C H A P T E R; 21

385 4 8

Nicole's POV

I feel so sick ugh. I miss Mikey though. He's probably really bored in class without me.

I get up out of my comfy bed, grab my phone, and walk downstairs. I hear a knock on the door and sigh. Who would be knocking on my door at this time?

I walk to the door and look through the peep hole. No one was there?

I open the door slowly to see a small box on the doorstep. I look around to see if I see anyone, but see no one. I bend down and grab the small box and walk inside shutting the door with my foot. I walk to the kitchen and sit the box on the table. I slowly open it, to see a picture of Morgan and Jake all over eachother. I bite my lip hard out of anger. Who the fuck would send me this?!

I grab my phone and dial his number. He most likely isn't in school if he gave me the little present. He answers tiredly "hello?" He asks. "Are you kidding me? Why would you send me this?" I ask raising my voice. "Dude calm down, what? I didn't send you anything." Jake says annoyed. "Whatever" I say and hang up. I stare at the picture and look away towards the window and see a black figure, I couldn't really put out what it was, because my vision was getting blurry, here comes the tears.






All the things that ran through my head when I caught Jake and Morgan making out. MORGAN the girl I trusted with my life..

Decides to have my boyfriend cheat on me with her.


I sigh and grab the picture out of the box and put it in my back pocket. I throw the box away and walk back to my room thinking about the scenes that had happened when I found out about their little makeout session.


"Babe, why aren't you answering my text messages?" Jake asks me through the phone. "Because, I already told you I don't want to ever fucking see you again. I hate you Jake." I say angery. He won't stop fucking calling me. "Babe-" Jake starts but I cut him off "-Stop. You can't call me babe anymore." I say harshly and the line goes quiet. I hear something break loudly over the phone and jump alittle. I bite my lip nervously. "Jake.." I say slowly and he doesn't respond. "You need to calm down." I say. "No, I fucking don't. This is all your fault." He says and I hear something break again. "But..You'll regret leaving me. Just watch." He says breathing heavily. "What?" I ask. He really isn't blaming this on me! I hear something else break and then the line went dead. He broke his phone.

I sigh and lay on my bed, memories, not good ones either. I hear my phone go off and groan loudly. I grab my phone and see the caller ID 'unknown'. I swear if this is a prank call.

I answer it and put the phone up to my ear. "Hello?" I ask kinda annoyed. "Did you like my little present?" I hear a weird voice that was deep and sounded like it was from a voice recorder. Wait. No.

It can't be him. He can't be back. I thought he stopped. My breath hitches and I stand up "Is this who I think it is.." I ask slowly. The caller starts laughing. Yep it's him.

"Surprise." I hear the caller say and i sigh. "Why don't you stop, I moved to get away from all the bad things that have happened in the past..Don't you get that?" I say and he chuckles sounding cold. "But Nicky, I came to remind you about the past, I made a mistake but I'll fix it" he says. "No." I reply coldly. "No?" He asks taken back. "Yeah. No. And that little picture doesn't mean anything to me anymore. The past is the past, stop trying to bring it up." I say and was about to hang up when he says something that made me freeze. "But the past is rising again, there's stuff you don't know, your too blind to realize it, you are the problem here, with all your stupid new friends that you are replacing now, isn't gonna last long. But all this, is gonna end with you." He says and hangs up.

Bryce's POV

"Dude you really need to stop staring at Leanne." I tell Mikey. He rolls his eyes and smirks, "but I want to, don't worry about what I do. Okay?" He replies. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "Don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask and he smiles. "Yeah," he says and I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head. "Your unbelievable." I say and he smiles wider. "I know, but I do really like Nicole, but I also like fucking Maggie, and now there's another person I can get with, if things don't go good with Nicole, so it's a win, win situation." He says. I knew Mikey was always a fuckboy but damn, was he good at this fuckboy shit. Me on the other hand just was with Maggie, while having Cat bugging me in class. I decide to not reply and doodle in my notebook.

**After school**

Mikeys POV

"Hey babe" I say hugging Nicole. I decided to come over to her house and see how she was feeling. She hugs back smiling. "Better I guess" she replies releasing from the hug. "Good" I say and sit on her couch. I hear the door open and look up to see Morgan walk through. "Hey Nicole and Mikey" she says and walks to the kitchen. Mikey waves and I smile, "heyo"

"So whatcha wanna do?" I ask. "Well um, I'm kinda busy, I just wanted to come over and see if you were alright." Mikey says. "Oh" I reply and bite my lip out of habit. "Well I'll text you later," he says and stands up. I look at him and nod. "Okay" I said and he kisses my cheek and leaves. Seemed weird but all well I guess. I decide to take a nap and walk to my room. I see a U-Haul truck 2 houses down across from my house and walk closer to the window. I look out of it and see a couple people moving stuff. I raise an eyebrow and see a guy that looked around my age. His muscles were flexing from him carrying most likely heavy boxes into their house. New neibors, fun. He was cute though. I should go say hi, but a nap seems better. I only have to walk 3 steps to get to my bed then lay on my bed and fall easily asleep. Instead of getting better clothes on than a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Then do my hair and makeup. Yeah no.  I decide a nap is better and lay down.

Leanne's POV

"Damon! Why are your boxes in my room??" I ask annoyed picking up his boxes and shoving them out of my room. Stupid ass.

I sigh and sit on my King sized bed. A new change. I can finally persue my career as a journalist. I've been really interested in the murder with Jessica from the school I've just started going to which I can't remember.. it was weird how she died, like a puzzle. I needed to find out.

I decide that I wanted to get a job at the mall and grab my car keys and walk outside. Yay applicationes, feels like highschool all over again, yanno with trying to get into a specific school or program. Yeah whatever your probably confused.

I get in my car and go to gps to find the nearest mall. I found one that was 10 minutes away from me and drive there. I park in the not so packed mall and get out. I walk into the mall and decide to see if Hot Topic had any opening jobs. I walk inside Hot Topic. Smells like teen spirit.. I'll stop. I walk to the register and a girl with black hair and an eyebrow piercing looks at me and smiles. "How can I help you?" She asks. "Um, I wanted to know if there was any opening jobs here, and if yes, can I get an application?" I say in one breathe. "Um sure, let me see if my friend will go get it because she knows where they are. Nicole?!" She says and then turns to the back of the store and yells a girl's name. I wait patiently and glance at the time on my phone. 4:26pm.

"She just called in, she's sick." I hear someone say and the girl sighs. "I'm sorry, can you give me a minute to try and see if there is any openings?" The worker says and i nod. She goes on the computer, guessing to see if there's any openings. She smiles and then walks to the back room. She soon comes back out with a packet. "here's the application, we have some openings for register, when you finish the packet, bring it back and say Abigail gave it to you." The worker says and I smile, "okay, thanks" I say and take the packet, I walk out of Hot Topic and walk out of the mall. I get in my car and drive back to the new house, that I do not call home. Never will.

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