C H A P T E R; 20

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I walk downstairs grabbing my backpack and text Nicole to meet me outside, I was going to drive her to school today. "Hey, i feel really bad, plus my stomach hurts alot. Imma stay home today :/" Nicole texts me and I frown, so much for taking her to school..

I walk outside and get my car then drive to school. School is hell. I park in the crowded parking lot and get out. Maggie sees me walking towards the school and walks towards me. "Mikey babe" she says hugging me. "If we're gonna be friends with benefits, then we can't be acting like a couple.. plus I'm going out with Nicole..I can't let you ruin that" I say and she sighs and let's go of me, "Whatever." And grabs my hand. I roll my eyes and walk into the school. "Let go" I state and she slowly let's go of my hand smirking. I walk to my locker as she trails behind me. I open my locker and she leans against the one beside me, "babee" Maggie says and i roll my eyes, "Yes?" I ask and she smiles, "Love you" she says and I sigh. "Yep" I say.

Bryce, Wes, and Andrew came up to me and started laughing. "What up" Bryce says to me and I nod, they don't acknowledge Maggie so she gets mad and sighs overreacting.

I glance at Maggie raising an eyebrow then look back to my friends, who were dazed out, I snapped my fingers and they still didn't do anything but look down the school hallway filled with kids. "What're you guys staring at?" I ask and Andrew says "Her." I move Infront of Maggie and try to find what their looking at and see a girl. She had black skinny jeans on and a Bring Me The Horizon crop top, and boots on. Her hair was perfectly wavy, like the kind you see in movies, but in real life. She has black and purple hair, she asking has snake bites. She looked annoyed though. I would be too, if people were staring at me.

"Is she new?" I ask and Bryce turns his head to look at me, "Don't know." He says and I raise an eyebrow, "aren't you dating Morgan?" I ask and he rolls his eyes, "Aren't you dating Nicole?" Bryce shoots back and I bite my lip and don't reply.

"I heard her name's Debbie." Wes says. "Your an idiot, her name's Leanne." Andrew says and laughs. I raise an eyebrow, "how'd you know that?" I ask and he smirks, "research"

Leanne starts to walk past us and Andrew decided to speak up, "Nice shirt."

She smiles and replies, "I know, that's why I bought it." And smirks. Wes starts laughing and Andrew hits the back of his head. "You just caught an L" Wes says and I start laughing. I didn't realize I was staring at her until Maggie hit my shoulder. "Ow!" I say and move away from her. "You really are a fuckboy..I still wanna be friends with benefits though" Maggie says, coming closer to my ear when saying the last part so my friends don't hear. She smirks and walks away.

Leanne's POV

I walk down the crowded hell hole and try to find my first period class. Everyone started clearing out of the halls glancing at me.

I was now in the empty hallway. I groan and walk the other way. So much for making friends am I right?

I walk down to a door and read it '156' nope. I need '169'. I walk down the hallway more. This school didn't look too bad. The hallways are somewhat clean besides the students trash, and the smell of gross students.

"Lele!" I hear someone familiar call out in a deep voice. Oh no.

I turn around slowly to see my Brother. "What" I ask annoyed, "can't you see I'm trying to find my class?" I add and sigh looking at him, waiting for him to speak. "Well first off, what the hell are you wearing" he says pointing at me. I roll my eyes, "Clothes" I reply. "Your 'shirt' looks like a bra." He says motioning his fingers into a quotation mark when saying shirt. I sigh and lean back on the lockers. This'll be long.

"If your gonna be asking questions, then why were you late?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Didn't wanna come." He says shrugs. I sigh and start walking again. "See you later Lele" My brother calls out. Such a pain in the ass I swear.. "Bye Damon" I call out not turning around.

I finally find the classroom and slowly open the door and walk in, of course all heads snapped to me. Litterly..

I walk up to the teacher and she raises an eyebrow at me, "Late. Ms...Oh. new student, Leanne, am I right?" The teacher asks and I nod slowly. "Awesome. Just find a somewhere to sit" the teacher says and looks at her computer. I look around as the students look at me. I roll my eyes and sit in the middle. A guy that had black hair, and a string of red in his hair, with a sharp jawline leaned over to me. "Hey, I'm Jake, you must be..?" Jake says and looks at me. "Leanne." I say and smile. "I like that name Leanne, so much cooler than the names Morgan or Nicole" he says and I laugh alittle. "I guess" I say and shrug. He smiles and sits back in his chair. I look at the board that the teacher was now writing on see her name was on it. Ms. Olis.

Weird name..I grab my backpack and take my phone out of it and go onto it while it's under the desk. I hear a coughing noise and look up.

"Give me your phone." Ms. Olis says staring down at me while her hand is extended downwards to me. "Um, I'm good" I say and put my phone in my back pocket. "Detention." Ms. Olis says and walks away clicking her heels that looked like they were made in 1926.

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