I Still Love You.

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I still love you.

I gripped the note in my hands trying my best to stop them from shaking. My heart beat wildly in my chest as I struggled for breath.  After everything this was not what I expected to come through my door.

I was woken by the rattling of my letterbox early on a Sunday morning.  My first thought was the mailman but it was Sunday, no mail on a Sunday.  I glanced at the clock noticing it had only just gone 7:30. Who the hell makes a delivery at 7:30 on a Sunday morning?!

Curiosity won out over my laziness, knowing that sleep would not be in my near future.
I slipped into a pair of sweats before making my way down the hall. Through heavy eyes I spotted the culprit that interrupted my debut performance with Rihanna. Ah, a girl can dream.  An unassuming  white envelope lay on my doormat like it didn't hold the 4 words I had been longing to hear for months.


"We can't go on like this! All we ever do is fight!" Scott yelled running his fingers angrily though his blonde hair.

" All couples fight, Scott! It's normal, it's healthy!" I argued back. Fighting was normal, it happened to everyone, that was no reason to end a year long relationship.

"Not like this, Mitch and you know it. This isn't normal. When we're screaming at each other more than we do just talking, that's a problem."

"We talk. We talk all the time." I weakly protested, not even believing myself. It was true, anytime we tried to have a conversation it turned into a yelling match. At this point I didn't even what we were fighting about half the time.

It often started with something trivial like not unloading the dishwasher but quickly evolved into something much more heated.

"You don't trust me. That's what this always comes back to. I can't do anything or go anywhere without you calling twenty times to check up on me..." Scott sounded defeated, like he had truly given up and that scared me.  I opened my mouth to defend myself but I was quickly cut off as blue eyes bore into mine with more anger than I had seen this far.  "And don't you dare try to deny it because we both know exactly that's what this is. And I just don't know what to do to fix it anymore."

"So that's it? You're just giving up? It gets a little hard and you're willing to throw the towel in? Do I not mean more to you?!" My voice started getting louder and louder as it was finally starting to sink in. This was happening.  But it couldn't be, I loved him so much. He can't do this.

I hadn't realised I was crying until I felt all too familiar hands cupping my face to gently wipe away my tears. I looked up at the man I loved and saw the hurt and exhaustion clouding my favourite shade of blue.

"I can be better! I'll stop calling, I'll stop texting! I trust you, I promise!" I switched tactics as my final desperate plea to make him stay.

His fingers stilled on my face but his hands didn't move. I brought my own hands up to wrap around his wrists scared for the contact to end. "I've heard this all before, Mitch and it's just hard now.  I'm fed up.  I can't even see my friends without coming home and getting the 3rd degree. Something needs to change and at this point, I think I need to be the one to do it."

I broke down.  I completely lost it because I could see in his eyes that this was it.  He wasn't going to change his mind.  Nothing I could do or say would make him stay.
I found myself buried in his chest as his arms came to wrap around my waist.  I had always felt safe being held in his strong arms, it was where I went for comfort but right now, it only made things worse because soon this wouldn't be my spot anymore.

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