C H A P T E R; 14

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I've updated 2 days in a row, I know the chapter isn't good but it'll get better soon I promise! Leave your feedback on the chapter so I know if im doing good or not lol 💞💞


Mikeys POV

She ran out. Her face was white as if she saw a ghost. Did I do something? I fucked everything up..like always. Now how am I going to fix this?

I lay back on my bed and see her phone. Should I go give it to her? I grab it and pushed the power button but there was a passcode. Hmm, I guess a couple times and then realized I could just hack into it. I hack into it and it works. (Like the Siri thing) and she received a message from 'jake'. I open to be shocked. The messages read:

Hey princess

Why aren't you responding?

You know what happens when I get angry...

Nicole, answer omfg


fine I'll just get Derek (;


Calling Derek right now

See you later princess (;

I know your hanging out with that Mikey guy

He has something coming for him too if you don't stay away from him!

I continued reading them. Jake was Nicole's ex boyfriend.. I close her phone and put it in my pocket. I walk outside and walk towards her house. I knock on the door and Morgan answers it. "Need to talk to Nicole? She's upstairs" Morgan says. "Uh no, um she left her phone over my house.." I say and hand her my phone. "Mikey, go give it to her." Morgan States and smirks. I sigh and walk past her and go upstairs. I go to the door which was shut and hear her singing "You've got a hold of me
Don't even know your power
I stand a hundred feet
But I fall when I'm around you

Show me an open door
Then you go and slam it on me
I can't take anymore
I'm saying baby

Please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart"

I smile at her voice. It was so good. I wonder who the song was to. I slowly open the door and she stops singing. "Uh you left your phone at my house.." I say and hand her, her phone. "Uh, thanks." She says stuttering. "Look im sorry for kissing you, I know it probably didnt mean anything to you..." I say, "yeah it didn't.." she replies harshly. I felt my heart sting. "Okay then uh bye.." I reply and walk out. Whyd she kiss back then?


"What do you wanna do?" I ask Bryce. "Ermm go swimming outback?" He replies and i nod. "Yeah, let me go get my bikini and you go to your house and change." I say and he nods. I get up as he does too and walk upstairs whole he walks to his house. I go to my room and change into a cute black and red bikini. I grab my phone and walk out of my room and decide to go see what was up with Nicole since Bryce wasn't back yet.

I knock on her door then walk in to see her listening to music. I sit next to her and smile. "Hey" i say and she smiles back "what's up" she replies and sits up. "I need to tell you something but don't freak out okay?" Nicole says. "Uh okay, ill try not to" I say confused. She sighs and looks down, "Nic-" I start but she cuts me off "-i kissed Mikey.." I stared at her not believing what she just said. "Seriously?!?!" I yell jumping up and down. "But there's a couple problems.. Jake" she starts and i stop jumping "he can go fuck off" I say and she shakes her head and grabs her phone "he texted me saying to stay away from mikey or he'll hurt him so when mikey came over he said something about the kiss and said i probably didnt like it which is not true I did like it, I actually loved it, but I told him that I didn't like it harshly..and i regret it but I can't be the one that gets him hurt.." Nicole says. "He's strong" I say. "But you know what Jake can do.." Nicole whispers. "What are you going to do?" I ask looking at her. "I have to stay away from him, I can't let him get hurt." Nicole says. "Are you sure about this?" I ask. She doesn't respond for a couple seconds, "it's for the best" Nicole says. "Okay, hopefully Jake leaves soon or ill fight him. Also if you need me I'll be outback swimming. Love ya" i say and hug her. I walk downstairs to see Bryce on his phone. "Sorry" I say and laugh. "It's Gucci" he replies and stands up. "I'll leave my phone here" Bryce says and sits his phone on the counter in the living room and I nod. "Im gonna go live on younow later" I say and he smiles and nods, "can I join?" He asks and I nod, "of course" we walk outside and he picks me. "Boi put me down" I say and he laughs "nah" he replies. He runs to the deep end and jumps in while holding me. I scream and go underwater. I rise back up and Bryce was laughing. I splash water in his face and he does it back.

Nicole's POV

I slowly walk downstairs and look through a window to the backyard and see Bryce and Morgan playing in the water. Goals. I go to the living room and see Bryce's phone. I got an idea.. I slowly grab it and unlock it. I go to mikeys contact and text him

"Hey mikey, do you like Nicole?😏"

"Uh I already told you earlier smart one 😶" mikey responded

Hmm... "I forgot lol" I texted him

"No, I do not" mikey replied and i closed his phone. Well there's my answer..

Bryce's phone then light up but I heard the backdoor slide open so I ran upstairs leaving his phone on the table.

I thought he would like me..guess not.


I get a text from Bryce which was kinda weird because he asked me if I liked Nicole, which i already told him the answer so it was weird he would ask again but then I realized it probably was Morgan so I lied and said i didn't. Why should i tell people when she doesn't even like me back..

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