C H A P T E R; 19

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Nicole's POV

"Wanna hang out?" Jake texts me. I think for a second, do I want to hangout with him? He might pull something. He has been hanging out with Derek, Derek most likely told him about Mikey finding out so now he wants to get back at me. I sit my phone on my bed and walk downstairs to see Bryce and Morgan watching a movie. "What's up lovers" I say and Morgan blushes. "Watching a movie that your inturupting" Morgan replies. "Ouch" I say and walk into the kitchen. I grab a monster energy drink and walk outside through the back door. I sit on the stairs and look around. It was chilly, but peaceful. I start to remember my past and get lost in my mind.

"Hey Jake" I say and walk into his house. We walk into each others houses alot out of habit. No respond. I slowly shut the door and walk into the living room, but no sign of him.

"Jake?" I say again walking up the stairs. I hear silence, weird. I walk to his room and his door was closed. I quietly open it and look inside. Nothing.

I furrow my eyebrows but walk out of his room. I walk downstairs and hear a squeak. I follow where I heard the sound and it was from downstairs. I slowly open the door and walk down the steps. I step onto the maroon carpet and look at the scene In front of me. Jake was ontop of Morgan making out with her. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I couldn't breathe. Jake looks up and widens his eyes. "Babe, it's not what it looks like!" Jake says getting off of Morgan and walking towards me. "No, stop! You were my bestfriend! How could you?" I yell at Morgan and she almost falls. "You're drunk." I say looking at her as my eyes trail to Jake. "You got her drunk? Wow. Is that why you've been ignoring my messages? Because you wanted to get laid." I shake my head and Jake walks closer to me. "Stop" I say my voice cracking and put my hand out. He stops and stares at me. "I don't know who you are anymore" I say staring at Morgan. "We can handle this" Jake says and i shake my head. "No, how many chances have I given you? Huh? So many, I'm tired of this." I say. "What're you trying to say?" Jake asks. "We're through." I say looking him dead in the eye and run upstairs. I start crying harder and walk out of his front door slamming it shut.

I shake my head and put my hands on my head. Jake cheated on me.. alot, and me being my dumb self fell for him, but not anymore. I'm done with him. He could bleed to death and I would watch. Your probably thinking well that's harsh but Jake paid Derek to rape me. Also to do it again if Derek wanted to. Like I was some rag doll. News flash, I'm NOT.

I hear a knock on the front door and realized it was probably Mikey, I walk to the door and open it to see Chris?

"What do you want?" I ask my breath unsteady. He smirks and walks closer to me. I stay still, not going to show him I'm weak. "You know what I want" Chris says smoothly. I roll my eyes, "Welp she's not here so I guess you won't be seeing her" I say and try shutting the door but his foot blocks it. "What?" I ask annoyed. "You know what nevermind..See you later, Nicky" Chris replies still having that smug smirk on his face. "My name's not Nicky." I say and shut the door. I lock it to make sure he doesn't sneak in even know he could try the windows but thats too much work to do.

My phone goes off and I walk back into the living room. I grab my phone and read the message, "You'll never know it hit you" what.. what did Jake mean by that? I calmly put my phone down, and hear another knock on the door. I groan and walk back to the door and open it. "Wh-hey" I stop myself mid sentence realizing it wasn't Chris and was Mikey. He smiles and walks in, "hey babe" he replies. I shut the door and he turns to me. "I was wondering...If you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He asks and looks down. I blush and think for a second but nod, "yes" I say and he smiles big and looks at me. "Thank God" he says and lets out a breath. I smile big and kiss him. He kisses back wrapping his arms around me and I pull back. "Wanna watch a movie?" Mikey asks and I nod. "In my room" I say and walk to my room. He follows me and I jump onto my bed. He sits next to me and I smile.

Maggie's POV

I walk outside to my backyard and throw my towel on a chair. I was wearing my favorite bikini which was a maroon color. I put my phone on the table and sit on the edge of the hot tub, my feet dipping in. I close my eyes and fully get into the hot tub. That was until my phone decides to go, but ignore it. I can just call back later.

But my phone doesn't stop ringing. I roll my eyes and groan. "Jesus" I mumble and get out of the hot tub. I dry my hands then grab my phone, I look at the caller ID to see 'unknown'. I swear if this is a prank call..

I decide to answer it and put it up to my ear, moving my somewhat wet hair away from the phone. "What?" I ask annoyed. The line stays quiet. I roll my eyes and walk back towards the hot tub. "Look if this is a prank call then find someone else because I'm kinda busy." I say highly annoyed now. If you couldn't tell I get annoyed alot.

"Well if it isn't Maggie the Magget" the caller says in a weird voice. Deep. But weird..

"Excuse me?" I say. The caller starts laughing, "Maggie, the magget" the caller repeats itself. "I don't have time for this" I say and was about to hit the end button on my phone but the caller started talking again. "I wouldnt do that if I were you Maggie" "Why not? What're you gonna do?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "I don't think you know what I'm capable of, Maggie, I could be hiding behind a tree with a butcher knife, ready to kill you. You wouldn't know. So don't test me." The caller says in the same voice but angrier. "And if I do test you?" I ask, the caller chuckles. "You'll have to do it to find out." The caller says and hangs up.

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