blush, "love you too." I reply.

"Enough with all the lovey dovey crap" Mikey says. Bryce rolls his eyes, "it's not my fault you ruin all your relationships." Bryce replies rudely. Mikey starts laughing and walks towards his house. Fucking weirdo.

I walk inside my house as Bryce walks towards his house after saying bye.

I sit on the couch and turn the TV on which was on the news channel. I scroll through the channels until another news channel appears on the screen, which stopped me from scrolling and caused me to drop the remote.

"We have found the killer that had been going around killing girls. We only have information on where he was found and his name, which we aren't aloud to give out where he was found at the moment but the killers name is Jake Spencer. The investigation will be going further but until then we will keep everyone updated. Stay safe." The news reported says and nods.

Jake, he is the killer? He killed Maggie? He killed Jessica? Why?

So many questions run through my mind but I stand up and grab my phone. I dial Nicole's number and call her. After 2 rings she answers. "Hey, Nicole. I just found out who the killer was. It's Jake." I say. "Wait what? Jake? The killer? He killed Maggie?" Nicole asks suprised. "Yes."

"Hey, I gotta go, I'm kinda busy right now. I'll see you later. I'll home around 10, I'm gonna hang out with Damon." Nicole says and I sigh, "okay."  She hangs up.

I throw my phone onto the couch and walk into the kitchen. I grab Oreos and walk back into the living room to hear my phone ringing. I set down the Oreos on the coffee table and grab my phone and answer it without looking at the ID.

"Hello Morgan, I see you like Oreos. Could I join?" I hear the creepy voice again that has harassed me before. I look at the windows to see if anyone was there. I quickly lock the front door.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "How do you know I like Oreos?" I ask again shutting the blinds on the windows. I walk to the back slide door and lock it too.

"Well, silly, I can see you taking them from the kitchen to the living room so you most likely were gonna eat them, and I wanted to know if I could join, yanno, just trying to be friendly." The creepy unknown person says. Shivers run up my body.

"I thought you got caught? It said on the news. Jake?" I ask and furrow my eyebrows. "Well, you see, the news reporter never stated that they caught me, just said my name. Guess you must've switched off the news channel too fast Morgan." They reply. "How do you know I was watching the news?" I ask creeped out. "I was watching you..I always watch you Morgan, so watch out cause this game will only get harder for you and your little crew." Jake says still in that weird voice changer thing. He then hangs up.

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