C H A P T E R; 27

357 6 5

Morgan's POV

All that's been going around in school is Maggie's death and who killed her. Mikey thinks it was Nicole but it wasn't her. She's not capable of doing something like that.

I walk to my locker and put my books in it. I close it and turn around to see Bryce. "Hey babe" he says and kisses me. I kiss back, "hey" I say and smile. He wraps an arm around my waist and we walk towards the buses. "So I was thinking we do something later on tonight?" Bryce asks and I smile, "yeah" I reply and he smiles. We get on the bus and sit in the very back.

"So where are we going?" I ask and Bryce smirks, "surprise" I roll my eyes "fun" I mumble and he laughs. "But dress casual and comfy" he says and i nod. "Alright"

Nicole comes to the back and sits across from us. "Hey" I say and Nicole smiles, "hey" "you good?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah, people just being aggravating." She replies. I nod and go on my phone. Damon comes onto the bus and sits next to Nicole.

Mikey then gets on the bus and sits in front of my seat. Leanne then comes on and sits Infront of Nicole. "Hey" I say to Leanne and she smiles, "hi" she replies. Leanne glances at Bryce then looks away.

I go on my phone until Derek decided to sit next to Mikey. "Hey dude" Mikey says to Derek. Seriously? I wasn't gonna have this. "Um execute yourself. Move. Now." I say looking at Derek. Bryce looks from me to Derek. "He's aloud to sit next to me. So fuck off." Mikey sneers. "Dude don't fucking talk to her like that. I don't think you know who your actually talking to. " Bryce states standing up. Mikey rolls his eyes. "I'm supposed to be scared of you?" Mikey asks looking Bryce up and down smirking. "What the fuck happened to you? Ever since you started dating Maggie, you became this asshole." Bryce says and Mikey laughs. "Maggie changed me for the better." Mikey says and turns around and sits down. Bryce rolls his eyes and sits back down. "Watch out he'll hit you Morgan, he's already hit Nicole." Leanne says and Mikey laughs hard. What the actual fuck?

Damons head snaps over fast towards leanne. "What did you just say?" He asks Leanne. "Mikey hit Nicole?" He asks again. Mikey smirks and looks over at Damon.

Oh no

"I hit Nicole." Mikey states. Derek laughs. "Someone's getting mad." Derek says smirking. Damon clenches him jaw, his hands were in fists and his veins were starting to pop out. "Damon.." Leanne starts but Damon glares at her. She sighs and sits back. "I'm gonna fucking kick your ass" Damon says. Nicole then puts her hand on Damons shoulder. Damon unclenched his fists and sits back. "Pussy" Mikey says and Damon stands up and punches him in the face, most likely leaving a black eye.

"Don't fucking test me" Damon says and Mikey holds his nose as it starts bleeding. Holy shit.

People start "oo'ing" and Damon smirks and sits back in his seat.

Mikey sits back down and doesn't say anything but I know he's tempted to do something but decides not to right now, on the crowded bus.


I get off the bus lastly, Nicole and Leanne were talking in front of me. Damon was beside Leanne trying to calm down. Something was up, probably anger issues.

I then get a phone call from an unknown number. I answer it and slowly put it up to my ear. "Hello?" I say and hear a weird, creepy laugh. I look around still walking. "Hi, Morgan" The caller says in a creepy voice. "Who is this?" I ask. "I wish I could tell you, but wouldn't that ruin the game?" The caller says and i furrow my eyebrows. "Um..Okay..What do you want" I ask. "To refresh your memory" the caller says and I stiffen up a bit and walk into the house. "I'll be upstairs" I say to Nicole and walk to my room and shut the door. "There's nothing to refresh?" I say into the phone and he caller starts laughing. "I know your whole past. What you did to Nicole, everything you did to Nicole. You try to act like the innocent one and say Nicole is a crybaby. She trusted you. And what did you do? You went for the other one." The caller says. "Who is this? Seriously I'm not playing games. How do you know about all this?" I say as chills go down my body. "I'm underneathe your skin, Morgan." The caller says and laughs again. "Fuck off." I say and hang up.


"Morgan why would you do this?" Nicole says looking at me with tears in her eyes. "You said neither of us would get him. We agreed on that." Nicole raises her voice. "I'm sorry" I whisper and she shakes her head and steps back. "Your not sorry. You did this only thinking about yourself. You don't care about anyone elses feelings. I should've never even let you meet him. You knew I liked him." Nicole says. "I love him, okay?" I say and she starts laughing as tears fall down her cheeks. "Oh okay, then I guess I'll back off, even know I had him ..First. yeah, I'm gonna be the better person here. You fucking bitch." Nicole says. I don't respond, deciding it's best if I don't say anything. Maybe I should let her have him, but no, I won't. He's mine.

End of flashback

I should've let her have him. I fucked up and don't see how she could even forgive me for taking both of them away from her. But Jake got me drunk, or that's what I have to say. No one can find out what actually happened.

I stand up and walk downstairs. I see Nicole have her uniform on go go to work. She works at Hot Topic. "I gotta go, see you later" Nicole says and walks out the door.

I sigh and my phone goes off. I grab it from my pocket and see I got a text message from Bryce. "Hey, gotta cancel on the date. I'm sorry, something came up." It read.


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