C H A P T E R; 22

376 7 2

***1 week later***

Nicole's POV

I finally had to go back to hell since I wasn't sick anymore, I started feeling worse after Monday and stayed home the rest of the week, and had someone fill in for me at work. I could not stop throwing up, but now I finally feel better physically. Never said mentally.. I've been spending alot of time with Mikey after school but he would usually leave around the same time everyday, saying he was busy. I don't think anything badly if what he could be doing. I trust him.

I slowly stand up from my warm, comfy bed and walk to my walk in closet. I look through my wardrobe and decide to wear black ripped skinny jeans and a maroon shirt that said "Game On" on the back. I change into it and slip on my black combat boots. I brush my hair do my makeup lightly, just powder, eyeliner, mascara, and darken my eyebrows. I finish and grab my backpack.

I walk downstairs and see Morgan sitting on the couch. "Hey" she says and i smile "heyo" I reply and walk to the kitchen. I grab a granola bar from the pantry and walk back to the living room. "Ready?", Morgan asks standing up grabbing her backpack that was beside her. "Yeah" I answer and walk out the door. She follows and locks the door behind her. We walk to the bus stop and I put my headphones on. Someone taps me on the shoulder and Morgan smiles at me. I take out an earbud and look at her, "what?" I ask. "Theres two new students.." she says. "And I'm supposed to care?" I reply not meaning for it to sound rude and she frowns, "I was just letting you know" she replies and the bus comes to the stop and we get on. I sit in the back and Morgan sits across from me in the other seat. I look out the window and feel someone sit next to me. Mikeys stop isn't this one..It's the next one. I look over and see a boy with Black hair kinds quiffy but a hot messy kind. He was wearing black jeans and had a Hoodie on that I could smell from where I was, and the scent was pleasing.

I raise an eyebrow and take my earphones out and look at the boy. "Um, someone is supposed to be sitting here.." I say and the boy looks at me and smirks. "We don't have sign seats Kitten." He says and i roll my eyes. Not one of these boys. "My name's not Kitten, can you please just move." I say aggravated. His smirk gets wider. "Nah" he replies and I cross my arms and sit back.

My phone goes off and I grab it to see a text message from Mikey, saying he was gonna be alittle late because he slept in. I sigh and look out the window. The bus finally gets to school. "So kitten, what's your name?" The boy asks. "Don't worry about it." I say and get off the bus, following Morgan. She smirks, "he's totally into you" I roll my eyes, "I have a boyfriend." I say and walk off to my locker.

***4th class***

I slowly walk into 4th period right when the bell rings for class to start. The teacher glances at me but doesn't say anything. I see Mikey sitting across the room and he smiles at me. I walk over to my seat that was close to Mikey and guess who was sitting there, the boy. I sigh and look at the boy. "Hey kitten" he says looking up at me smirking. "Your in my seat." I say annoyed. He smiles and looks around. "If I get up then there's no seats for me to sit at." He says. I shrug, "not my problem, now get up" I say getting aggravated. "Nah" he replies. Mikey then stands up and walks over to us. The teacher looks up at us and says, "sit down everyone" and then looks back at her computer. People start staring. "Just get out of her seat dude." Mikey says and the boy looks at Mikey. "And who exactly are you?" The boy says. "Her boyfriend." Mikey says and the boy raises an eyebrow. "Seriously?" He says. "You two, dating?" He says in disbelief. I nod slowly furrowing my eyebrows. "Why is that shocking to you?" I ask and he glances at me then to Mikey, "I could've sworn that he's been making out with this girl, I think her name's Maggie, she's in my 5th period class, for the past week." The boy says. He's lying, trying to get attention. "W-what?" I say in disbelief. "Babe, don't believe him, you know I would never cheat on you" Mikey says biting his lip. Is he nervous?

I stare at him. I widen my eyes. "You cheated on me?" I ask, my voice cracking. "No. I didn't. Nicole you know I wouldn't." Mikey says taking a step towards me. I step back. "I don't believe you though." I say and look at him.

I run out of the classroom slamming the door behind me. I run down the hallway so no one would be able to notice me. I then start walking slowly around the school as tears run down my face. Did he cheat on me? He didn't seem angry. He kinda stiffened when that boy said that. Is that why he's been leaving me around the same time.. to go see Maggie?

I then hear "LD5" over the intercom (speaker around school) which was a codeword for an intruder in the building, which 5 was the highest. I widen my eyes and stop walking. I look for the nearest bathroom or classroom. I couldn't find one until my mouth was covered and I was drug into a dark room. IM FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW INSIDE. I try to break away from the person holding me hostage and the person finally moves his hand away from my mouth and I try to scream. He quickly covers my mouth again and I hear the door close and lock. I try elbowing the person holding me but the person wasn't phased from it. I sigh quietly and I hear "it's just me kitten, I got you, your safe with me" the boy says. It was dark until the lights flicker on. We were in the girls bathroom. He let's go off me and I spin away from him, looking at him. He looks down at me since he was about 3 inches taller than me. "Why'd you save me?" I whispers and he smiles, "as a sorry gift for telling you about your boyfriend cheating on you.." he says. "So it was fake?" I ask biting my lip nervously. "No, I'm sorry." He says and I look down. I hear footsteps outside of the bathroom and move closer to the boy. He smirks at me and I roll my eyes. I hear a gunshot and jump back. "Come out, come out where ever you are." I hear someone yell angrily. "It'll be okay" I hear the boy whisper. I look down. "What's your name?" I whisper. "Damon." He says quietly and smiles, "what's yours kitten?" Damon asks. "Nicole." I reply.

Someone starts banging on the bathroom door and I move far away from the door, and to the corner. Damon moves more away from the door and looks at me. I then hear another gunshot and the bathroom door slams open. I widen my eyes and look at damon. He widens his eyes and runs over to me quietly somehow and pushes me into one of the stalls and goes into the stall with me as well. The stall was small so I was close to Damon. He still smelled good from when we were on the bus. I heard someone walk in and I look at Damon. He realized I was about to start crying and covered my mouth quickly. He softly pushed me against the wall and stared down at me. "C'mon. No one's in here." I hear a deep voice say and the bathroom door slammed closed. Damon let's out a breathe, he releases his hand away from mouth and I hug him tightly. He hugs back tightly. He loosens his grip around me and I lay my head on his chest. "We need to stay quiet, there still in the building which means they could always come back and look" Damon says and i nod, I was shaking by now. "I'll protect you" he says but that triggered something in me


"Please. Let me protect you." He says unexpectedly. I look up, and see him already staring at me. "You cant protect me. Mikey." I say. He shakes his head, "let me prove it then," he says determined.

End of flashback

I was lied to. He didn't protect me. He hurt me. I believed him, and this is what I get in return.

"Nicole?" Damon asks and i look at him. Whoops dazed out. "Are you okay?" He asks. Of course not. "Yeah." I say not wanting to tell him I wasn't upset and open up to him, just like I did to Mikey. Thank God I didn't tell him the full story.

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